A Thousand Health Benefits of African Leaves

Benefits of African leaves


Benefits of African leaves – Have you ever heard of the name of this plant or not? If you have heard the name of African leaves, of course you already know what are the benefits and benefits of these leaves for health.

African leaves are also called the leaves of life (Vernonia amygdalina). It is said to be an African leaf because indeed the origin of this leaf is in Africa. This plant has long been entrusted as a medicinal plant that is full of health benefits.

For those of you who don’t know what are the benefits of African leaves, on this occasion we will show you what are the benefits of African leaves for health. However, before we look at the benefits and properties, we must first look at the nutritional value of this African leaf.

Nutritional Value of African Leaves

The leaves, which are in Latin called Vernonia amygdalina, have many health benefits. Even on the National Center for Biotechnology Information page, it is stated that African leaves contain a lot of medicinal value which is quite good if consumed by humans.

Here we see what are the medicinal values in this African leaf.

Ok, now we see the benefits of African leaves for health, hopefully it can provide additional information for all of them.


Amazing Benefits of African Leaves for Health

1. Lowering cholesterol

One of the benefits of African leaves which is quite surprising is that it can reduce cholesterol or bad fat levels in the body by up to 50%. This is as stated in the Journal of Vascular Health Risk Management, however, to get more accurate results, further research needs to be done.

New research has been carried out on animals only, while in humans it has not been done.

2. Treating flu

Flu is a disease caused by the influenza virus, although it is not a severe and chronic disease, it is very disturbing every time you have the flu.

African leaves have tremendous benefits in dealing with flu. The flavonoids in African leaves can kill the flu virus. That is why, if you have flui, immediately consume boiled water or brewed African leaves.

Also read: Benefits of Eating Papaya, Fruit and Leaves

3. Overcoming digestive problems

If you have problems with digestion, then African leaves are the solution. Problems such as constipation or stomach ache, African leaves can be a powerful remedy for this problem. This is thanks to the high properties and substances contained in this magic leaf.

4. Treating stomach acid

Furthermore, the benefits of African leaves are to treat stomach acid. If you feel sore and sore in your stomach, it’s probably stomach acid. So, consume a stew or marinade of African leaves, then the stomach problem will be resolved soon.

African leaf boiled water can inhibit bacteria and can prevent and even fight bad bacteria in the stomach.


5. Controlling blood sugar levels

This is an immense benefit of African leaves. for diabetics should try it, because this is really effective and I have experienced myself as a writer.

I am a diabetic but whenever a blood sugar spike occurs, I immediately boil an African leaf and drink it. Gradually I felt a good and good feeling.

In African leaves, there are very many important substances for health such as saponins, tannins, polyphenols, alkaloids, and flavonoids. This substance is very effective in controlling blood sugar in the body.

6. High blood pressure

Another benefit is that it can lower high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a result of the amount of cholesterol in the body and this is also triggered by certain foods such as foods that contain lots of fat.

For those of you who have high blood pressure, you can try consuming African leaves by drinking the brewed water. Use boiling water and brew African leaves, drink the water.

Also read: Benefits of Single Clove Garlic (Solo Garlic)

7. Treating gout

Gout is also a disease that can be cured with boiled water from African leaves. Gout is common to anyone, whether young or old, who don’t exercise. If you are one of them, then immediately consume African leaves to prevent the body from gout.

In African leaves, there are flavonoids that can prevent and destroy purines which act as triggers for uric acid.

8. Prevent cancer

The benefits of African leaves, which some people call the leaves of life are preventing cancer. Leaves of life are very rich in antioxidants that are good for preventing cancer.

Not only certain cancers, but African leaves can ward off various types of cancer that occur both throat cancer, breast cancer and other cancers.

9. Prevent heart disease

Heart disease occurs due to a weakening of the heart due to too much cholesterol, fat in the bloodstream. In African leaves it contains substances such as linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6). both of which are very important for the body and our bodies cannot produce these substances themselves, so we must consume certain foods that contain both types of healthy fatty acids.

If our daily diet is good and is sufficient for omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, God willing, we can avoid heart disease or a weakened heart.

Besides being beneficial for health, African leaves also have many benefits and benefits for beauty such as treating acne, nourishing hair, and brightening the skin.

To nourish the hair and make it thick, we can make a hair mask with this leaf, and wash it regularly.

Also see: How to Reduce a Distended Stomach with a Diet

How to Consume African Leaves

To get the benefits of African leaves, of course we have to consume them. How to consume African leaves is very diverse. We can boil it and take the stew to drink.

There are also those who consume African leaves directly like fresh vegetables or chew them like chewing candy. However, in this way the bitter taste will be felt.

The way to consume African leaves or the next leaves of life is to brew them in hot water. Let stand for about 10 minutes and drink as herbs. Check out the video above!

Those are the various benefits of African leaves for health, hopefully they are useful and can add to our knowledge of these African leaves. See you later!

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