Dysuria Drugs, Pharmacies and Traditional Medicines

dysuria medication

Dysuria medicine – Dysuria is a health problem that occurs when a person feels uncomfortable urinating. Dysuria in medical language is called dysuria. A person who experiences this problem will have a frequency of urinating more frequently, even twice in an hour.

The discomfort that occurs can vary from person to person when urinating. Usually in the form of pain, pain, or a burning sensation in the genitals. If you have dysuria, keep reading this article because we will provide some medicines, both medical drugs and traditional medicines, to treat dysuria.

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Pharmacy Drugs to Overcome Dysuria

1. Antibiotics

One way is to use antibiotics. This drug is effective if the dysuria suffered is the result of an infection such as viginity. But you should first consult with your doctor about the problem you are experiencing so that he can recommend the right medication or prevent problems such as chemical drug reactions.

Of course, the antibiotic medicine you take must also be prescribed by a doctor. If you take antibiotics continuously, sometimes it can cause antibiotic resistance which can cause your health problems to get worse.

2. Anti-fungal

Furthermore, dysuria drug is anti-fungal. Anti-fungal drugs are certainly good for use and consumption if this disease occurs due to fungi that develop excessively in the urinary tract or in the vagina.

Using anti-fungal drugs must also be prescribed by a doctor. Among the anti-fungal drugs that can be used are oral drugs, suppositories or creams that are used by applying to the vagina.

However, if you want to use it without a doctor’s prescription, you can use medicated creams and suppositories. Both usually don’t need a doctor’s prescription to use them as popmama.com says

3. Using pain relievers

Pain relievers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen can also treat dysuria. Apart from the two types of drugs there are also other drugs that can treat this problem, namely analgesic drugs such as phenazopyridine. This drug is usually used without the need for a prescription from a doctor, you just need to carefully read the instructions for use properly on the bottle.

Traditional Medication for Dysuria

Apart from using medical drugs or pharmacy medicines, there are also traditional medicines or herbs to treat dysuria. Here are some traditional ways to treat dysuria.

1. Lime juice

Lime juice is drunk like the juice of other drinks that are brewed with warm water. Add a little sugar to add flavor. This traditional medicine is drunk every time you will feel pain in these intimate organs.

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You can add sugar or lime juice according to your taste.

2. Drink soursop juice

Another traditional medicine that can solve dysuria problem is soursop juice. Soursop fruit which is effective and very good as medicine is half ripe soursop fruit.

To make a medicine for dysuria from soursop is to boil the fruit with 2 cups of water to boil.

Then, strain it so that the pulp and juice can be separated. Take the juice and drink it as medicine.

3. Steeping water from the cat’s whiskers

Another great remedy for treating dysuria is with cat whiskers. Leaves of cat whiskers that have been dried in hot water are very good for treating dysuria.

To stabilize the taste, you can add brown sugar, remember not to use white sugar because this type of sugar can destroy the medicinal properties of the cat’s whiskers.

4. Consume salt water

Salt water is also one of the best medicines for treating dysuria and it can also treat other diseases. But for those of you who have high blood pressure problems, you should not consume excessive salt because it can increase your blood pressure.

Those are some types of dysuria medication that you can try either from a pharmacy or homemade herbal medicine from natural ingredients at home. Now, of course you already know how to treat dysuria, so don’t worry or be afraid of this disease anymore.

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