Benefits of Olive Oil for Health [Powerful]

Benefits of Olive Oil for Health

Benefits of Olive Oil for Health

The benefits of olive oil have no doubt in the world of health. Olive Oil has been used as a miracle oil by the children of people for a very long time. The oil is oil taken from the olives themselves which are commonly grown in Arab or Middle Eastern lands. Olive oil is better known in the east as olive oil. The many benefits of olive oil for health are beyond doubt, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said. himself recommends using zaotun oil because it can cure various types of diseases.

The benefits and benefits of olive oil for health have been scientifically proven and recognized worldwide. Many experts and famous people in the world of medicine admit and reveal the tremendous benefits of olive oil for health. So, what are the benefits for our health, we will discuss it in more detail and detail.

Various Benefits of Olive Oil for Health

1. Olive oil reduces stomach ulcers

The nutrients contained in olive oil are very beneficial and useful for various problems in the body. One of them is a gastric ulcer. Dr. Sam أ »t, from Harvard University America made a study and he confirmed that olive oil can be a shield and control stomach cancer and cure stomach ulcers.

This was conveyed by him at the Last Congress of the Organization of the American Digestive System Diseases held in October 2000 AD.

2. Benefits of olive oil for skin

Olive oil is also very good for healthy skin. Olive oil applied to the skin of people who have just finished swimming can protect the skin from cancer or a skin disease called melanoma. This is mentioned in the August 2000 issue of the Dertmatdogg Times magazine AD.

Also see: Yarrow Essential Oil Benefits

3. Treating colon cancer

Colon cancer is a type of cancer in human digestion. Colon cancer can be prevented and its growth minimized by consuming fruits and vegetables and olive oil. The benefits of olive oil for digestive health are immense. So you don’t need to hesitate in consuming this natural oil.

4. Olive oil for uterine cancer

A study was made of 145 Greek women with uterine cancer. In this study the researchers linked women with uterine cancer with women who consumed lots of olive oil. It turns out that women who diligently consume olive oil are less likely to develop uterine cancer than women who don’t consume olive oil. The chance of cancer for those who like olive oil fell by 26%. The research was mentioned in Cancer British Magazine published in May 1996 AD.

5. Eliminate head lice/hair

The benefits of olive oil for getting rid of head lice and killing head lice are well proven. This is as has been observed in several studies in America regarding the use of olive oil on lice hair. Flush with olive oil for lice for a while will kill the lice and free your hair from lice.

6. Olive oil is nutritious like breast milk

The benefits of olive oil are the same as breastmilk. A study conducted at the University of Barcelona, ​​Spain on 40 pregnant women who were breastfeeding. The researchers took a sample of their milk, and found that the fat in breast milk is a single-chain type of fat that is good for human consumption. And in olive oil it also consists of single-chain fat which is the same as the fat in breast milk.

Also read: The Boiled-Egg Diet: Is It Worth To Try?

7. Eliminate bad cholesterol

Various studies have been tested on olive oil and have concluded that the health benefits of olive oil can also fight and eliminate bad and harmful cholesterol in total in the human body. Even more surprising, olive oil does not remove good cholesterol that is beneficial and needed by the body.

These are just a few points from the many health benefits of olive oil. Hopefully we can get the benefits of this healthy olive oil. Good luck.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Face

The face must always be given optimal care to get satisfying results. The face or face is the first part of a person’s attention. Because of this the maintenance is always given priority.

One of the problems on the face is acne, acne can be treated in various ways. One of them is by utilizing the properties of olive oil for the face. The health benefits of olive oil have long been discussed and used by the public. One of the benefits and benefits of olive oil for the face is to cure acne and treat it.

Here are some of the benefits of olive oil

For those of you who are spotty and want the pimples to disappear immediately, please use olive oil on your face at several points before going to bed at night. The next day, please see for yourself how your acne is, usually it is already deflated.

The efficacy of olive oil for the face like this has already been tried, please apply this olive oil, hopefully it’s useful.

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