Emerald Green Arborvitae: How to Grow and Care The Tree

Emerald Green Arborvitae

The beauty of the Arborvitae plant is very interesting to adopt. Visually, this plant is very attractive and gives nuance to your landscape. One species of Arborvitae plant that is currently popular is Emerald Green, we call it Emerald Green Arborvitae.

It is not only visually beautiful but her easy care has given her a special place in the hearts of her fans.

If you like Arborvitae plants, we recommend the Emerald Green species for you. We’ll show you how to grow them and care that we say is easy. Don’t worry, you can learn how to make this plant grow well for your home landscape.

The best time to plant Emerald Green Arborvitae is when the temperature is no longer hot, perhaps fall could be the best time to grow it.

Its growth will usually appear fast at the beginning of planting, but as it nears maturity, it increasingly has slower growth.

It is often shaped in various forms when it grows up, but you have to be careful with the Emerald Green Arborvitae because it is a plant that is poisonous to both humans and animals.

How to Care The Emerald Green Arborvitae

Actually, this beautiful plant is a plant that was first developed in Denmark, so sometimes it is also known by another name, namely: Smaragd.

Smaragd in Danish is a sentence used to denote something beautiful or emerald. These stunning plants are often grown independently or in isolation from other plants.

For planting, pay attention to the condition of the soil because it really needs soil that is quite moist but well drained.

Can be in partial shade or in a bright place (full sun). If you plant them for fences in rows, then space each tree 3-4 feet apart.

Remember, heavy snow is sometimes a threat, heavy snow attached to the branches can sometimes break your tree branches.

If you see there is a lot of snow attached, then remove and clean. Any broken branches should be pruned so as not to damage the growth.`

Some things to consider when planting Emerald green arborvitae:

1. Light

light is something that is necessary, this plant needs full sun or at least partial sun. It needs 6 hours of sunlight every day.

But you have to pay attention to the level of heat from the sun too, because in certain cases sometimes the sun can burn plant leaves.

Planting it in full shade is also not good because it can make this plant grow with a sparse leaf density so that there is no beauty from your plant.

2. Soil Condition

The best soil conditions for growing Emerald green arborvitae are wet but well-draining conditions. Neutral and alkaline soil pH is great for growing emerald green arborvitae plants.

To get soil like this, you can use compost or mulch at the top of the roots. This will keep the soil moist and is great for the good of the soil.

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3. Water

To keep the soil moist, usually the soil at the base of this plant is watered 2 times a week. It is applied for several months. But when the growth is somewhat mature, you only need to water about 1 inch per week.

You can use rain or irrigation water.

4. Temperature and humidity

This plant likes a cool and dry climate. If the soil conditions are very moist, then it is possible that it will cause mold.

Planting arborvitae stems is also important in tackling fungal problems. It is recommended to plant them 3-4 feet between each tree. then, open areas and strong winds are also not good for planting Emerald green arborvitae.

5. Fertilizer

How about fertilization? Should this plant be fertilized? Usually this plant does not need food like most other plants.

But if the growth is very slow, then the use of fertilizer is also important to stimulate. The best fertilizer is a fertilizer with nutrient content and use a balanced fertilizer.

Pruning for Emerald Green Arborvitae plants

Cutting emerald green arborvitae is not really necessary, but for your specific purposes you may also need to trim them sometimes.

Pruning the Emerald Green Arborvitae is to cut off the less dense parts of the leaves, and this will encourage denser growth.

Apart from that, you should also remove any damaged, dead or wilted branches. Removal of wilted branches is important to prevent the spread of infection.

You can also shape the plants as you wish. The natural shape of the plant is large below and tapering to the top. Pruning can also be done to maintain the natural shape of the Arborvitae.

See also:

Pests and diseases

There are pests that are common in Emerald Green Arborvitae. Usually the pests that are a problem are insects and diseases such as bagworms. This pest feeds on the leaves of the arborvitae plant.

The fix is ​​to take the egg bag and you can destroy the eggs before they hatch. In addition, there are spider mites that interfere with this plant.

Sometimes, among the pests of arborvitae plants are needle and twig blight caused by fungi. How to recognize blight? The easy way, you have to dare to prune all the infected branches and then treat your plants with fungicides.

There are also other forms of pests and diseases that are considered a serious threat to Emerald Green Arborvitae plants, such as stem canker.

This disease can cause lesions, sticky sap that comes out of stems and branches affected by stem canker.

If the stems are threatened, the plant is likely to die. But infecting a branch you can cut the branch and throw it away or burn it to get rid of the disease.

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