5 Facts About Thai Tea, Popular Drinks

Thai Tea is a popular Thai drink to Indonesian, a spice drink

Facts About Thai Tea

Facts About Thai Tea – Thai Tea is a popular drink with an extraordinary sensation. You will definitely like this tea because it’s different from tarek tea or milk tea. Its uniqueness and addictive taste make us want to explore these facts about Thai tea.

The aroma of vanilla and spices that are included in this Thai tea is so enchanting. But behind the uniqueness of taste and color, there are some interesting facts behind the name Thai Tea. Here we see one by one:

Facts About Thai Tea

1. Thai Tea is made with Original Thai Tea leaves

The tea that we know as Thai Tea (Thai tea), is actually called “cha nom yen” in its place of origin. This tea is made with a blend of native Thai spices and tea leaves. This original tea uses the brand chatramue / no.1, brewed using the Carnation brand of sweetened condensed milk.

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There are additional unique ingredients in this tea so that it is different from other teas in general, Thai tea or Thai tea uses an ingredient called “C Yellow Number 6” so that the appearance of the tea becomes orange.

2. There are additional ingredients so that it is more delicious

The next Thai tea fact is that there are additional ingredients, this is different from fragrant essence or rose tea which only uses tea. Thai tea turns out to have additional ingredients in it so that it tastes even better on the tongue.

So, what are the additional ingredients in Thai Tea. Among the ingredients added to Thai tea are spices. This spice consists of fennel, cardamom, tamarind seeds, cinnamon and natural orange dye.

3. The perfect brewing process

Apart from the addition of spices in the tea, that tea also tastes perfect with the extraordinary steeping of the tea. Before serving, Thai tea takes five minutes to brew. If you want to taste more delicious and spicy then Thai tea must be steeped for up to 8 minutes.

It is intended that the essence of the spices is extracted perfectly so that it gives a thicker and sharper aroma. This is one of the secrets that need to be preserved. If only steeped for two minutes or three minutes, then the spicy aroma of Thai tea will not be felt perfectly.

4. Unique presentation

The next fact Thai tea is that it is served in a unique way. Its uniqueness lies in the glass used. They use big, tall plastic cups. then put the shaved ice in it until it’s full, it’s unique isn’t it! Then just add Thai Tea on top as needed and cover with milk topping on shaved ice.

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5. There are many variants

Thai tea does not only come in one type, but has many different options. Basically, Thai tea has three flavors, namely original thai tea (cha nom yen), lime thai tea and black thai tea (cha yen). However, in line with the development of the period and the development of the franchise, now Thai tea already exists in various variations such as lemonade thai tea, green thai tea, red rose, milo thai tea, and honey.

So, those are interesting facts about Thai tea or what is famous in Indonesia as Thai Tea. If you go to Thailand, it’s not wrong if you try Thai Tea or Cha Nom Yen every now and then, you will definitely be impressed. But remember, take tea that is sure to have spices.

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