The Dangers of Drinking Arak (Alcoholic drink) Can Eliminate Faith

Alcoholic drink

The dangers of Alcoholic drink

Alcoholic drink – Khamar or arak is a drink that is prohibited in Islam because of its very dangerous effects. The danger of arak or intoxicating drinks is not only for health but can affect one’s spiritual life, the most dangerous of which is the loss of one’s faith when someone dies.

That is why arak or khamar and other kinds of intoxicating drinks are forbidden in Islam. It has been a long time ago that Islam has forbidden this drink because it has a very large effect and is very bad for a person’s psyche and can even cause someone to die in a state of loss of faith. As mentioned in the story of Fudhail bin Iyadh and his students, where his pupils consumed khamar every year so that when the day of his death Allah eliminated the faith in his chest.

Here we will see the story of Fudhail bin Iyadh and his student

One day Fudhail bin Iyadh visited his student who was sick, sick with death. When he arrived at the student’s house, the Sufi Shaykh Fudhail bin Iyadh read the surah Yasin on the side of his student’s head who was sick with death. But when the sheikh recited Yasin, his student said: O teacher, don’t you recite it? His teacher was very sad to hear the words of his sick student.

In that sad and anxious state, sheikh Fushail bin Iyadh then mentally asked his pupil with the sentence of tawheed, namely the sentence لا اله الا الله, but the student returned to say and forbade the teacher to mentallyqinate him.

The student says: No, I will not read that sentence, I am already separated from it. Na’uzubillah min zalik. He said that he had been released from the sentence of tawhid, this indicated that he had no more faith in his chest. We take refuge in Allah from losing faith.

His teacher Fudhail bin Iyadh wept and was sad, then returned home with great sadness, when he got home he cried and continued to cry because he saw his student’s condition like that. even though his student was the smartest person among the other students. She cried and did not leave the house for 40 days long. One day, in his sleep, he dreamed that he saw the student being dragged into Hell by the angels.

He asked his students, why did your ma’rifah and faith lost? Then he replied, the loss of ma’rifah in my chest is due to three things. then the student told about it.

The loss of ma’rifah in the soul is mentioned in three things: 1. with envy, he envies the blessings that are in his friends. 2. With Namimah, he pitted each other against each other, he even said to his teacher in reverse what he said to others. and the 3 is by drinking khamar or Alcoholic drink.

He drank khamar not because he was having fun but because he was taking medication. One day he went to see a doctor, the doctor said that his illness would not be cured unless he drank a cup of wine every year. Finally he also drinks wine every year. That is the reason why the faith in his chest was pulled out and removed by Allah SWT.

Drinking wine or Alcoholic drink just taking medication is like that, especially if we drink wine for pleasure, of course this is very dangerous for our faith. Actually, Allah SWT did not make wine into medicine because it is unclean, unclean which is made by humans. Allah hates wine and intoxicating drinks, so we shouldn’t try to drink them. We take refuge in Allah from su’ul khatimah.!

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