Explanatory Text: Definition, Structure, Characteristics, Rules, and Examples

Explanatory Text

Understanding Explanatory Text

What is the meaning of the explanatory text? It is everything related to natural events such as eclipses, floods, earthquakes, landslides and others that contain how the process occurs, why it occurs and what the impact and effect of the event is.

To be precise, we say that the meaning of an explanatory text is the process of how and why natural events occur, social, cultural, scientific, and other things. Natural events and social events in human life are inseparable from their causes and processes.

Should and should be, all the events that we experience, be it social events, natural events that occur not only for us to feel and experience but can be taken as a source of learning how these events occur, why and what effect they have on the environment.

The explanatory text actually has its purpose, among the objectives of the texts are:

Also read: Examples of NARRATIVE Text

Characteristics of Explanatory Text

The text has special characteristics that are far different from other texts such as procedural texts, descriptive texts and others. So, what are the characteristics of this explanatory text? Here are the points

  1. Composed of general statements consisting of cause and effect and interpretation
  2. Information that is made is not random but facts (factual)
  3. Factual but scientific, for example science
  4. Informative and this text makes no attempt to make the reader believe it
  5. The text is usually formed with sequence markers such as one, two, three, and so on. It could also be like the first, next, last and others.

Explanatory Text Structure

The structure and arrangement of the text consists of three points that have been mentioned above, namely general statements, cause and effect and interpretation. The three of them must become a complete unity so that it can only be said that the text is an explanatory text.

– General statement: This is general information about the topic being discussed, such as the process of events occurring, and so on

– Cause and effect: This is a complete and detailed statement about an event starting from the small things to the higher and final stages.

– Interpretation: This is a section of the text that contains conclusions about the topic being described.

Explanatory Text Rules and Regulations

In an explanatory, there are rules and rules that need to be considered, following the rules of the text.

  1. The focus on general events is not specific, so it does not describe human participants (nonhuman participants). Examples: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods, rain, and air pollution.
  2. It’s possible to use scientific terms
  3. In his text, he uses more material and relational verbs, namely active verbs.
  4. Using conjunctions or conjunctions or causals. For example: there is a conjunction like before, so, first, if, if, and then.
  5. The text uses the passive voice.
  6. It is containing evidence, justification about an event that it really happened.

Short examples of explanatory text

To understand more clearly about this text, we need to include examples of explanatory text in sentences. Here we provide a brief example of explanation. Try to pay close attention!

Also read; Understanding Analytical Exposition Text

examples taken from www.yuksinau.id

Such is the explanation of the meaning of explanatory text, rules, characteristics and examples in a writing. Hopefully this article is useful and useful for all.

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