Guava Leaf Tea: Health Benefits and an Easy Method to Make It

Guava Leaf Tea Benefits

Benefits of guava leaf tea for body health. It is a traditional herb with rich benefits. Let’s read our review about guava leaves that are rarely known. Guava is a fruit that is rich in nutrients and has many health benefits. Among the many nutrients are vitamin C, B vitamins, antioxidants, potassium, and soluble fiber. Just like guava fruit, the leaves also have many health benefits such as making guava leaf tea.

This great benefit is also obtained because of the high fiber content in guava leaves and fruit. Among the properties and benefits of guava leaves are as follows:

1. Control blood sugar

Guava leaf tea contains compounds that inhibit the production of sucrose and maltose, this is a type of sugar with this inhibition, the flow of sugar in the blood can be controlled.

Compounds in guava leaves also inhibit several enzymes that convert carbohydrates into glucose during the digestive process. It is especially useful for patients with type 2 diabetes.

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2. Prevent diarrhea

Compounds in guava leaf tea also inhibit bacteria that cause diarrhea. The bacteria that causes diarrhea is Staphylococcus aureus. That is why those who consume guava leaves can recover quickly from diarrhea.

The best way to treat diarrhea with guava leaves is to consume it on an empty stomach or in the morning before you eat other foods.

3. Help lose weight

One of the benefits of guava leaf tea is as a supporting ingredient in losing weight. For those of you who want to lose weight, besides using kombucha tea, you can also use guava leaf tea as a traditional herb. Guava tea can inhibit carbohydrates from turning into glucose so as to prevent weight gain and can reduce and reduce the formation of fat in the body.

See too: Black Tea Benefits for Health and Side Effects

If you are diligent in consumption, then drinking guava leaf tea can lose weight.

4. Fight cancer

Guava leaves also contain antioxidants that act as cancer-fighting agents. So, drinking guava leaf tea is good for fighting free radicals and other cancer-causing agents. The type of antioxidant present in guava leaves is lycopene, which has cancer-fighting benefits.

5. Help boost immunity

For those of you who are often sick, often cough, fever and runny nose, you can try guava leaf tea. Tea from guava leaves is useful for boosting immunity. So, this drink can serve as a deterrent for you from minor illnesses as we have mentioned above.

6. Lower cholesterol

We know that excess cholesterol in the blood can cause various serious health problems that can even be life-threatening such as stroke, and high blood pressure. Consuming guava leaf tea is known to be beneficial in lowering LDL or known as bad cholesterol which forms plaque and clogs the blood.

7. Good for heart health

Drinking guava leaf tea every day provides great benefits for heart health. By reducing cholesterol levels, blood flow will be smooth and this is very good for heart health and health of the whole body.

If you want to get good health, then one of the cheap alternatives but has great health value is drinking guava leaf tea regularly.

8. Good for oral health

Guava leaf tea contains anti-bacterial which is good for maintaining oral health. If you suffer from toothache, then this tea can provide quick relief for your health.

See also: How to Treat Toothache

One of the benefits of guava leaves for the mouth is to cure holisitis. The trick is to chew guava leaves at the same time as kapu fight. Even the combination of these herbs can clean your mouth and eliminate bad breath.

9. Guava leaf tea is good for Our brain

This is still related to the smooth flow of blood and oxygen. The content of vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 in guava leaves provides good circulation so that the flow to the brain is smooth. Thus, brain function will also run normally and optimally.

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