Papaya Juice Recipe: Benefits and How to Make It

Papaya Juice Recipe

Papaya is a refreshing tropical fruit, one way to enjoy papaya is to make papaya juice. Papaya juice recipe has a sweet, soft taste, and is even tastier when added with lime juice and honey. Making papaya juice is very easy and only requires 4 ingredients. We will give you recipes that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and of course refined sugar-free.

The benefits of papaya juice are enormous, especially as it can contribute to supplying vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.

Drinking this papaya juice in summer is like quenching your thirst on a pleasant island. So, it not only provides pleasure and freshness but also provides many health benefits.

The best way is to drink it in the morning before you eat other food, this way it will be easily absorbed by the intestines and all the nutrients provided by papaya juice. The taste is light and of course the creamy consistency is very pleasant.

Reasons This Papaya Juice Recipe Works

This papaya juice is not filtered, but we add 4 simple ingredients into a blender at high power, and the results will be very smooth.

Another reason is that it is nutritious, the health benefits of papaya juice are very comprehensive, we do not use preservatives, and only use natural ingredients.

Delicious, what does papaya taste like? It tastes sweet, with a soft texture, and is complemented by honey and a little lime juice.

What is Papaya?

Papaya is a tropical fruit originating from Central America, but is now grown throughout the world in the tropical hemisphere. The characteristic of papaya is that it has yellow skin with bright orange flesh when it is ripe, and in the middle there are many black seeds with a bitter taste but rich in benefits (consume after you consult with a doctor).

Papaya Juice Benefits

As a fruit that is fresh and refreshing and good for making juice, what are the benefits of papaya? It turns out that this fruit has many benefits, including:

1. Improve skin

The antioxidant content in papaya makes this fruit associated with bright skin. Papaya also contains vitamin A, the antioxidant benefit of which is to remove black spots on the skin and eliminate wrinkles.

2. Good for digestive health

Papaya is a fresh fruit that is rich in fiber which is very good for intestinal health. The benefits are that it facilitates the process of eliminating feces, reduces weight, and eliminates toxins inherent in the intestines. Apart from that, eating papaya regularly in medium quantities can relieve symptoms of IBS, diarrhea and stomach acid.

3. Reduce menstrual symptoms

During menstruation, many women complain of pain. Papaya is a fruit that contains the enzyme papain, an enzyme that regulates menstrual flow so that it can eliminate or reduce pain during menstruation.

4. Improves heart health

Another benefit of eating papaya or drinking papaya juice is that it is good for heart health. Papaya is rich in vitamin C which is good for increasing the body’s immunity and curing or getting rid of heart disease. The fiber present can also reduce cholesterol, reducing the risk of heart disease in general.

5. Reduces body inflammation

Inflammation is one of the causes of pain and damage to the body. Papaya is a fruit that contains many anti-inflammatories such as caratenoids. The benefit of caratenoids is that they reduce body inflammation and can even reduce the symptoms of arthritis.

6. Good for eye health

Another extraordinary benefit of papaya juice is that it improves eye health. Why is papaya good for the eyes? This is because this tropical fruit is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants which are useful in protecting the retina from light.

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Ingredients You’ll Need

To make papaya juice, you must prepare the following ingredients:

Ripe papaya, peel and remove seeds, and cut into pieces

Honey, you can add honey according to your taste, this is useful for sweetening your papaya juice.

Fresh lemon juice, orange flavor provides freshness and brightens the taste

Cold water, this is the basic liquid of drinks. Add more according to your needs so you can achieve the consistency you want.

How to Make Papaya Juice

Tips on Making Papaya Juice

Add a little water for a smoother consistency, blend using ice cubes for a cold and refreshing drink.

Use papaya that is ripe and tastes sweet

Discard the entire papaya skin because the skin cannot be eaten.

How Long Does Papaya Juice Last?

If papaya juice is stored properly in an airtight container and placed in the refrigerator, it can last up to 3 days.

There is no way to extend its shelf life any longer than if you dare to freeze it.


Is it safe to drink papaya juice daily?

Papaya is safe to consume every day and this fruit can even provide a nutritional boost. So, you can drink it every day as long as it is still in medium size.

What are the benefits of drinking papaya juice early in the morning?

Drinking papaya juice in the morning can maximize nutrient absorption.

Papaya Juice Recipe

Serves: 2 people
Level: easy
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  • Ripe papaya,
  • Fresh lemon juice,
  • Gold water


  1. Cut the papaya into several pieces so that it can be easily crushed in a blender
  2. Add the ingredients in a blender, and blend on high speed.
    Pour into a glass and enjoy while looking at the beautiful sea view.
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