Can Babies Have Seizures In The Womb

Can Babies Have Seizures In The Womb

On this occasion we will share important information about baby’s health, especially with regard to seizures. There is a question that is often discussed by all mothers, can babies have seizures in the womb? To find out the answer, keep reading this article to the end!

During pregnancy, most pregnant women experience movement of the baby in their womb at 16 weeks of gestation. Among the fetal movements that are often felt by the mother are like kicks, or pounding, and sometimes can feel very strong. For pregnant women, of course this is a happy thing and a sign that the fetus is active and healthy in its womb. So the movement of the fetus in the womb is considered important, precisely when the movement of the fetus slows down, a mother should be worried about the condition of her fetus.

If you see a midwife, they don’t miss asking about the baby’s movements. Is the fetal movement getting stronger or the same in the past few weeks or is the movement getting slower or weaker? This is an important question to monitor the health of the fetus in the womb. However, on this occasion, we will talk about the possibility of seizures in the fetus. Can babies have seizures in the womb?

Can Babies Have Seizures In The Womb

Why is it important for you to pay attention to the movement of the baby in the womb? Look, if you experience weakness of movement for your fetus, then you must immediately take the right steps for the welfare of your baby.

Sometimes the baby’s slowed movements can also occur for normal and natural reasons. So not all slowing baby movements are an indication of the health condition of the fetus. Then the examination that can be done can be in the form of his heart rate, and breathing so that the midwife can know that the slowed movement is not due to medical reasons.

Slowing fetal movement can also be due to the influence of what you eat, your stress level, changes in baby’s position, all of which can affect the amount and strength of fetal movement.

However, it is important for you to check with a medical professional about the slowing of the baby’s movements in the womb. Likewise with fetal movements that are too strong because all of these can affect the health of your baby.

What about the baby’s irregular movements? Most mothers ask, is this a sign of a baby having seizures in the womb. Indeed, seizures in the fetus are rare, but this is not impossible, this can happen and includes things you should be aware of during pregnancy.

What is a Fetal Seizure?

What are fetal spasms and can fetal spasms occur in the womb? Let’s take a closer look at fetal spasms.

Fetal seizures are cases of seizures that occur while the baby is still in the womb and seizures are rare but this is a possible problem. Seizures usually involve the whole body and this can happen repeatedly.

Indeed, seizures can occur for various reasons, but most often they are the result of an anomaly of the nervous system. This is a condition when the fetus is deprived of oxygen, has an infection, or there is bleeding in the brain, all of which can cause the fetus to have seizures in the womb.

What are the Signs of a Fetal Seizure?

Seizures are sometimes similar to fetal movements, so in this case many mothers do not know that their fetus is having a seizure. When you are pregnant, your baby sometimes moves more than other times.

However, there are signs that pregnant women should be aware of. If the pregnant woman feels a strong movement, and the movement occurs in a jerky manner. So, you should be aware of any unusual movements in your fetus or movements that you consider excessive. if you experience this, then immediately see a midwife or pediatrician to do an ultrasound to find out what is really going on.

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What happens to the baby after a seizure?

In some cases that have occurred, seizures sometimes go undetected and do not cause harm to the baby. While in other cases, babies experience the possibility of several complications of the disease that can occur, especially experiencing nerve problems after birth (if seizures occur in the womb).

If so, the doctor will perform tests and monitor their growth as they develop. Babies sometimes also experience other health problems called epilepsy.

If I have epilepsy, will my baby have seizures?

Most mothers who have epilepsy are afraid that their babies will have seizures too, is it like that? They are often bothered by the question “did the baby have seizures in the womb”. They are afraid and worried that the disease they are experiencing will happen to the fetus.

However, women with this condition continue to be pregnant and healthy even until the baby is born. So, just because you have epilepsy, doesn’t mean your baby will have the same thing. If you have any concerns, try discussing this with a sonographer. They are competent to discuss whether your baby will have a seizure. However, you who suffer from epilepsy does not mean that this will happen to your baby too, because the facts are as we have explained (many pregnant women suffer from epilepsy but their babies are healthy until they give birth). Research says that pregnant women who suffer from epilepsy, only 5 out of 100 babies born who experience the same thing.

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Should I be concerned about fetal seizures?

Because this is a risk, it must be answered with “yes”. Although a small proportion of epileptic mothers transmit the disease to the fetus, but for vigilance you should be worried about the baby’s seizures. This is to encourage you to consult a doctor and not underestimate this problem.

If a pregnant woman has epilepsy, then the best thing you can do is monitor the baby’s movements and examine the baby with ultrasound. Through this examination, the midwife will later tell you whether your fetus is at high risk of seizures and what preventive steps can be taken, basically everything that is possible to do for the safety of your baby.

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