Definition of Education: Definition, Objectives, and Types of Education

Definition of Education

What is the Definition of Education in General

In general, the meaning of education is the learning of knowledge, skills and human habits that are passed down from one generation to the next through training, teaching and learning.

In addition to the understanding as above, there are also those which mean that education is an effort that is consciously made to create a systematic teaching and learning atmosphere with the aim that students can develop their potential.

A person who has education, he will get glory, intelligence, spiritual strength, skills that will be useful for himself and others.

In foreign languages, especially English, education is called education, and this comes from the Latin language called eductum. Eductum itself comes from two words, namely E and Duco. E means development from the inside out, and the word Duco means developing.

Based on the origin of the word education, education can be interpreted as a process of developing self-efficacy and individual strength. In short, the notion of education is a learning process for students, with the aim that they can have an understanding of something and can create human beings who are critical in thinking.

Understanding Education According to Experts

In general, we already understand what education means, and now is the time for us to look at the meaning and meaning of education more specifically based on the opinion of education experts.

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1. Ki Hajar Dewantara

He said that the meaning of education is the process of guiding all the natural forces available to the students. The goal is that they can get benefit and happiness for themselves as humans or as a society.

2. Martinus Jan Langeveld

The definition of education according to Martinus Jan Langeveld is an effort to help children carry out their life tasks
independently and can be accounted for morally. Education is an effort from adult humans to guide and educate immature humans towards maturity.

3. Ahmad D. Marimba

The definition of education according to Ahmad D. Marimba is the conscious guidance carried out by educators towards physical and spiritual development towards the formation of the main personality.

4. Carter V. Good

Carter V. Good said that the notion of education is a process of individual skills, both in attitudes and in social behavior. This social process is influenced by an organized environment, be it the school environment, home, so that self and social skills can be acquired.

5. Stella Van Petten Henderson

Stella Van Petten Henderson, he said that education is a combination of self-development and social heritage.

6. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia

Based on the contents of Law no. 20 of 2003, education is defined as a conscious and planned effort with the aim of realizing the learning process so that students actively develop themselves to have spiritual strength, self-control, intelligence, skills, personality, and noble morals that are important and necessary for themselves, society and nation.

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Educational Goals

The purpose of education in general is to develop self-potential and learners or students. With the development of intelligence and self-potential, every child can have creativity, intelligence, have a good personality, are physically and mentally healthy, and can become a responsible member of society.

Regarding the purpose of this education, it is also stated in the State Law of the Republic of Indonesia, including the following:

1. Law no. 2 of 1985

Based on Law no. 2 of 1985, the purpose of education is to educate the nation and develop a complete human being, namely people who believe in God Almighty, have knowledge, are physically and mentally healthy, have noble character, are independent, have a solid personality, and are responsible for nation.

2. Law. No. 20 of 2003

The purpose of education according to law. No. 20 of 2003 concerning the national education system is for the development of the potential of students, so that they become human beings who believe and have devotion to God Almighty, have noble character, knowledge, health, independence, and become democratic and responsible citizens.

3. Educational Objectives according to the MPRS No. 2 of 1960

Educational objectives according to the MPRS No. 2 of 1960, is to form a true and Pancasila spirit based on the provisions required by the preamble to the 1945 Constitution and the contents of the 1945 Constitution.

Educational Function

After we know the purpose of education in Indonesia based on the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, now look at what the function of education is for ourselves and the nation.

In general, the function of education is to develop oneself, form a good character, have a noble character and become a dignified human.

Meanwhile, according to Horton and Hunt, the function of education is as follows:

Apart from the educational function as above, there is also an educational function according to David Popenoe. Here’s the function!

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Types of Education

There are many kinds of education and the models are formal, and some are non-formal. Here we look at the types of education.

1. Formal education

Formal education is a type of education that is structured and starts from Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Kindergarten, SD, SMP, SMA and Higher Universities.

2. Non formal education

Non-formal education is a type of education that is outside formal education and can be taken in a structured and tiered manner. The path from non-formal education can be adjusted to the level of formal education as has been arranged by the manager.

3. Informal education

This type of informal education is education that is obtained in a home environment, a community where students can learn independently in their respective environments. Examples of informal education include religious education, manners, manners, socialization and morals.

This is an explanation of the meaning of education, the aims of education, the functions and types of education in human life. Hopefully we can add knowledge and information for all of us.

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