Powerful Ways to Overcome Blocked Drains with “Soda”

Powerful Ways to Overcome Blocked Drains

Now we will explain the natural way to deal with clogged drains using lye. We all know that clogged ducts are a common problem. But clogged ducts are also very annoying when they get to the end of the pipe. One of the problems that occurs is in the toilet or at the disposal of water.

So, how to deal with clogged toilets or other water channels so that water can flow smoothly without any more obstacles. If this is your problem then you are in the right place as we will explain to you how to solve clogged drains with lye.

Well, before we go any further, you need to know that a clogged drain is the result of a pipe that is too small and large garbage, among the garbage that can cause clogged channels are clotted hair, food scraps and various vegetable scraps that are thrown away carelessly.

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Ok, if you have or are experiencing clogged channels, then there is an easy and natural way to use it, namely by using lye. Let’s take a look at more about lye which can treat clogged ducts.

1. Lye is corrosive

The lye in its chemical formula is called sodium hydroxide (NaOH), or it is called caustic or alkaline soda. The name caustic soda is taken from caustic sodium hydrate. It is very corrosive in nature in the sense that any object that is exposed to it mixed with water will be destroyed. This property is what causes lye to solve clogged duct problems.

When lye comes into contact with dirt such as hair, rice, food scraps, and other clogged causes, it will experience a chemical reaction.

The lye dissolves easily in water, so it goes straight into the water to clean dirt. However, there are other drain cleaners at the store that are much higher in concentration.

2. How to use lye to clear clogged ducts

For clogged and clogged ducts, choose lye in liquid form or in powder form. Lye is available at hardware stores and home improvement stores. If you already have lye, follow these steps to clear clogged drains.

If the drain isn’t smooth, we can repeat this clogged duct remedy several times, and keep using the soda.

Dealing with lye must be careful, use gloves and also use glasses to avoid things that are not desired.

3. What are the side effects of the lye

Indeed, using lye is effective in overcoming clogged drains, but there are side effects that can occur if you are not careful in using lye.

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If a body part such as the skin is exposed to lye, it can cause a burning sensation on the skin and cause puffy eyes. If ingested, this is quite dangerous because it can cause chemical burns in the stomach, it can even cause injury to the colon, causing death.

So, always use a shield if you want to use lye to clean gutters or clogged drains. Keep out of reach of children or store in a high place.

Other ways to deal with blocked ducts besides using lye

You should not immediately use lye, but try other ways first. If these methods don’t work then you can use lye with caution. Here are some steps you can take to get rid of clogged lines before you switch to using the Flaming Soda.

– Using a wire hanger

Cut off one side of the hanger and make a hook at the end. Insert the wire into the channel and try to keep this wire on the side or the edge so it doesn’t push the dirt deeper. If you are the one who bumps on the end of the wire hook, then turn the direction so that the dirt is tied to the end of the wire and pour hot water.

– Use boiling water

Boiling water is also great for dissolving debris that may be stuck in the drain. Provide as much boiling water as possible and don’t pour it in the sink just yet, but pour it straight into the drain. This works if the channel doesn’t have much stagnant water. If a lot of water is stagnant then this doesn’t work because the boiling water will cool down quickly.

That’s the benefit of using lye to clean and dissolve dirt clogged in the drain. That’s how to deal with clogged drains using lye, try and always be successful!

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