Example of a Good and Polite Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter

Resignation Letter – When someone wants to resign from a company or place of work, usually he will make a resignation letter or resign letter properly. So, submission of resignation must be served properly and politely because we have worked and have been part of the company for a long time. Simply put, they have helped us and we are helping them, for that, if you want to resign, we must write a resignation letter nicely and politely.

The reasons for someone resigning from the workplace vary. Part of it is because there are offers of work in a better place, and some are because they are disappointed with the company they work for. However, whatever your reasons for resigning, you must formally make a letter and state in the letter that you want to resign from the company concerned.

In addition, making a resignation letter is also to be able to convey gratitude for being entrusted with being an employee in the company. These are manners and manners that must be conveyed in a resignation letter even if the reason you resign is because of dissatisfaction with salary or other things.

Benefits of Resignation Letter

A letter of resignation or resign is a letter containing the intention to resign or stop working which is addressed to a superior or an official company. In the letter, you as the applicant must convey your wishes politely and nicely and provide logical reasons why you want to resign.

Besides that, you should also express your gratitude because you have been given the opportunity to work in the company. Ok, here we will see what are the benefits and purposes of a resignation letter.

1. Show that you are a professional person

Making a resignation letter is a good thing and it is considered polite to terminate employment. Whatever the reason you want to quit your job, if you make an official letter this shows that it is a polite, professional and respectable person in the eyes of the company. The company will also think of you as a good person and they will remember you as a person with noble character.

2. Provide an opportunity for companies to get a return

Another benefit of making a resignation letter is that it opens opportunities for companies to find other workers who will replace us. So, by making an official resign letter the company considers you a kind and polite person.

This is important for the company, they will find a replacement for you who quit and later the handover of the position to someone else will be carried out smoothly and orderly.

Example of Resign Letter

For those of you who want to resign or resign from your current workplace, you are expected to make an honorable and official resignation letter. Below we have provided some sample resignation letters that are suitable for different workplaces.

For your information, this sample resignation letter is not only made carelessly but is based on the experience of many people who have gone through and experienced experiences with resigning from their place of work.

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1. Sample resignation letter from contract employee

Jakarta, 23 Februari 2018


Mr. Ahmad Fauzan MSc
Director of PT. Already Uduh
Jl. Owl No. 17
Seungke’s beard


Through this letter, I am Muhammad Alwi would like to convey my wish to resign from PT. Already Uduh as an Operator in the Machinery section. As of 12 July 2020.

I would like to thank you very much for the job opportunity that you have entrusted to me so far. Mellaui this letter apologizes profusely to all levels of the company and the management of PT. Already Uduh if there is a mistake that I have done so far.

I hope that “PT. Udah Uduh” will progress, develop and become a thriving company in the future.

Best regards,

Muhammad Alwi

2. Sample Resignation Letter from the Organization

Resignation Statement

As a Member of the Student Executive Board (BEM) at Malikussaleh University,

I, the undersigned below:

Name: Big Profit
Position at BEM: Secretariat and Information Department
Faculty: Da’wah
NIM: 34665345
Address: Jln. tapestries, Rt. 02/01 No. 15, 98765. Bengkulu
Phone: 0812 4567 4578

I hereby declare that I am resigning from the Student Executive Board. Malikussaleh University, as of 12 October 2020. The reason for resigning is because of the increasingly disturbed health conditions that require serious treatment outside the city.

In order for the organization we love to run smoothly, I left my position to the chairman of BEM. I apologize profusely if during the running of this organization there were mistakes that I did either on purpose or on purpose.

This is how I made this resignation letter consciously and without any pressure or coercion from any party. I hope that the head of BEM and the entire staff can understand my condition. Thank you for your attention and support.

Padang, February 05, 2020
That states

* 6000 stamp

Untung kasarung

3. Sample Resignation Letter from the Bank

Jakarta, 12 Januari 2018

Kepada Yth.
Bapak Ubaidillah
HRD Manager PT BANK BRI Tbk, KCU Tangkerang
Jalan Bakti Keras, Sukamakmur

Dengan Hormat,

Bersama surat ini, saya ingin menyampaikan pengunduran diri saya sebagai karyawan di Bank BRI Tbk KCU Tangkerang. 

Nama: Mawardi
Alamat: Jl. Melinjo No. 13, Tangkerang, Aceh

Lewat surat ini, Saya mengucapkan banyak terimakasih atas kesempatan luarbiasa yang telah di berikan kepada saya selama ini untuk bekerja di BANK BRI sebagai Admin Support (Verifikasi) selama dua satu tahun.

Saya minta maaf kepada seluruh jajaran Bank BRI Tbk, KCU Tangkerang apabila selama bertugas, banyak hal yang mengganggu yang telah saya lakukan disini.

Saya berharap agar Bank BRI tetap menjadi perusahaan yang menguntungkan Indonesia semoga terus maju dan sukses.

Salam hormat,


Those are examples of resignation letters from where you work or your company works. We already understand the meaning of a resignation letter, the benefits of making a resign letter and others. Hopefully this short article can provide a lot of useful knowledge and information for all of the nation’s children.

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