Color psychology and Its Meaning

Color psychology

Color psychology – Color not only makes the atmosphere beautiful and interesting but more than that. The influence of color is so extraordinary that even Darwis Triadi once said in his book “Color Vision”, that “with colors we can create a calmer and more comfortable atmosphere”.

Color also does the opposite, which can create violence and chaos. This means color psychology. The psychology of color is the relationship between color and humans, so that color has a lot of influence on human life. In fact, many researchers are looking for the relationship between humans and color, especially on the psychological side.

Color is quite influential in a logo or symbol in a company, restaurant, organizational symbol or on company and hospital logos. There are even color experts and experts who can determine what colors are suitable for an organization working here, what colors are suitable for a restaurant company logo and what colors are combined with. In short, color has influenced many facets of human life. So, feeling it is important for us to know about these colors, here we take a look at what colors mean!

What Does Color Mean

Speaking of color, there is a theory that is often associated with the Brewster theory. In this theory, it is stated that the color of the classification is divided into four types. The four colors are primary, secondary, tertiary and neutral colors.

Red is the primary or basic color such as blue, yellow, and red. While secondary colors are colors that arise from a combination of primary colors such as green, orange and purple.

The tertiary colors are colors that arise from mixing primary colors with secondary colors such as brown. While neutral colors are a combination of the three types of colors; primary, secondary and tertiary. Then came a neutral color like BLACK.

Color Tables and Their Meanings

To get to know colors better and understand the meaning of colors, let’s look at the color table below which has the meaning of color itself.

1 Red Has the meaning of Courage, Strength, Energy, Spirit, Passion, Lust and Adrenaline
2 Green Has the meaning of Fertility, Freshness, Balance and Peace.
3 Orange Warmth, Joy and Comfort.
4 Yellow Cheerful, Energetic, Happy and Optimistic
5 Blue Intelligence, Stable, Confidence
6 Purple Familiarity and Security
7 Black Empty, sorrowful, grief and mystery
8 White Pure, clean, free, and light
9 Brown Familiarity and Security
10 Grey Stability, seriousness, independence and has the meaning of responsibility
11 Gold Achievement, Luxury, Success, Prosperity and Victory.
12 Tosca Calmness and Patience
13 Magenta Physical, Spiritual, Mental, and Emotional Balance

Psychology of Color

In the following, we will look at some of the color types that we have mentioned in the table above and the meaning of each color.

1. Meaning of Red

The color red is the color that is often associated with the colors of fire, sun, blood and it is often associated with passion, strength, adrenaline, energetic, love, lust, luxury, joy and warning. Not only things that are alone, but the color red is also synonymous and often connotes evil things such as violence, aggressiveness and anxiety.

There is another red but slightly faded color called pink. It is a color result of a mixture of red and white, also popularly known as the color Pink. The color Pink is often interpreted as a symbol of love, romance between men and women. So, that’s why the color pink is often associated with romantic relationships with women, and things that are related to femininity.

2. Meaning of Green

Green is a color that represents the color of nature, green is synonymous with something related to balance, peace, freshness, fertility or to the effect of relaxation. Just like red, green is also not always connoted with fun things but is also sometimes synonymous with weakness, ambition, or a sense of being trapped.

The color green represents healing, so it is said to be able to relieve stress, encourage feelings of empathy. Even in psychology, the green color is used to heal someone whose mental condition feels depressed or stressed. That is why, occasionally we are invited and advised to have a picnic and enjoy the natural beauty of the lush green.

3. The meaning of Orange

Orange means “stimulating emotions”, so many use the color orange in public places such as stalls and others to stimulate creativity. The orange color also symbolizes warmth, optimism, cheerfulness and joy.

But there are also those who think that the color orange has a bad meaning, so in a design, for example, if you use orange excessively, the design price will definitely be cheaper. Even using and wearing orange in a more intense way can create the impression of being rowdy, busy, or hyperactive. So, if you use Orange it usually needs to be combined with other colors such as purple or blue, this will compensate even more.

4. Meaning of Yellow

The meaning of the color yellow refers to the uplifting, optimistic, cheerful, energetic and happy. If yellow is used in a room, it is believed that it can stimulate and stimulate mentality and thoughts so that it is good for generating ideas and creativity.

From this basis, there is an assumption that people who love yellow tend to be wise and creative, even said to be intelligent. But this positive thing is inseparable from the risk of anxiety, anxiety, stress or inconsistency, this is what people who like the color orange or yellow have.

Also read: Health Benefits of Black Plum (Java plum)

5. Meaning of Blue

Blue means cool, cold, broad. That is why in the interior design of the house, blue is also used so that it can create a spacious and cool impression. The health benefits of using blue are that it can overcome problems with concentration, high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and can overcome migraines.

The meaning of the blue color is related to intelligence, professionalism, self-confidence, and is a symbol of strength. It’s a shame, however, that the color blue is often associated with coldness, lack of empathy, stubbornness or hostility.

6. Meaning of Purple

The color purple is often interpreted as something mysterious, imaginary, or spiritual. This is because the color purple is very little found on this earth. There are only a few that are found in plants and flowers.

So, people who wear purple clothes are symbolized and considered as caring, ambitious, independent, wise, luxurious and visionary. But if you use an excessive amount of purple it can be seen as someone who has a careless or aloof nature.

7. The Meaning of Black

Next to black, what does black actually mean? Black color means elegant, mysterious but attractive. So naturally, black is very popular with many women or men in the realm of lifestyle related to fashion. Black means confident, dramatic, mysterious, and classic. Not infrequently, this black color is also a symbol of masculine character.

Although the color black has a lot of connotations with good things, there are also a lot of mistakes in applying black – such as an excessive or unbalanced black – which can be seen as something scary, dark and gloomy.

8. Meaning of White

White is a color that contradicts black reciprocally. If black symbolizes dirty, dark then white symbolizes cleanness, holiness, light and someone says the power of truth. That is why, white is an important color in health fields such as hospitals. Starting from clothes, wall paint, even the color of the Ambulance car is often colored white because this symbolizes cleanliness and this shows health.

White color that is used in a suitable and stable capacity can be considered a good thing, that is, it is open, and free. While excessive white color is considered by some people as the cause of headaches and the cause of tired eyes.

9. Meaning of brown

The color brown has the meaning of warmth as well as the color orange, and is synonymous with stability and neutrality. The brown color works well with green. The combination of green and chocolate is believed to provide a sense of security, comfort and intimacy.

However, if the use of brown is more dominant and excessive, it is considered a bad thing. Excessive brown color means stodgy, stiff, unfeeling and is even called pessimistic.

10. Gray

The meaning of gray is often taken as a form of seriousness, it is a black and white collaboration and results in a gray color and is considered a neutralizer. In terms of positive values, the color gray is often translated as independence, stability, even as a form of responsibility.

However, if the use of brown color is excessive, it will be considered as an uncommunicative and boring impression. On the other hand, there is a feeling of lack of confidence, boredom and even depression.

11. Meaning of Gold Color

It is a color that symbolizes success, achievement, prosperity and victory. Maybe because the gold that is bright yellow has a soaring price. So, naturally, the color gold is interpreted as a symbol of success and wealth.

12. Meaning of Magenta Colors

Magenta is a color combination of purple and red. If the red color means strength, enthusiasm and energy, it will be held back by the purple color in it because purple is calm. Thus, the combination of these two colors produces a meaning of balance.

The magenta color means balance in various things, be it mental, emotional or spiritual.

13. Meaning of Tosca Color

Tosca or turquoise in color psychology has the meaning of balance, stability and patience. Tosca color is believed to give strength to people who are stressed, tired and covered in loneliness. This color is great for calm and the nervous system and good for clearing the mind.

If that is the meaning, then the color is suitable for use by a speaker and someone who works multi-tasking or many activities at one time.

Well, that’s an explanation of the psychological meaning of color. So, color is not only a creator of beauty but is closely related to a person’s psyche. Naturally, if a person who is under stress then goes to see the green nature can heal his stress and can refresh his mind.

In the color psychological meaning, a well-known psychologist Carl Jung made color as an important tool in psychotherapy. This is none other than, because each color has a meaning, that is, its strength, has the potential to influence, and can even produce the effect of something related to emotion.

The Meaning of Color

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