7 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Spider’s Nest at Home

Describe natural ways to get rid of annoying spider or spider webs

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Spider's Nest

Your house has a lot of cobwebs? This is definitely an eyesore, not only that but also makes the house dirty and looks like it is neglected, even though it is really neglected! So it is important that we know how to get rid of house spiders so that the house is always clean and free from dust and other impurities. Moreover, there is the opinion of the scholars who say that a house with a nest of spiders can be the cause of restraint in sustenance.

Ok, our focus this time is how to get rid of and eradicate cobwebs so that the house is always cool and pleasing to the eye. With these tricks and tips on cleaning cobwebs, you don’t need to be afraid because we will use natural methods to get rid of spiders, aka not using chemical methods.

Immediately, we see the method one by one, hopefully it is useful and can be tried at each home.

1. Using lemon and citrus

If you have lemon or citrus you can use it as an ingredient which we will use to get rid of spiders at home. Use the lemon peel, take the peel and rub the lemon peel on the places where there are cobwebs. This eight legged beast will step aside and look for another place.

You can rub it in the corners of the room, or where the spiders enter. This method not only scares the spiders but also gives the room a nice scent.

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2. Using vinegar

Vinegar is also a natural item that can be used to kill spiders. The pungent smell of vinegar, is effective in driving spiders from the web, to use vinegar, take vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 2. Please mix vinegar with water according to the number of cobwebs so that it is not wasted.

If the vinegar and water have been mixed, now put the liquid into a spray bottle and spray it into between the walls, corner of the wall or to the ceiling where the spiders nest.

3. Use peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is also one of the natural remedies to repel spiders from your home. The scent of peppermint oil turns out to only smell good on our noses, but when dealing with insects such as spiders, peppermint oil is a big disaster for him.

How to make a concoction is very easy, just mix a few drops of peppermint oil with liquid soapy water and water. Shake well and put in a spray bottle, spraying on the part of the house where the suspect has a spider or into his hiding place. This smell will make them leave your house because it makes spiders uncomfortable.

4. Baking soda

The next way to get rid of spiders is to use baking soda. Baking soda, not only gets rid of spiders but also can clean your house. Baking soda is often used to clean household ingredients and tools.

The way to use baking soda to repel spiders is to sprinkle baking soda on any part of the house where you think they have spiders or watch them build a web there. Usually, baking soda doesn’t work right away, about 2 to 3 days, baking starts working and makes the insects run away from the premises.

5. Using horse chestnut

Horse chestnut may not be well known, and many of us don’t know the fruit yet. For those of you who have this fruit, you can use horse chestnut to kill spiders at home.

How to get rid of spiders with chestnut fruit is very easy, we just have to put the fruit in every corner that becomes the spider’s path.

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If there is no horse chestnut, we can replace it with another fruit that has the same properties. Among these fruits that can repel spiders, like horse chestnut, are walnuts or osage oranges.

6. Repel spiders with cinnamon

Then, the way to get rid of spiders is by using cinnamon. What is used is ground cinnamon, by sprinkling cinnamon in the places where the spiders hide.

The smell of cinnamon that feels good to us, on spiders can be dangerous and hurt it with the aroma of cinnamon. So, just sprinkle it in the places where the spiders suspect.

7. Home fumigation

Another easy way to get rid of spiders is to make a smoke at home. Fumigation can be done by burning coconut shells, now the smoke that comes out of it can cause the spiders to run and move to another place.

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So, we can actually get rid of spiders very easily, only by using natural ingredients from home, we can get rid of these spiders. So, we don’t need to use chemical drugs or chemical sprays.

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