Can TMJ Be Permanently Cured? Causes and How to Cure!

Can TMJ Be Permanently Cured

How to cure TMJ disorder permanently? Do you feel sick because you have severe jaw pain? Don’t worry, there are plenty of people suffering from the same thing out there. But what we have to think about now is how to treat this unbearable jaw pain. This is very excruciating, if you suspect this is due to a TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorder, then there is no way unless you have to know how to cure this TMJ.

In our face there is a joint called the temporomandibular joint. These joints are responsible for muscle movement in the face. Whenever a face moves, these joints play a role there. When you smile, especially when chewing, of course these joints will move. The TMJ is the joint that connects the lower jaw to our skull. Usually, we refer to that jaw as the temporal bone and it is located right in front of the ear. Well, if this joint does not work, then there is a problem called TMJ disorder.

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The most obvious sign of TMJ is if when you chew or smile you feel pain in the bone under your temples. Ok, let’s find out more clearly about what TMJ is, and how to cure it and can TMJ be cured permanently? Let’s explore further!

What is TMJ?

As already explained, the TMJ is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. This joint is also known as the temporal bone, and is located in front of the ear. One of the roles of the TMJ joint is to regulate facial muscles when chewing or smiling. Sometimes we experience discomfort in the temporomandibular syndrome joint so that we experience pain and pain when the muscles in the face move.

Among the health problems that are believed to be related to TMJ disorders are headaches, neck pain, or pain in the ear. This joint is located on the side of the jaw and regulates when we open or close our mouth. This jaw regulates the movement of our mouth either right, left, back and forth or up and down.

If this movement system does not work properly, it is called a TMJ disorder. Of course, you we will feel pain, pain, discomfort, and can interfere with our various activities related to the mouth.

However, you do not worry, this is a disorder that often occurs as stated by the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, where they mention that TMJ disorders are the most common and this has occurred in about 10 million Americans.

So, what are the causes of TMJ syndrome? Let’s look in more detail below.

Causes of TMJ Syndrome

There are many factors that cause TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint disorders. These include jaw injuries, poor oral habits, wear and tear due to aging, and so on. So, to be able to find a cure and how to treat TMJ, we must first understand the cause. Here are some possible causes of the TMJ or temporomandibular joint, including:

  1. TMJ can be caused by physical injury
  2. The TMJ, like any other joint, is often inflamed, and can cause discomfort when moving the mouth or facial muscles.
  3. The condition of grinding teeth can also cause the TMJ or clenching during sleep.
  4. TMJ can be caused by a variety of medical and dental procedures.

Those are some of the causes of disorders of the joints that connect the skull and jaw. So how to cure it, can TMJ be cured permanently?

How To Cure TMJ Permanently

Yes, we can cure this jaw joint disorder permanently and return to feeling comfortable when chewing or smiling. Let’s look at the following ways to treat TMJ disorders.

1. Custom-made splints

One way to treat TMJ is to use a special splint that is placed over your upper or lower teeth. This splint will prevent you from grinding your teeth and clenching your teeth. You could say that a splint is a cushion over your teeth. So, it’s enough to just install it over the lower teeth or on the upper teeth, there’s no need to put a splint on both parts of the tooth.

Using a splint like this will give the temporomandibular joint or TMJ a break and this can allow you to heal quickly from the TMJ.

Now, when the pain or pain subsides, you don’t remove the splint right away, but try using a splint for up to two or three days of treatment. In addition, live a soft diet by consuming soft foods and temporarily avoiding hard foods so as not to cause tension in the temporomandibular joint.

2. Physical therapy

Then there is also a way to treat TMJ with physical therapy methods. This therapy is done by moving certain joints, such as folding the chin, sticking out the tongue, holding the closing motion, moving the jaw forward, and these are just some simple exercises. However, this should be done under the supervision of a physical therapist.

In addition, there is also a type of TMJ treatment using acupuncture. If you want to take this exercise for permanent TMJ treatment, you are advised to consult a physiotherapist first. Remember! If you do it wrong it can make your condition worse instead of curing it. So, in this case, the guidance of a physiotherapist is needed. Read also the difference between a physiotherapist and a physical therapist.

3. Surgery

In addition to healing the TMJ permanently by using dental pads, and physical therapy, there is a last option that is only done if the two methods above do not work. This is a treatment with a surgical system.

Surgery on the jaw or temporomandibular joint is not recommended unless other methods cannot reduce and cure it. TMJ surgery in medical terms is called arthroscopy and it requires proper placement of the joint.

Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

In having surgery to treat TMJ disorders, electrical nerve stimulation may be needed to treat pain, and this is done with a mild electric shock.

Current is inserted in the inflamed jaw area, of course what is used is a light / low current and is passed through the nerves.

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If you have TMJ or temporomandibular joint disorders, don’t ignore it. If you don’t treat it, it can lead to a condition that can no longer be treated in the future.

A simple way to cure TMJ permanently in the beginning of feeling pain is to try to be calm, minimize jaw movement, not eat hard foods that require strong chewing and get plenty of rest to keep you from talking a lot or moving your mouth and jaw a lot.

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