How to Freeze Basil Easily

How to Freeze Basil Leaves

Ways to Freeze Basil – Basil leaves are spices that can give cooking aroma, basil leaves are usually used in grilled dishes as a topping over grilled chicken or other meats. When you harvest a lot, you certainly have to save from the leftovers you use. Then, how to store basil so that it lasts long and can be used for year-end needs.

3 Ways to Freeze Basil Leaves

Storing basil for year-end purposes or for use outside of the harvest season is simply to do it. There are two ways to freeze basil, with the ice cubes method and the simple freezing method.

By freezing basil, you can retain its flavor and aroma for use in the post-harvest period. So, you can provide the fragrance and benefits of basil leaves throughout the year. Immediately, we see how to freeze the following basil leaves.

See also: How to Freeze Parsley Easily

1. Freeze basil using simple way

Freezing basil can sometimes change the color of the leaves from green to yellowish. But you don’t need to worry because this freezing process can retain the taste of the basil and this is what we aim to store by freezing it, which is to be able to enjoy the taste of basil in a sustainable manner in our various dishes.

When freezing the simple way, wash the basil leaves, and remove the leaves from the stems or stems. After that, dry using a tissue, make the leaves free from wetness and water. After it is completely dry, then put it in a sealable plastic, before draining the air as much as possible. Seal the plastic and put it in the freezer.

When you need basil leaves, you can immediately take the frozen ones, and cover them again to store them in the freezer.

Also see: 10 Benefits of Basil Leaves

2. Freeze basil by blanche the leaves

After blanche, immediately dip it in cold water

The method of freezing basil above can sometimes cause the leaves to change color. Well, if you want to keep the green and fresh color of the basil, then before freezing it you have to blanche it first. Before blanching, clean the leaves and separate them from the stems, blanch briefly for about a minute or two, then remove from heat and immediately dip into cold water. Place it on paper towels to dry the basil leaves.

See also: How to Keep basil Fresh

Next, put it in a sealable plastic, squeeze the air in the bag, and seal the plastic and chopped basil leaves in the freezer.

3. Ice Cubes Method to Freeze


Ice Cubes Method to Freeze Basil

The next way to freeze basil is to make ice cubes. This method is great if you want to use basil in sauce.

Put the cleaned basil leaves in a blender, add olive oil or cold water. Blend until pureed, and place in an ice cube tray or in a small container for freezing. If the ice cubes are dry in trays or in small containers, take and put the basil leaves that have become ice cube into the sealer bag. Seal the plantic mouth and now the basil is ready to freeze for longer storage.

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