Average Height For 9 Year Old Boys (9-18 Years Old)

Average Height For a 9 Year Old Boys

The Average height for 9 year old boys is different with girls. In general, the average height for a 9 year old boy is 52.6 inches or 133.5 cm. However, a 9 year old child can also be taller than that number and can also be shorter than that because his height is affected by many different factors.

Children’s height varies greatly and if you find a 9 year old child who is shorter than the average height on chart, then it is still normal and this is influenced by various things in his life. So, it is normal for a child to be shorter or taller than the average height score of other children.

The average height for 9 year old boys can vary greatly from one child to another. It is natural that a child can be a little taller than the average child, and it is also natural that he is a little shorter than the average child. Short and tall are influenced by things like genetics, location of residence, thyroid problems, nutritional supply during childhood and others.

At puberty, all children experience growth spurts, but between them remains highly variable. When they go through puberty, their growth slows down so much that one day there is no longer any growth in height.

Puberty is not the same for all children, sometimes earlier and others sometimes late. Boys usually experience puberty at the age of 10 or 11 years and girls usually experience puberty at the age of 8 or 10 years and each ends usually at the age of 13 for girls or 14 years for boys. On this occasion, we will see the average height for 9 year old boys. The age at which children go through a lot changes, and here we will talk more about what affects their height.

How Does Puberty Affect Growth?

During puberty, boys tend to survive and gain more height than girls. The period of puberty for boy is slow and of course also ends slowly, in addition to his taller growth. Every year, boys at puberty experience an increase in height of 2 or 3 inches or about 7.6 cm.

Their age at puberty has no bearing on how tall he will be. In general, there are two groups of boys who experience puberty differently.

  1. Early adulthood, their puberty starts at the age of 11 or 12 years old
  2. Late adulthood, their puberty starts at the age of 13 or 14 years old

Both types of puberty reach the same height with an average height of 7.6 cm each year. It’s just that some are faster and some are slower.

In general, a boy’s height at puberty is almost the same as height after puberty. It can be said that a boy’s height at puberty is 92% of his actual or real height. That is, they are still growing a little more at the time when puberty is over.

Factors That Affect A Child’s Height And Weight

The factor that plays the biggest role in a child’s height is genetics. However, there are many other factors that affect the height of a boy or girl. Here are some elements you should consider.

1. Gestation

Pregnancy also plays a role in the growth of children faster or not. Children born after the time of their birth, are likely to have a larger body with a greater weight.

On the other hand, there are children who are born prematurely and of course their bodies are smaller with a small weight too.

2. Health of pregnant women

If a pregnant woman with a poor diet, the chances of her child being born are smaller. Likewise, if a pregnant woman is a smoker.

On the other hand, if you find that your weight has increased significantly, this is an indication that the child is likely to be bigger. Likewise, if pregnant women have gestational diabetes.

3. Is the child breastfed or formula-fed?

In the first year of infant growth, if given formula milk, the weight tends to be higher. It’s different if you give breast milk, the baby’s weight is lower than babies who consume formula milk.

However, when they are 2 years old, the weight of a baby who is given formula milk tends to be the same as that of a baby who is breastfed.

4. Hormones

Hormones also affect the child’s height, sometimes some children have low thyroid problems. So the growth in height tends to slow down.

5. Genetics

Another factor that causes a child to be taller or lower is genetics. For example, if the father is short, the child will tend to be short too.

In addition to such genetic makeup, there are also certain genetic problems such as Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, Noonan syndrome, etc., these can also affect your child’s height.

6. Gender

In general, boys are larger (height and weight) at birth than the girls.

7. Medicine

Taking certain medicine can also have an effect on slowing down your height or vice versa. For example, regular corticosteroid use, this can slow down your child’s growth.

8. Health problems

Children’s health problems also play a role in children’s growth. If your child has a dangerous disease such as kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, cancer, etc. or other diseases that hinder the absorption of nutrients, then your child’s growth may slow down.

9. Sleep

Sleep is important for children at the age of growth because during sleep the body releases growth hormone. Then your child should get a good night’s sleep so that it can encourage better growth.

What’s The Average Height For Boys?

We will see what the average height for 9 year old boys are. Based on data from MDhealth, the average height of an American boy is 52.5 inches or about 133 cm. But you should know that height is always influenced by many factors as we mentioned above.

The average height of boys can also be calculated using a BMI calculator, but this is just a standard formula and the facts may not be the same as what you get.

Age (years) 50th percentile height for boys (inches and centimeters)
8 50.4″ (128 cm)
9 52.6″ (133.5 cm)
10 54.5″ (138.5 cm)
11 56.4″ (143.5 cm)
12 58.7″ (149 cm)
13 61.4″ (156 cm)
14 64.6″ (164 cm)
15 66.9″ (170 cm)
16 68.3″ (173.5 cm)
17 69.1″ (175.5 cm)
18 69.3″ (176 cm)

Weight-for-age percentile for boys

Age Weight Height
2 yrs 27.5 lbs (12.5 kg) 34.2″ (86.8 cm)
3 yrs 31.0 lbs (14.0 kg) 37.5″ (95.2 cm)
4 yrs 36.0 lbs (16.3 kg) 40.3″ (102.3 cm)
5 yrs 40.5 lbs (18.4 kg) 43.0″ (109.2 cm)
6 yrs 45.5 lbs (20.6 kg) 45.5″ (115.5 cm)
7 yrs 50.5 lbs (22.9 kg) 48.0″ (121.9 cm)
8 yrs 56.5 lbs (25.6 kg) 50.4″ (128 cm)
9 yrs 63.0 lbs (28.6 kg) 52.5″ (133.3 cm)
10 yrs 70.5 lbs (32 kg) 54.5″ (138.4 cm)
11 yrs 78.5 lbs (35.6 kg) 56.5″ (143.5 cm)
12 yrs 88.0 lbs (39.9 kg) 58.7″ (149.1 cm)

Children’s weight tends to change every month even if the child is healthy. According to the CDC, BMI scores are not directly used as a benchmark for calculating body fat percentage. But the BMI calculator is used as a tool to compare the weight and height of children of the same age and sex, says hoodmwr.com.

By looking at the graph above, you can imagine how tall your child is. Well, there percentiles are used to make comparisons between your child’s growth and the growth of other children of the same age and gender.

Sometimes, your pediatrician will also measure your child’s height and weight as percentiles. For example, the height at the 50th percentile for a 9-year-old boy is 52.6 inches or 133.5 cm. If you find your child’s size is higher than this value, then this indicates that he is taller than the average of other children, and vice versa.

Other interesting links:

  1. What is Average Height For 10 Year Old Boys and Girls?
  2. Average Height For 16 Year Old Boys and Girls
  3. Average Height For 12 Year Old Boys and Girls 2022

Do Boys Grow At A Different Rate Than Girls?

True, the development of boys and girls is different. In childhood, boys generally develop faster than girls. Thus, the average for boys is higher than the average for girls.

This difference also makes doctors sometimes use different charts in measuring the height of boys and girls.


After listening to a lengthy review of the average height for a 9 year old, we know that the average height for 9 year old boys is 52.6 inches or 133.5 cm. But it is important for you to know that this is influenced by many factors. If you are concerned about your child’s growth and development, we suggest you to consult a doctor.

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