Examples of Letterheads: Organizations, Schools, Commerce, Etc

Examples of Letterheads

Examples of Letterheads

This time we discuss about examples of letterheads. What’s with the letterhead? Letterhead is a very important part of making an official letter whether the letter is at the central level or carried out at the RT level. The existence of a letterhead shows that a letter is official, professional and truly about something serious and does not sound playful. For company letters as well, the company is already Gi International or a local company, all of which are wajiba and letterhead.

So, an official letter is different from a personal letter that can be made at will. The making of an official letter has rules of the game so that it must be made correctly and not carelessly. If in making personal letters we usually start with a date, then in making official letters, it is not the case but begins with letterhead. So, the wetting of this letterhead example is quite important to note.

The importance of letterhead is not only limited to being an introduction to writing a letter but is also useful as a letter identity. Just by looking at the letterhead, we know where the letter came from and which agency sent it.

Before we look at examples of letterheads, let’s first take a look at the things that must be considered in making letterheads. The following is the description.

Elements in Making Letterhead

Here are some points that must be considered in writing letterhead so that the writing and making of letterhead are correct and in accordance with the rules.

So, after we pay attention to the definitions and elements that must be considered in letterhead writing, now we look at the following letterhead examples. The aim is to be clearer in understanding the letter.

We have prepared several examples of letterhead including: shipping service letterheads, examples of textile company letterheads, examples of retail company letterheads, examples of government agency letterheads, examples of company letterheads, examples of foundation letterheads, examples of BEM letterheads, examples Universit/college letterheads, examples of persero letterheads, examples of course institution letterheads, examples of school letterheads, examples of student council letters, examples of cooperative letters, examples of organization letterheads, examples of law office letterheads.

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Some Examples of Various Institutions Letterhead

1. Letterhead delivery service company

A shipping service company is one of the most common companies in Indonesia. Increasingly, Indonesia is a vast country, of course, shipping services or transportation services are also very widespread. Among the freight and shipping services are in the form of air shipping, land shipping and sea shipping. Here we make an example of a letterhead from a shipping service company.

Jl. Meulum Dayah – Gg.1 No. 19A Kuintong 61257
Telp. (031)/ 8280968, Fax. 031 – 700822

2. Example of a retail company letterhead

A retail company is a large company because it has many branches and links throughout Indonesia. Minimarkets and supermarkets are one type of retail company that has even other stores that sell goods in retail. Among them are Indomaret, Alfamart, and Alfamidi, these are the major retail companies in Indonesia. So, in making a company letter like this one must use letterhead to make it official. Here’s an example of a retail company letterhead

Ruko Husnul Khatimah Indah Blok GC7 No. 8 Jl. Raya Paya Gapui Km. 4,7 Surabaya 60232
Telp. 031 8299144 Fax. 031 829944 Mobile. 081232505678
Website: www.bahagiaduniaakhirtat.com Email: info@bahagiasentosaselamanya.com

3. Example of a textile company letterhead

Textile companies are large companies operating in Indonesia to produce various types of fabrics. In operating and corporate correspondence, they must use letterhead in their letters so that they are clear and serious about the content. The letterhead already has the address, company name, company telephone number, even the company’s website address if any.

Jl. Melati Hitam Raya 1 Bl. A1 No. 5 – 7 Surabaya 60232
Telp. 031 8299144 Fax. 022 – 5098070
Website : http://www.sumberagungtekstilkita.com Email: sumberagungtekstilkita@yahoo.com

4. Examples of letterheads in government agencies

This is an institution that operates in the world of government and of course everything related to it is official in nature so that correspondence must also use an official letter which of course has letterhead.

Other examples are as follows:

Jl. Resi Joyo No. 07 – 09 Tuban, 60232 – telp. (021)8380984

5. Example of foundation letterhead

Foundations must also use letterhead in matters of correspondence. In Indonesia, there are so many foundations ranging from religious foundations, humanitarian foundations, social foundations, educational foundations and others so that it is very difficult to distinguish between one another. For that we need a letterhead because in it already has the name of the foundation, the address and even the logo of the foundation.

Jl. Tekarah Agung I No. 9A Lam Paku – kode pos 67232
Telp. (031)8299133, 8280384, 087853082299 Fax. (031)8282184
Blog : www.alhasanpantitekarah.com email : pantiyatimsosialalhasan@ymail.com

6. Examples of company letterheads

A company, whether large or small, whether it is an international or Loka company, must both have a letterhead when writing letters to other companies or other agencies. In Indonesia there are quite a number of companies ranging from companies producing goods, companies providing goods, service companies and so on.

So, in making the letter wajiba and letterhead because there is already a company logo, address, telephone number, email and even many other identities so that it gives the impression that the letter is official and serious.

Jl. Untung Besar No. 7 Sabang Aceh
No. Hp. 085645579333 Sales@sentosabadi.com
Blog : www.ptalimakmursentosaselamalama.com

7. Examples of university or college letterheads

Unioversitas are official educational institutions or institutions that are engaged in educating the nation. So, regarding correspondence that is carried out by the university, it must be official or must use letterhead. So, a university letterhead is different from another university letterhead in terms of the institution’s logo, address, name and telephone number. Here’s an example of a university letterhead

Sekretariat : Jl. Ketintang No. 17-23 (Kampus I) Jl. Lidah Wetan No. 142 – 147 (Kampus II) Surabaya
Telp : (031) 78835288 – 7818718, Fax : (031) 78835288
Website : www.unesa.ac.id email : unesa@university.ac.id

8. Sample school letterhead

Schools are official educational institutions as well which are engaged in teaching children before they enter college or university. In other words, school is an educational institution which is a level under higher education. A school’s letterhead will be different from other schools so this is an absolute and mandatory thing in every letter issued by the school. On the school letterhead there is a distinctive feature, namely the Tut Wuri Handayani logo

NPSN 30607453
Jl. Jambangan Timur No. 20 Kota Surabaya Telp : (031) 8280981
Website: www.smpn01.com

9. Example of a company letterhead

Limited company or PT is a company that is quite a lot in the country. This company is supervised by the government and is a state-owned company or state-owned company. The company has a distinctive feature in each of its branches (within one company), in their letter they use the same logo for example the PLN Jakarta Branch and PLN Medan Branch, they use the same letterhead. However, the difference is in terms of the branch and the address listed on the company letterhead.

Jl. Ketimpang Tindih No. 26 Surabaya 60232 Indonesia
Telp : (031)82899133

10. Course institute letterhead

There are quite a lot of course institutions in Indonesia, be it foreign language courses, computer courses, internet courses, business courses and others. So, each institution has its own logo which is distinctive and uniquely different from other course institutions. So, making the letter must also use a unique and different letterhead.

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The English course institute has a different logo from other English course institutions, especially if the course institution is different from the training material side, because this is an independent institution founded by individuals.

Sekretariat: Jl. Arwana Cempaka II Gubeng Kertajaya Surabaya
Web: lpkzulfa.wordpress.com, Email: lpkzulfa@yahoo.com

11. Example of OSIS letterhead (Intra School Student Organization)

Osis is a student organization under the school. We always find this organization in every middle school or high school. Even though they are under the scope of the school, they have the same letterhead but are different from the name of the school. The logo is the same, namely both using the OSIS logo. So, every correspondence activity, Osis always uses the letter logo.

12. Cooperative letterhead

A cooperative is an institution established by a group to facilitate all the things that the group wants to achieve and do jointly or mutually. So, from that understanding, we can understand that each cooperative has a different mission, so they always use different letterheads.

The types of cooperatives are very diverse, in Indonesia there are quite a number of types of cooperatives such as savings and loans cooperatives, employee cooperatives, school cooperatives, pesantren cooperatives and others.

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13. Examples of organizational letterheads

There are so many organizations that exist in our country, both small and large. The organization itself is a group of people who are in a place to work together to achieve certain goals. Many organizations certainly have multiple logos. Each of them has their own logo so that in their correspondence they also use the logo to make it more unique and different.

Their letterheads contain the logo, address, name of the organization, telephone number, e-mail address and others.

Those are some examples of letterhead, there are many other examples of letterhead, and you only need to change the logo and address and other things that are needed and write correctly, such as using uppercase and lowercase letters at the beginning of the word and writing in lowercase letters in a correct manner. full.

Conclusion about Letterhead

Indonesia is a developing country, in which live thousands of islands, thousands of tribes and people’s lives vary from one to another. So, it is very certain that the people of each region have an identity, each organization, institution, school, and company that exists using a unique logo. Company logos, organizational logos, government agency logos and others will be used for various purposes including in the case of correspondence on letterhead, so that the recipient will immediately know the origin of the letter.

On letterhead we usually use logos, mailing addresses, company names, telephone numbers, and use of website or web tools. So, making letterhead is an obligation in writing an official letter. So, we hope this article is useful and can be used properly.

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