15 Morning Sunlight Benefits

Sunlight is a source of life on the surface of the earth besides water, because everything on earth needs it. In this article we look at the benefits of sunlight for life

Morning Sunlight Benefits

Morning sunlight benefits – Do you know what is the benefit of sunlight for humans? Humans often avoid the sun because of its hot, black, tiring, and even uncomfortable skin. Various reasons become weapons to say that the sun should be shunned. However, despite all that, it turns out that the facts behind the sun are astonishing.

If you are curious about the benefits and facts of sunlight, read on this short article to find out more clearly about the benefits of sunlight, especially for humans.

Facts and Morning Sunlight Benefits

If you play for a long time in the hot afternoon or evening sun then this is not good for health. Some experts say that direct sunlight on the skin can sometimes damage skin cells which in turn cause skin cancer. This cell damage is caused by UV light which is bad for health. So, is it true that this can cause cancer or is not good for health? Let’s take a look at the following:

1. Prevent the spread of cancer

One of the astonishing facts about sunlight is that it can prevent cancer cell metastasis. So it’s good to bask in the hot sun before ten in the morning. This is the result of Dr. Zane, the meaning of metastasis is the spread of breast cancer cells. So, those who have symptoms or who suffer from breast cancer are expected to do this or bask in the morning sun. Do what you can and if you feel uncomfortable because of the heat or you are tired, you can stop.

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So, the spread of cancer cells can be stopped with the help of vitamin D in Morning Sunlight.

2. Maintain skin softness

Another morning sunlight benefits is from its ultraviolet rays. It’s really unexpected, when many people are afraid of UV (ultra violet), this light is actually beneficial for the skin if it is received by the skin well. The benefit is to make the skin smooth and soft. Various types of diseases such as fungi, and acne that can make the skin rough can actually be treated with sun rays.

The benefits and uses of sunlight here are against fungi and bacteria that cause rough skin.

3. Accelerate wound healing

Who knows, it turns out that the sun can be used to speed up healing of wounds. As evidence, in the first world war many wounded soldiers were ordered to bask in the hot sun. The results are extraordinary, those who sunbathe in fact experience faster healing compared to those who don’t. This drying process is done before 9 am.

Not engineering, indeed this discovery has been included in a book by Neils Finsen and he was later awarded the Nobel Prize. What is in sunlight, through its vitamin D, can actually clean the wound, kill bacteria and dry the injured area so that it speeds up healing.

4. Good for lowering cholesterol

Cholesterol can be the culprit for many dangerous diseases including causing stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases. It turns out that one of the benefits of basking in the sun is good for lowering bad cholesterol levels in the blood. Morning Sunlight Benefits derive from vitamin D, it is can burn cholesterol in the blood by increasing the body’s metabolism and then turning it into reproductive hormones.

Sunbathing therapy in the morning sun is good for all times to try, especially for those who have had strokes, the elderly and diabetes.

5. Useful for lowering blood pressure

High blood pressure, one of the causes is the unstable condition of the heart pumping blood due to the many blockages in the blood vessels. This blockage occurs from fat or cholesterol mixed in the blood. Usually, this condition is experienced by the elderly as a result of the weakening of the body’s metabolic system. Basking in the sun is good for boosting the performance of the body’s metabolism so that it can reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and ultimately be good for heart health.

To get the maximum benefit from the morning sunshine, then start sunbathing since the sun starts to rise around 7.00 to 9.00 am. Do it every day, even better if accompanied by moderate exercise.

6. Blood flow

The smooth flow of blood is very important for the health of the body because blood has a major role in various critical matters in the body. Among the functions of the blood are circulating food juices throughout the body, circulating oxygen throughout the body including to the brain, carrying hormones and enzymes to normalize the body’s metabolic system. Thus, if blood flow is blocked, almost all organ functions stop or work abnormally.

Bask in direct sunlight is very good for blood thinning. Automation makes the body’s tissues work properly and all body functions will run properly.

7. Prevent hardening of the arteries

Hardening of the arteries is a health problem that occurs as a result of problems with the performance of the heart or as a result of vascular disease. This hardening can occur quickly if a person has problems with their heart.

One easy and simple way to prevent hardening of the arteries is to bask in the morning sun. Parts of the body that are directly exposed to the morning sun will experience a smooth blood flow so that by itself the hardening of the blood vessels does not occur. The purpose of this hardening is the presence of fat in the flow or the presence of bad cholesterol so that it blocks the flow and gradually hardens.

8. Good for immunity

Another Morning Sunlight Benefits is raise the immunity. Frequent exposure to sunlight is actually good for the body, even if the body has never been exposed to sunlight it can be one of the causes of death. So, it is necessary and important to get some exercise in the morning sun or bask in the morning sun.

Sunbathing in the morning can also stimulate the growth of white blood cells. The benefits of white blood cells are against germs, infections and increase immunity so they are not easily attacked by disease.

9. Suppress depression

Morning sunlight prevents depression

Who would have thought that sunbathing in the sun is good for relieving or preventing depression. When a person experiences depression, it will appear in his behavior and mentally. Lack of sunshine or rarely exposed to sunlight in the morning can be one of the causes of depression and stress. Someone who is just basking in the sun will look more cheerful and happier than someone who is not exposed to the sun.

10. Good for baby growth

Babies who are born just a few days can also take advantage of the morning sun, but if the baby should be dried early when the sun is not hot yet because their thin skin can cause a heat effect. The benefits of sunlight for babies are related to their growth because vitamin D in sunlight is good for bone growth.

So, there is no need to be afraid to dry the baby in the morning as long as it is not long and when the sun is not hot.

11. Improve sleep quality

The quality of one’s sleep is sometimes affected by an imbalance in the body’s hormones. A person who is hormone-stable usually has a good and quality sleep. Sunlight is useful for regulating the melatonin hormone, a hormone that is responsible for reacting to the brain for sleep.

12. Overcoming Memory Disorders

Furthermore, the benefits of morning sunlight that have been scientifically proven are preventing memory disorders or maintaining memory health. That’s why, the elderly and those suffering from dementia or Alzheimers are advised to sunbathe in the morning. Indeed, sunlight does not improve memory but it can preserve and maintain our memory. Basking in the morning sun will repair cells and improve cell health so that it can maintain good memory health.

13. Accelerate bone growth

The sun also plays a role in the growth of human bones, the content of vitamin D in the sun can be absorbed directly by the body through the skin. The cells in the skin absorb vitamin D and pass it on to the bones. So, bones not only absorb calcium but also absorb vitamin D.

14. Minimizing bone disorders

The next morning sunlight benefits is minimize the bone disorder. Insufficient absorption of vitamin D and calcium in the body can cause health problems such as bone abnormalities. Usually, many bone abnormalities are found in areas where there is not much sunlight. People who frequently sunbathe in the morning sun (before 10 a.m.) have a lower risk of bone deformities. When basking under the sun we will get an adequate supply of vitamin D. While on the other hand we get a large supply of calcium from certain foods. Both types of nutrients are essential for bone health.

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15. Sunlight as an energy source

The benefits of sunlight that are no less important are as a source of energy. The existence of sunlight is indeed something that has been arranged by Allah Almighty and this sun is used as a source of energy that is needed not only by humans, but also needed by plants and animals to have a better life.

Try to imagine what will grow if there is no sun, of course humans will lack food and cannot survive, even the human body needs this supply of light to live. So, sunshine is a necessity from nature that plays a role in maintaining the stability of the cycle of life in nature.

In the field of solar energy, it has roles, including the following:

Sunlight can be converted into electrical energy. Sunlight can now be processed using special panels that can capture sunlight and the sun’s heat is then converted into electrical energy. this is called solar powered electricity.
Light or sunlight is always needed by plants for energy. Sunlight helps plant growth in providing food for plants through the process of photosynthesis. Without the sun, plants cannot live and in turn humans cannot survive because there is no source of food.

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Some Tips for Getting Sunlight

To get optimal sunlight, we need to pay attention to the following tips:

That is the morning sunlight benefits for health and life. In the history of ancient culture, those who lived at that time loved to play in the morning sun because they thought it could warm their bodies, sweat and make them immune to many diseases. This also applies to our lives now, we will get the benefits of the sun’s light as mentioned above. So, be diligent in sunbathing in the morning before 10 am.

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