10 Ways to Improve Memory and Focus [Concentration]

Improve Memory and Concentration

Improve Memory and Concentration

Memory is the brain’s ability to remember an event or talk back about something that has been heard or seen. In this article, we will look at how to improve memory or improve memory so that we can repeat things from the past with ease.

The brain is one of the most important organs in the human body, because the brain has a function to think to the subconscious.

How to Improve Memory and Concentration

We all understand that human memory will decline with age, when a person ages, the brain cells also age and less so it is only natural that many elderly people experience senility and diseases often forget.

This is normal for elderly parents, what if this happens to young people. Is this natural. Really this is not natural and of course there are certain problems related to health or psychology so that he becomes senile at a young age.

For young people who are senile or have decreased memory, we have tips and ways to improve memory. Here are some ways to improve memory and concentration.

1. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can keep the brain healthy, even though what is moving is physical, the brain is also in a maximum position.

Regular exercise can cause a large number of nerve cells to form strong bonds between brain cells. This can prevent damage to brain cells and keep the brain working optimally.

These nerve cells that remember each other will release a protein called neurotropic factor, this protein can trigger many chemicals that are useful for the brain so that the brain can improve its cognitive.

Based on a 2010 study, it shows that people who exercise regularly are not only able to increase blood flow to the brain, but can also increase the work of the brain so that it can solve problems two times faster than when not exercising.

There are many types of sports that you can do, from cycling, gym, swimming, jumping rope and so on.

2. Eat healthy foods

Maintaining a good diet is one way to improve memory or keep memory healthy. the brain needs nutrients to be able to work optimally and this is obtained from healthy food. Consuming vegetables and low-sugar foods is one way that must be taken.

In addition, foods and substances that are important for brain health are MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides) and omega 3. Omega 3 substances are easy to get, sources of omega 3 are salmon, spinach, fish oil, seafood and soy.

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3. Do not stop looking for new things

Furthermore, the way to improve memory is to continue to be creative and learn new things. Learn new things, especially those related to kokgnitif such as sewing and knitting.

In essence, you can find new things that you like and can stimulate the brain. Among the things you can do is reading books, gardening, assembling puzzles, or by making crafts and learning musical instruments.

4. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking or doing work at the same time is not good for memory. Indeed, this work is mostly done by mothers in doing homework, especially because they are busy or want to quickly solve problems.

Research shows that people who do multitasking or a lot of work at one time tend not to focus on their actions. Based on this research, a person needs at least 8 to store his memory, if at one time someone, for example, brings things, keeps things, and puts keys, his concentration will be less, he will not be able to remember all his actions, even he will tend to forget where he put the keys .

On the contrary, someone who focuses on completing activities tends to have a better memory. So, do a job after one job is done.

5. Familiarize yourself with the concept of Mnemonics

What is a Mnemonic concept? This is thinking about making donkey bridges. To be clear, this system of thinking can be done in the following ways.

6. Get enough rest at night

Enough sleep, especially sleeping at night is very beneficial for our health, humans. Good quality sleep and enough can even make you fresher and easier to remember things. A study at Harvard University states that the human brain will have a stronger memory if humans get enough sleep.

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Adequate sleep is also very good for toddler brain development, it is said that toddlers who get enough sleep during the day, then their brain development is more maximal and when they are big, they are smarter in matters related to cognition.

7. Train brain games

Brain games or games that require thinking are very important to train so that brain cells stay connected so that the brain thinks quickly.

Conversely, a brain that is not often trained will degenerate and age so that the brain cannot think faster and forget easily.

Games can be games that require focus, require concentration like chess and strategy games. For this game you can Googling on the internet because there are many games that you can try.

8. Memory repetition

Memorizing something so that it is easy to remember also requires a memory exercise called repeating rote. A good memorizer he needs to repeat many lessons including memorizing the Koran. Even the memorizer of the Koran needs to repeat what he has memorized every day, especially at the beginning of memorizing.

When you have learned a lesson, give pause to that something and then try to review it again to remember the lesson. This habit will also speed up memorization and make it easier for you to remember things.

You can do memory repetitions by writing notes in a notebook, repeating the name of someone you just met in a notebook so that it makes it easier for you to remember.

9. Visualize

If you don’t have a photographic memory, then remembering people’s faces can be difficult for you. Sometimes there are many people who can only remember their faces but not their names. There are also a lot of contradictions, namely it’s only easy to remember names but doesn’t know their faces.

If so, you should do a visualization with the person like a group photo so you can remember or be able to look back at their face at a later time. Save the pot in your cellphone contact service so that when he calls you can immediately remember the person.

Visualization can also be done in different ways, namely by remembering the name which is almost the same as the physical one. Suppose you enter into your memory that “Alisa” people who have thick eyebrows and so on.

10. Living regularly (organized)

The next way to improve memory is to try to live regularly. If you often forget important moments in everyday life such as friends’ parties, birthdays, appointments with friends, etc. Try to live more organized and orderly. You can note various agendas on the calendar or download the Organizer application for free in the playstore.

This agenda calendar or organizer application can be important for you, especially if you have a busy agenda every day.

Those are 10 ways to improve memory easily. Get used to doing everything in the way above and God willing, you will easily remember things and not easily become senile.

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