Danyang – Kunshan Grand Bridge: The Longest Bridge in the World

Danyang - Kunshan Grand Bridge

China is the owner of many of the longest bridges in the world, 7 of the 10 longest bridges in the world are in China and one of them is the Danyang – Kunshan Grand Bridge which is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest bridge in the world today.

The distance of the longest bridge in the world is 164.9 kilometers. The name of the longest bridge in the world is taken from the names of the two areas that are the ends of the bridge.

These are Danyang and Kunshan. Danyand is a village in the West and Kunshan is a village in the East. The bridge stretches across 4 cities, namely Danyang – Changzhou – Wuxi – Kunshan.

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In completing this longest bridge, China spent unmitigated funds. This bridge costs 8.5 billion dollars with a workforce of no less than 10,000 people.

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The high cost was able to produce a Danyang – Kunshan Grand Bridge as the longest bridge, crossing 4 cities and having a strong construction.

It is said that this bridge can withstand earthquakes of up to 8 Sr, and can withstand the impact of ships weighing 300,000 tons and can also withstand typhoons.

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