How to Cure Thrush at Home

How to Cure Thrush or aphthous ulcers at Home Easily

How to Cure Thrush – Thrush is usually experienced on the lips or side of the inner mouth, but there are also canker sores or aphthous ulcers that occur on the roof of the mouth. Thrush is very annoying, especially when eating.

Indeed, thrush can heal by itself within a week or two, but this is very excruciating and painful. It’s good if we try to treat it with traditional medicine. Here are some ways you can try to cure your canker sores.

Curing Thrush Easily

Although aphthous ulcers heal on their own, there are natural ways you can take to speed up the healing process. Here we see one by one how to cure canker sores on the roof of the mouth.

1. Gargle with salt water

One easy way to cure mouth ulcers is gargling with warm salt water. You can take a glass of warm water and a tablespoon of salt, dissolve it and gargle with the water. You don’t need to drink, just gargle and then throw away the grime.

Salt water contains anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can inhibit the development of bacteria and fungi and infections of the gums or roof of your mouth. Gargle several times a day until your canker sores disappear.

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2. Drink lots of water

The healing method by drinking lots of water is useful if the thrush you are experiencing occurs due to dehydration or lack of water in the body. because lack of water in the body can cause dry mouth and trigger canker sores. So, by drinking lots of body water, it is hoped that the body will always be hydrated and eventually eliminate the canker sores or aphthous ulcers that occur.

3. Avoid certain foods

If you experience thrush, you can also try to cure canker sores by consuming healthy foods such as green vegetables, healthy fruits. Pay attention to stop salty, sour, spicy and sharp foods as they can cause mouth ulcers to heal longer.

Also avoid very hot drinks as they can cause burning in the mouth and slow healing.

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4. Compress with ice cubes

Ice cubes can relieve pain and relieve pain, so you can try using ice cubes by compressing them on the injured part. Use a soft cloth to compress the ice cubes in your mouth. This cold feeling works to relieve pain and pain, do it several times if you feel very disturbed by the pain in your mouth.

5. Aloe vera sap

It is also a traditional medicine that is effective in dealing with canker sores. Aloe vera contains anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties so it is very good for relieving pain due to thrush.

How to use aloe vera sap or gel is very easy. You only need to rub it on the part of the mouth that has thrush. Leave it on for a few hours and repeat up to several times a day. Do not carelessly use aloe vera gel that is sold in the market because it may contain dangerous drugs. It is best to take aloe vera gel straight from the tree.

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6. Chamomile tea with honey

The combination of these two herbs can heal aphthous ulcers or canker sores because they both contain anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties. Specifically, honey contains antiseptic and chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties. You can mix both by using warm water and drinking directly.

Another way is to smear honey directly on the sprue area or by placing a chamomile tea bag directly onto the affected area.

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