Drinking Lots of Water But Not Urinating Much

Drinking Lots of Water But Not Urinating Much

You sometimes occasionally drink a lot of water to be able to urinate a lot, this is usually done to detox the body from harmful harmful substances. But what happens, drinking lots of water but not urinating much. In conditions like this you must be wondering why you do not urinate in large quantities as well as you drink a lot of water. Is there something wrong with your health.

You may think whether you drink enough water or maybe there is something wrong with your health such as infection and so on. So, there are actually many reasons why you don’t  urinate in large quantities even though you’ve been drinking in large quantities. To find out the answer, make sure you read this article to the end.

Drinking lots of water but not urinating much is a condition that many people experience, in the medical world this is termed as Oliguria.

So, there are many reasons where the urine that comes out is not proportional to the amount of water we drink. This can happen due to things like blockage in the urinary tract, dehydration, burn disease, kidney disease, and others. Here we will explain more about why you are not urinating a lot even though you have been drinking a lot, including how it is diagnosed, and possible treatment to treat this problem.

So, some of the topics we will cover here include:

What is Low Urine Production?

Low urine production in the medical world is also known as Oliguria. Urine production is said to be low when it is less than 13.5 fluid ounces (400 ml) of urine per day.

Well, if your urine is like this, then this could be a sign that there is a problem in your body. Urination that is little or not proportional to the water you drink is a symptom of urinary tract obstruction or someone who is dehydrated.

What Causes Low Urine Output (Not Urinating Much)

When you drink too much water, of course, you expect you to be able to urinate in large quantities too, but what you experience is that you do not urinate or only a little. If you’re having problems like this, it’s hard to explain what’s really going on and why you’re only urinating a little.

To make our discussion clearer, here are some causes of drinking lots of water but not urinating much.

1. Urinary tract obstruction

Blockage of the urinary tract can be one of the reasons why you don’t urinate after drinking a lot of water. Blockage of the urinary tract is a condition when urine cannot get out of your kidneys, it can be in one kidney or in both kidneys.

This blockage can also have effects such as vomiting, body aches, fever, nausea, and swelling and depending on how quickly the swelling occurs.

2. Burns and serious injuries

Burns are different from other injuries, where burns will drain more body fluids, so someone who has burns, he will be dehydrated and of course drink a lot he does not excrete large amounts of urine anyway.

So, if you are experiencing burns, then you may experience a problem called “drinking lots of water but not urinating much”.

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3. Kidney disease

Kidney disease can also cause you to not urinate much even if you drink a lot of water. This health problem (Oliguria) can cause kidney failure.

The kidneys will actually produce fluids according to the body’s needs, whether a lot or otherwise so that they are able to keep everything under control. But if your kidneys can’t produce more urine after you drink a lot of water, then this could be an indication that your kidneys are not doing well.

4. Infection

Low urine output can also occur due to certain infections. This is not a common cause, but if it does occur the body can go into shock, and this can reduce blood flow to the body’s organs.

5. Take Medications

In addition to some of the causes above, some drugs also affect the volume of your urine. Among the drugs that can decrease urine volume even if you drink a lot of water are: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Gentamicin (an antibiotic), ACE antagonists (drugs for blood pressure).

If you have recently experienced low urine output, and have ever taken certain medications, then you can discuss with your doctor to see if your medications affect your urine.

6. Dehydration

Drinking lots of water but not urinating much also can cause by dehydration. This is a common cause of a small volume of your urine. What is dehydration? This is a condition in which our body loses more fluids than we consume. If this happens, then your kidneys are trying their best to retain fluid. If you don’t know what the symptoms of dehydration are, then pay attention to this.

There are several indications that indicate that a person is dehydrated, including vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating.


To diagnose low urine output, there are several ways you can take, including:

1. Urinalysis

This is a urine test that is done by a doctor to find out whether a person has a bladder infection or not, or even kidney damage.

2. Blood test

Blood tests are done to determine the amount of blood, the amount of electrolytes in the body, and kidney function.

This is done by inserting a small camera into the bladder to view the inside of the bladder. This is done by a urology technician.

3. Ultrasound or computer tomography of the abdomen

This test is done to determine the presence of obstruction or blockage in the dilated kidney (hydronephrosis).

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Treatment of Low Urine Output

Treatment for low urine depends on the underlying cause. For example, if the cause is kidney failure, the treatment method will be different from other causes such as dehydration, drugs or other problems.

If you are urinating less because you are dehydrated, your doctor may advise you to drink more water or electrolytes. If the dehydration that occurs is serious, the doctor will try to give you intravenous fluids.

However, if the low urine output is caused by taking certain drugs, the doctor will try to reduce the dose of the drug or switch to another drug.

Likewise, if drinking lots of water but not urinating much occurs due to kidney failure. So in cases like this, you are advised to meet with experts (specialists). If your kidney is severe then you may need a transplant or dialysis.

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How To Prevent Low Urine Output

You can prevent low urine output by taking more water or coconut water. Coconut water is water with a high electrolyte content which is good for preventing dehydration.

In addition, the intake of fruits and juices can also be an important intake that is useful for preventing low urine output.

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