List of Natural Body Enhancing Foods

High body is the dream of many people, one way to increase the body is to consume the following natural foods

Body enhancing food

Body enhancing food – Body with high posture is the dream of many people. The younger generation, now wants to get taller than the previous people. With today’s advances in technology, there are many drug manufacturers who claim the drug can increase height quickly and does not take long.

For those of you who want to be tall, don’t be quick or talkative with chemical drugs that claim to increase the body’s height, because every chemical drug always has side effects, although sometimes they don’t appear immediately. To elevate the body there are foods that increase body height naturally which are of course very safe for consumption, because these foods are types of healthy foods.

This height-increasing food is recommended to be consumed regularly to maximize bone growth. These foods are foods that will stimulate bones to grow healthily and optimally. Here are the types of foods that increase your height that you should eat.

List of Natural Body Enhancing Foods

1. Egg whites: Body-enhancing foods

Who doesn’t love egg whites, everyone loves this healthy food. Protein which plays a role in growing bones is in the egg white. For that, those of you who want to get tall should consume egg whites regularly in your daily diet.

2. Consuming Oatmeal

Do you like oatmeal? If you don’t like it, change your mindset right now. Oatmeal is a food that is rich in health benefits and functions. The content of vegetable protein in oatmeal can trigger height growth well. In addition, oatmeal can also increase muscle mass (this is good for those of you who are fitness).

Another benefit of oatmeal is as a food to reduce fat in the body and can lower bad cholesterol. Oatmeal can be one of your diet menus

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3. Milk to elevate the body

The next body enhancing food is milk. Milk contains lots of calcium which is good for bone growth. In addition, milk is also a useful product to help absorb protein so that it can increase muscle mass properly. For satisfactory results in elevating the body consume milk regularly.

4. Chicken

Meat is also a good source of protein for muscle and bone growth. Choose lean chicken meat. If necessary, remove the white fat sticking to the chicken meat.

5. Consuming vitamins C and D.

Other height-increasing foods are foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin D. Both types of vitamins are very helpful in the absorption of protein by bones and cells.

Foods that are a source of vitamin C are lemon, guava, longan, papaya, kiwi, broccoli, strawberry etc. While food sources of vitamin D are cereals, mushrooms, cheese, milk, beef liver, fish etc.

These are foods to increase height naturally and healthy foods that should be consumed by those of you who want to get a tall and beautiful posture.

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