Nagarmotha: Benefits, Precautions, Dosage and Side Effects

Uses and Nagarmotha Benefits

Nagarmotha is a herbal plant that is rich in benefits. It is also known as Nutgrass and is one of the Ayurvedic herbs, its scientific name is Cyperus Rotundus.

Among the benefits and uses of Nagarmotha are helping obesity, digestion, good for liver health, diabetes, lungs, appetite, and good for health related to the uterus.

Some of the Uses and Benefits of Nagarmotha

1. Good for hair loss and dandruff

Nagarmotha is an herb that has anti-fungal and bacterial properties. This herb can fight bacteria and fungi that cause dandruff to appear on the scalp.

The benefit of Nagarmotha is that it strengthens hair roots and can gradually prevent hair loss.

To treat hair loss with Nagarmotha, follow these instructions:

2. Benefits of Nagarmotha to get rid of black spots

In addition to preventing hair loss, Nagarmotha is an important herb that is also commonly used to remove black spots on the face.

Nagarmotha herb contains substances that can reduce melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. So, by fading this pigment, the dark spots on the skin can disappear little by little.

To get rid of dark spots with Nagarmotha, follow these instructions:

3. Benefits of Nagarmotha for urinary tract infections

The root of the Nagarmotha plant contains anti-bacterial properties whose benefits are to help in the management of urinary tract infection symptoms that sufferers usually feel such as a burning sensation.

How to use Nagarmotha to treat urinary tract infections is to take 1/2 tablespoon of Nagarmotha Churna, mix it with warm water and consume twice a day after meals.

4. Nagarmotha for diabetes

Among the benefits of Nagarmotha commonly experienced is controlling diabetes. The antioxidant content in Nagarmotha herbs can lower blood sugar levels. It is the best choice to manage diabetes easily.

How to use Nagarmotha to control diabetes is to consume 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon daily twice after meals, morning and evening.

5. Nagarmotha for lactation

The Nagarmotha plant is also beneficial for breastfeeding mothers, where the content in this herb helps the production of prolactin (a hormone) and its benefits can increase lactation so that it affects the increase in breast milk production.

To get the benefits of Nagarmotha for breast milk, you can peel the roots of the Nagarmotha plant and make a paste. Then rub or apply this paste all over your breasts, this will increase lactation and is also good for relieving sore nipples.

6. Nagarmotha for indigestion

If you have problems with digestion. Herbal Nagarmotha contains anti-inflammatory which can get rid of pain from gas pressure, or pain due to menstruation. So, this ancient herb is a well-known remedy for digestion.

How to consume Nagarmotha to relieve indigestion is to take 1/2 tablespoon of Nagarmotha Churna, mix with warm water twice a day, and consume after meals.

See too: Hypertension, Diabetes and Covid-19

7. Benefits of Nagarmotha for stress and anxiety

Herbal Nagarmotha has its own essential oil, where this earthy smelling oil can provide comfort and tranquility for you. It is good for reducing pain, regulating serotonin in the body.

The way to take Nagarmotha to relieve stress and anxiety is to mix 2-5 drops of Nagarmotha essential oil with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil. Then, massage your body before going to bed at night, this will relieve stress, fatigue, and muscle aches.

8. Nagarmotha for weight loss

One of the benefits of Nagarmotha that is very popular today is its ability to lose weight by eliminating a lot of body fat. It works by improving the digestive system and absorbing more fat and eliminating it through feces.

How to take Nagarmotha for weight loss purposes is to take 1/2 teaspoon of the herbal Nagarmotha Churna with warm water twice a day. Consume after meals!

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9. Benefits of Nagarmotha for skin diseases

Nagarmotha is also useful for dealing with problems with inflammation, blisters, itching, eczema and others. How to take it is very simple, mix 1/2 to 1 tablespoon of Nagarmotha powder with some coconut oil and make a thick paste.

Next, apply this paste on the affected body part and let it dry for about 24 hours. Wash thoroughly with clean water, and do not scrub the affected area aggressively.

Nagarmotha herbal forms

You can use the sticks or branches of Nagarmotha wood to make perfume or incense. The scent is very earthy.

Nagarmotha Side Effects

We know that the Nagarmotha plant has many benefits, but can this plant also cause side effects?

In fact, as long as the use is reasonable and not excessive, there are no recorded side effects of Nagarmotha. So, pay attention to how to consume it, do not let you use it excessively. If excessive, you can experience complications of the disease.

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