Curriculum Vitae Meaning, and 8 Example of CV

Curriculum Vitae Meaning

Curriculum Vitae Meaning – CV is something that is very important in applying for a job. This is a description of a person’s education and work experience. Actually, everyone already has a curriculum vitae, it’s just that sometimes it isn’t written down.

Curriculum Vitae Meaning

Curriculum Vitae is a writing about a person’s life history, through this writing other people can assess and know our life, this is important because through CV we can be positioned as appropriate in a job application. The usefulness and benefits of a CV are not only a condition for applying for a job, but are also important for attending scholarships or training.

Well, if a Curriculum Vitae is important, then how do you make it? There are several ways to make a CV. To be able to make a good CV, there are at least three ways you can take it. First; making a CV by hand or manually, this manual method includes how to make a CV that is most often done. Second; the next way is to use a writing tool such as a computer.

How to make a Curriculum Vitae using a computer is now starting to get interest because it is considered faster and tidier, especially in this digital age. Making can be by following the usual typing technique or by using other techniques or a certain template design as preferred by the maker.

How to make a third CV; is to use the services of other people who are experienced. Now many people receive Curriculum Vitae making services in various creative, unique and of course with attractive designs.

How? Are you able to make a CV? If it is unusual, of course you will experience obstacles about what to prepare and what information should be included in the CV.

Because of the many people’s needs for Curriculum Vitae, we made this post with the aim of providing solutions through examples of making a correct and attractive CV. You can see a variety of CV forms that we will load here, of course according to individual needs because there is a Curriculum Vitae for job applications, a Curriculum Vitae for scholarship proposals and a CV for other purposes.

Examples of CV (Curriculum Vitae)

Ok, let’s just see below some forms of curriculum vitae for various purposes. At least we have collected 15 examples of curriculum vitae that you can use in making your curriculum vitae for specific purposes.

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1. Sample of CV for job application

Whatever the form of a CV, of course you have to make it right so that your goals and objectives are achieved, especially CV for job applications. Make sure everything related to your life is covered up, including education and other things that are important in your life’s journey.

So, everything in your life must exist, especially experience (if you’ve worked somewhere). Things like this are very important for HRD because this will be taken into consideration to accept you as an employee or worker in their agency.

Ok, to make it easier to understand, here I attach a sample of CV for job application which can be a reference in making a CV.


1. Nama Lengkap : Saifuddin
2. Tempat & tanggal lahir : Nisam, 23 Mei 1987
3. Alamat : Ds. Sumber Aair bersih. Kec. Kota Baharu, Kab. Milan
4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
5. Status Perkawinan : Menikah
6. Agama : Islam
7. No Telp : 082724728460
8. Email :

Formal education:

1. 1996 – 2002 : SDN Telakak 3
2. 2005 – 2005 : SMPN Tanoh baroena 1
2005 – 2008 : SMAN Tanoh baroena 2
2008 – 2013 : UIN Suska

Informal education:

2015 : Kursus Bahasa Inggris
2015 : Kursus Menulis: Essay Kebangsaan

Work experience

2011-2014 : Bekerja Di PT. Arun LNG, Aceh

That is the CV or curriculum vitae that I do very briefly and as it is. The CV that I made aims to support the job application letter that I made, so that it can be considered. For your attention and cooperation, I thank you very much.

Nisam, 02 November 2019


In making a job application letter, a CV is something that must be included and complete in the job application letter folder. Curriculum Vitae is very important because it serves as your track record for life. With a correct and good CV, you can consider being accepted as an employee and which position will be placed, so making a CV should not be careless. It can be said that a CV is something that is quite important or as important as the job application letter itself.

Making a CV for a job application must be neat and in accordance with the provisions. One more thing that is important is that you have to adjust the job application letter with the CV that you make. For example, if your job application letter is computer-typed with creative typing, then your CV should also be like that. If you make a job application letter in handwriting, then making a CV or Curriculum Vitae must also be in handwriting.

Indeed, this is a small thing, but it could be through these little things that they read our psyche, how consistent we are or how well we work and this is a separate consideration for them.

2. Sample CV in English

English CV is necessary and important if the job application you submit is in English. In Indonesia, there are several job vacancies in English, usually at multi-national companies.

It is also possible that the workplace you are applying for generally uses workers who speak foreign languages, or foreign-owned companies whose employees all speak foreign languages. So, the CV that you make for this must also use a foreign language such as English.

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However, there are also job vacancies that are not foreign owned, but they require to make a CV in English, such as working in hotels, restaurants and others. They certainly use a lot of English in their various services so that even the workforce must master a foreign language, so to make this job application letter must use English.

If you really have to make a CV in English, then how do you actually make a CV in English, how is the format, let’s just look at the following example of an English CV.

Curriculum Vitae

Muhammad Amin

24 years old/East kalimantan/ 170 cm/ 60 kg

Place and date of birth: Kalimantan, 14th of Januari 1994

Nationality: Indonesia

Call phone: 085000046523


Gajah Mada University

SMA Negeri 02 Kalimantan



Ability of operating Computer and internet


Reading, Singing, Traveling, Listening

Address: St. Ahmad Sofyan. No. 23 Kalimantan

Status: Married

3. Examples of CV with no Experience (Fresh graduate)

Now we look at an example of a fresh graduate CV, of course without work experience because it just graduated. So, how to make a CV, is it empty from work experience or is there another reliable way.

Actually, work experience is something that is very important in a CV because it can be a track record and separate assessment of applicants. Work experience will be a reference for you to accept, because not everyone has good work experience.

However, what if you have just graduated, of course you don’t have any work experience. Is your CV blank and does not include work experience? That’s right, you don’t have to worry about work experience, the company side can understand this condition. They understand that you just graduated and spent your time studying so you don’t have work experience.

However, that does not mean that as a fresh graduate you can make any CV, there is a special example of a CV for those of you who have just graduated.

Curriculum Vitae

1. Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Amin
2. Tempat & tanggal lahir : Semarang, 13 Oktober 1987
3. Alamat : Jl. Ikan gabus, No, 100 Kota Pisang
4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-Laki
5. Status Perkawinan : Menikah
6. Agama : Islam
7. No Telp : 0873627310000
8. Email :

Formal education

1998 – 2004 Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Semarang
2. 2004 – 2007 : SMP Negeri 1 Kalimantan Tengah
2007 – 2010 : SMA Negeri 03 Kalimantan Tengah
2011 – 20015 Universitas Islam Sultan Syarif Kasim

That is our curriculum vitae for what it is, hopefully it will be your consideration for the job application letter that I submit. For your attention, I say thank you very much.

Kalimantan, 20 June 2019

Muhammad Amin

4. Example of a creative CV

A creative CV is a CV that has an attractive shape because it is made in a creative way. Now, by making a creative CV, of course the appearance of your CV will be attractive, unique and not infrequently if the Cv that he makes interesting will make the company where you apply for work seriously consider you.

If you want to make a curriculum vitae in a creative form, now there are many services on the internet that can help you, and the services that these websites provide are free. Try using the site to create an attractive and creative CV.

If you decide to make a creative CV, you seem to need to understand good design so that your CV form can attract HRD.

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Why are few who make this creative CV, the reason is simple, do not have sufficient skills in the field of design so they are reluctant to do it. But nowadays, in this digital era, there are many websites that provide services for you to design your own template or CV form.

Pay attention to the creative CV forms below, the difference with an ordinary CV.

5. Sample Curriculum Vitae via Email

Meaning of Curriculum Vitae via email: Make a CV in the form of a document and then send it via email. So, for CVs and job application letters that you make in email, you shouldn’t be careless. You have to pay attention to how the company asks you to send a job application letter and CV. If allowed to write by email you can do it.

So, after you create a CV in MS WORD document format, you can send it via email. How to send a job application letter or CV is the same as sending an ordinary email. However, you select the file attachment and retrieve the file that you saved. Here we see an example of a CV via email.

6. Example of a complete CV

A complete CV is a CV that provides complete personal data, as well as various other things that are needed. You can use a variety of things that are general in nature.

CVs like this can not only be used to complement a job application letter, but can also be used for other purposes. So, a CV like this can be used many times without having to change it apart from being general in nature, it is also complete with all the information needed.

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If you want to make a complete CV that can be used in various ways and conditions, here is an example of a complete CV:

1. Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Amin
2. Tempat & tanggal lahir : Kalimantan, 11 Januari 1987
3. Alamat : Jl. Ular Naga No. 89 Kota Naga
4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
5. Status Perkawinan : Menikah
6. Agama : Islam
7. No Telp : 085673627312
8. Email :

Formal education:

1999 – 2005 : MI Perwanida Blitar
2005 – 2008 : SMPN 1 Kota Naga
2008 – 2011 : SMAN 1 Kota Naga
2011 – 20015 : Perguruan Tinggi: STIKIP PGRI Kota Naga

This is how my CV is made in the most concise and straightforward form it is. This Curriculum Vitae aims to make it easier for you to consider my application letter. Thank you for your attention and good cooperation.

Dragon City, 12 August 2019

Muhammad Amen

Note: The name and address are just fiction, not the actual name and place.

7. Blank Curriculum Vitae Example

Now we will see how examples of blank CVs, blank CVs, including one form of CV that you can make for your benefit in applying for a job or for other purposes such as applying for college, or to submit a scholarship proposal.

To make a blank CV, you only need to fill in the form below with everything you need. Here we look at an example of a blank CV.

1. Nama Lengkap :
2. Tempat & tanggal lahir :
3. Alamat :
4. Jenis Kelamin :
5. Status Perkawinan :
6. Agama :
7. No Telp :
8. Email :

Formal Education History:

2000 – 2006 :
2. 2006 – 2009 :
2009 – 2012 :
2012 – 20016 :

Informal Education History:

2015 :
2. 2016 :

Work experience:

That is how our Curriculum Vitae is made as it is. We made this for additional information and as a consideration for receiving a job application letter. Thank you very much for your attention and cooperation.

Dragon City, 12 November 2019


8. Example of Handwritten Curriculum Vitae

A handwritten curriculum vitae or a handwritten CV is a form of curriculum vitae which is basically the same as any other CV. It’s just that, the media are folio and bolpaint, and use hand as the writing medium.

If you want to make a CV by hand, that’s fine, but pay attention so that the writing is neat and easy to read because from this handwriting sometimes also becomes a concern and consideration. The reason is that from writing in this form, people can judge us personally as a person who is responsible or not.

Here we see an example of a handwritten curriculum vitae.

1. Nama Lengkap : Muhammad Amin
2. Tempat & tanggal lahir : Kota Naga, 11 Juni 1987
3. Alamat : Jl. Merdeka No, 90 Kota Naga
4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
5. Status Perkawinan : Belum menikah
6. Agama : Islam
7. No Telp : 08674200000
8. Email :

Formal education:

1998 – 2004 : MI Darul Falah Kota Naga
2. 2004 – 2007 : MTs Darul Falah Kota naga
2007 – 2010 : MA Darul Falah Falah Kota Naga
2011 – 20015 : UNISMA Kota Naga

Informal education:

2015 :Kursus internet
2. 2015 :Kursus bahasa Arab dan Inggris

Work experience

Thus our curriculum vitae is brief and appropriate. This history list can be used as material for consideration in receiving a job application letter that I submit.

For your attention and good cooperation from you, I thank you very much.

Dragon City, 11 May 2019

Muhammad Amen

Note: The name and place are fictitious

How to Make a Curriculum Vitae

Making a Curriculum Vitae should not be arbitrary, because this is not just a formality, but CV really determines whether you are accepted or not at a company you are applying for. For that, making a CV must be thoroughly studied and paid attention to in order to actually produce a quality CV and the opportunity to be accepted by the company you are applying for.

For that, you must pay attention to how to make the correct Curriculum Vitae. Actually, there is an easy way to make a CV that can be a reference and guide for those of you who are beginners in making a CV. Making a Curriculum Vitae is like making a brief curriculum vitae and a brief profile.

Among the things that you must pay attention to in making a CV is that there are or contain the following things, and this is a part that must be in the CV that you create.

Some of the important contents in CV are: full name, place and date of birth, complete address, gender, telephone number, email, education level since elementary school, and various other additional information. So, everyone wants to make a good and quality CV.

Ok, pay attention to how to make the correct CV below

1. CV writing must use blue or black ink

The first thing in making a CV is to use black or blue ink. Why is that? If you use colored ink or red, for example, it will appear that you are not professional and less serious or even considered childish. Then use blue or black ink.

2. Do not have scribbles on your CV

The second thing to pay attention to is that your CV is not scribbled, especially if you have handwritten CV using black bullets (for example). Avoid scribbles or things that make your CV paper dirty.

3. Add work experience and certificates

To be more confident and more professional that you are a worthy person to work with, then add a work certificate or your experience at work. So, including important things that you must attach or add because it will be a balance of where and in what position you are good at being placed.

In addition to writing work experiences, also adding courses or training that you took, also include proof of the certificate and awards if any. This can add a plus to you and increase the hope that you can be accepted at the company you choose.

4. Write neatly

Another thing that must be considered in making a CV is to make it neat and easy to read. Avoid using too tight repetitions of words and wrong words. By using language that is neat, good and easy to read as well as standard language, your CV can be one of the best CVs.

Those are some examples of Curriculum Vitae, hopefully it will become a reference and study for those of you who want to make a VC for the benefit of a job application, a CV for a scholarship or a CV for other purposes.

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