How Long Does Dysport Injections Last?

How Long Does Dysport Last

Dysport is a part of facial care tools. The way it works is by injecting it into the face to disguise facial wrinkles and make the face look younger. The question is how long this Dysport lasts?

If you have wrinkles on your face or lines of aging, you can get rid of them using Dysport injections. Facial care professionals will use their skills to provide temporary anti-aging properties. However, you can enjoy a wrinkle-free face for months.

How Long Does Dysport Last?

Maybe you ask, does this facial treatment need to be done every week or every month or in other words “how long does Dysport last on your face?”. Dysport injection is a temporary treatment, meaning it is not a single injection and lasts a lifetime. This treatment also does not require repeating the treatment every week or month. Even though it doesn’t last long, Dysport can last up to 6 months or once every 4 months. This means that you need to re-inject after 4 months or every 6 months.

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It all depends on each person’s body

The length of time Dysport lasts on your face really depends on you. This is because each person metabolizes the injection differently. After Dysport is completely metabolized by the body and disappears in the body, then your face returns to normal with its wrinkled lines. If the body’s metabolism is too fast, chances are Dysport only lasts for a moment, for example, 3 months or two months. So facial treatment with Dysport injection lasts according to the metabolic rate of each body.

What Exactly Is Dysport?

Never heard of Dysport? Ok, now we will explain what is Dysport actually? It is like botok, Dysport is a neuromodulator, or anti aging facial treatment in injection form. When these drugs are injected into the muscles, they numb the muscles. Usually this injection drug is inserted into areas of the body that frequently move because this area causes a lot of aging lines.

How Does It Work?

When this facial treatment drug is injected, it immediately works to paralyze the muscles in that area. So, the muscles no longer move and that is what happens to your face when you inject the drug. Your face that has been injected with Dysport, it will not move either up or down. At that time the skin relaxes and the aging lines or facial wrinkles begin to fade and disappear. The lines of aging that have appeared on your face over the years will quickly disappear and you will look like a young person.

How is it used?

Dysport injection is not used on the entire face but at a certain point. This drug is injected into the area between the eyebrows and above the eyebrows. It is injected in five dots, between the eyebrows and above the V-shaped eyebrows. This injection will disguise and remove facial wrinkles that arise due to frowning.

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When did the results appear?

Unlike the usual botok, the use of this facial treatment injection does not take a week to see the results. After the injection, about 48 to 72 hours, you will see the results. So one of the advantages of this injection is how fast it works. It doesn’t take you long to see how your face looks. Is it free from wrinkles or signs of aging or not.

What Are the Benefits?

For those of you who are not familiar with Dysport injection, of course wondering, what are the benefits of using this Dysport. For this reason, on this occasion we provide information about the benefits for those of you who use Dysport.

1. Get fast results

Indeed, this is more of the advantages of using Dysport injection than using other botok injections. But by using this treatment you can quickly find the difference in your face. It doesn’t take long, it doesn’t take your time waiting for the results that make you curious. Readmore: How to Get Rid of Black Spots on the Face

2. The results are natural

If you are concerned about how anti aging injections work. Then you don’t need to do it, even I myself suggest not to use any injections, but just eat healthy foods to keep the body young. But for those of you who can’t wait to look young, maybe you take the Dysport injection treatment. The advantage of Dysport is that it provides natural results, sometimes some don’t realize that you are using this magic injection.

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3. The results are long lasting

Once you inject Dysport, the aging wrinkles will disappear and this will last up to 6 months. Long enough and gives you a youthful appearance. If you are happy with the results, it means you only need the injection twice a year. And if you are not satisfied with the results, you can do facial treatments again so that your face looks like before. The choice is yours and depends on each of you.

4. The results are temporary

Maybe you are wondering, why is this temporary nature a benefit or an advantage? Well, if for some reason that you want to stop using this product, then you can easily do it, you can remove this injection easily and live a normal life with your natural face.

When the Dysport injection has been stopped, your body will metabolize Dysport, and once it disappears in your body, your face will return to normal.

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