Neem Oil for Hair, How to Use

Neem Oil for Hair

Neem oil is well known as a natural remedy for hair and scalp. Neem oil is extracted from neem fruit and neem seeds or large spruce in India and Southeast Asia. In Indian medicine, neem oil has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries in treating the skin and scalp. In fact, in ayurvedic medicine this oil is also very widely used. It functions as an antispetic that can fight viruses and bacteria. Among the immense benefits of neem oil are that it purifies the blood, neutralizes toxins and eliminates free radicals in the body.

However, oil from the neem fruit and seeds is also very popular in its use on the scalp and hair. It contains anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal. So with this content, it has quite a lot of benefits for health. The uses of this plant include its seeds, leaves, fruit, gums, barks, and oils. Azadirachtin is a substance that is quite abundant in neem oil whose benefits are as a pesticide and anti-fungal. This content provides extraordinary benefits to hair. Read on for this article to find out more about the health benefits of neem oil.

Benefits of Neem Oil for Hair

The benefits of neem oil for the scalp and hair are so immense that it is even known as a natural ingredient for both types of treatment. If you experience scalp problems such as dry scalp, dandruff, itching, and it can make your hair smooth, strong and shiny.

Here’s a look at the benefits of neem oil for hair

1. Neem oil nourishes the scalp

If excess sebum is produced on the scalp, your hair will fall out and eventually thin out and clog the pores of the head due to this loss. Inflammation can also occur and cause hair roots to become damaged. One of the benefits and benefits of neem oil is that it works on the scalp to stimulate blood flow to the scalp and stimulate hair regrowth.

It cleanses the scalp, nourishes it. The anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal available will make your scalp return to health. High concentrations of fatty acids are also found in neem oil, which are used to nourish the scalp.

2. Neem oil nourishes hair

Neem oil contains essential oils that are great for nourishing hair. It also contains antioxidants which are useful for preventing damage to the scalp and hair. Use regularly for maximum benefits. Irregular use sometimes does not provide the desired benefits. So, we recommend that you use it regularly and patiently.

3. Neem oil eliminates dandruff

For dry scalp, neem oil is great as a treatment. Fungi in humans such as candida can be overcome by using this oil regularly. That is why many shampoos are produced using neem oil as their raw material.

By using it regularly, the pH of the scalp will be stable and good, so dandruff will not attack.

4. Neem oil promotes hair growth

The benefits of oil for hair have also been linked to hair growth. The high antioxidant content in neem is useful for stimulating new hair growth. The oil from the neem fruit or seed contains hair regenerating properties and prevents scalp damage, especially as it is rich in antioxidants.

Thin hair due to stress, medication and environmental toxins can be prevented by using neem oil regularly. It can improve blood circulation to the skin, strengthen hair roots and ultimately promote healthier hair growth.

5. Benefits of neem oil for curly hair

Are you the owner of curly hair? Then neem oil is one of the natural ingredients for your hair care. By regularly using neem, dry hair can be resolved and can hydrate hair too. When using shampoo, don’t forget to add a few drops of neem oil and apply it to your curls.

After 5 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. You will get smooth, healthy and shiny hair.

6. Neem oil removes head lice

Head lice are no longer a problem, now there is neem oil which contains azaridactions and insecticides. This oil will destroy the colony of head lice and damage their lives and make them die. In addition, the smell of neem oil is frowned upon by lice, so this can be a preventative or treatment for lice hair.

Also read: How To Get Rid of Hair Lice by Natural Home Remedy

Use continuously until the fleas disappear. Smearing hair with neem oil overnight can remove and kill head lice.

6. Neem oil prevents split ends

One of the benefits of neem oil is that it moisturizes the hair. Hair that is maintained by moisture can prevent dullness, repair damaged hair cuticles. To apply to hair, you should first mix it with a carrier oil such as jojoba, olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil. After mixing it, apply it on the hair and scalp evenly. Wait and let it sit for a few hours and rinse it off using shampoo.

7. Neem oil benefits for dry skin

Neem oil is great for the treatment of the scalp and skin all over the body. The moisture provided by Neem Oil is great for preventing and treating dry, malnourished and rough skin. This means that neem oil is useful in returning hair to a smooth and healthy texture.

8. Neem oil prevents eczema

A skin is called eczema when it is dry, itchy, irritated, and peeling. The oil from neem fruit contains anti-inflammatory properties that can get rid of redness and irritation on the skin.

Neem oil contains fatty acids and glycerides which are useful in keeping the skin moisturised, and it penetrates the skin layers, it is also useful in relieving itching, and relieving discomfort.

9. Neem oil removes gray hair

Early graying that occurs can be minimized by using neem oil regularly. Gray hair that occurs due to hormonal imbalances can be helped with neem oil. However, regular use is essential to get the most out of neem oil. But if the change is due to age, then oil is not a medicine that can be used. It can only help get rid of gray hair due to hormonal imbalance.

How to Use Neem Oil

For maintenance

If you are using neem oil for treatment, you can mix it with carrier oils like olive oil, jojoba and others. For 100 ml of carrier oil, you can mix 2-5 ml of neem oil. Neem oil has a strong aroma, you can minimize it by adding a little essential oil such as sandalwood oil. Everything is mixed well and smeared on the scalp.

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Massage the head gently, leave it on for an hour or overnight, and rinse it the next day with regular shampoo.

To Get Rid of Dandruff

Neem oil is good for treating infections of the scalp, while lemon is useful for preventing scalp damage. Then mix neem with lemon. Use your fingertips to rub it all over the scalp, focus on the scalp or the roots of the hair. Massage for 15 minutes and let it sit for half an hour. Then rinse using shampoo. If the mixture of both (neem and lemon) is too strong, you can add a little carrier oil to reduce the strong effect of neem and lemon oil.

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