How to Read Someone’s Mind Easily and Accurately

How to Read Someone's Mind

Read Someone’s Mind, you don’t have to learn telepathy or maintain jinn and so on. It turns out that the ability to read other people’s minds can be done without having to learn magic.

Just as we teach children to read, they will gradually be able to read, and you can learn how to read people’s minds without having to have intellectual power.

Humans are always honest with others, when they interact. The problem is this honesty is something that is hidden so that it cannot be known by others except those who have sufficient knowledge.

This means that if a person has sufficient knowledge, he will be able to read someone’s mind easily. Here we will explain how to have this knowledge. At least, there are 12 tips and ways that you can do to have sufficient knowledge so that you can read someone’s mind easily.

1. Get to know someone deeply

This is an absolute requirement that you must have, if you do not know someone it is impossible for you to know what their thoughts are. So the first thing is to know the person deeply.

Knowing someone deeply inevitably you have to be friends with that person for a long time. So, it is impossible for people you just met to read their minds.

That is, you have to know someone privately to what he likes and what he doesn’t like.

Personally acquainted, including that you have heard the story he has personally told you.

Try to pay attention to how he interacts, how his eyes look, whether there is a change in intonation or not in his interaction.

Knowing someone’s personality in depth is a very basic asset to be able to read the person’s mind.

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2. Ask the right questions

The next way to read someone’s mind is to ask targeted questions.

When you are in the process of reading someone’s mind, you certainly need to pay attention to what he is doing, hear what he is saying.

To find out more, you need to ask the right questions so that you understand how mental he is.

In asking, try to avoid general questions, your questions should be able to dig deeper about his personality.

Ok, so don’t ever ask general questions like “how is your family doing” and so on. But ask for example “what books do you enjoy reading now”, or “what books you are reading recently”.

So, someone’s personality will be more readable with the last question than you ask the question “how is your family?”.

3. Look for inconsistencies

Everyone has their own habits, try to pay attention to the inconsistency of gasoline. Watch for unique and unusual behaviors. His inconsistency with behavior should already allow you to read the changes early on.

Now, this inconsistency shows that something is happening to him.

However, you won’t get an immediate answer to the inconsistencies when you ask “why is that”, “what’s wrong” etc.

Usually, the person goes into hiding and does not want all these questions to be served. But if you always have regular communication and interactions, then you will know what abnormalities really are and what happens from these inconsistencies.

4. Learn body language

It is true that people do not easily tell what they are experiencing, but her body language is her honesty in reacting. This body language will tell a lot about what she’s going through.

Like for example when he felt uncomfortable with something. Take a look at the following, some body language that shows that someone is comfortable or not with something.

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Positive body language:

Negative Body Language:

5. Watch the way he touches you

How he touches you, when you meet friends or people you know, at least you shake hands or even hug.

Well, if when you meet you and you don’t experience that, don’t shake hands as usual, then it is certain that your friend is feeling something is happening.

So, try to pay attention when you shake hands, how he greets you, how he holds your hand or sometimes he doesn’t shake hands at all.

If he does not shake hands, of course there are things that are not good happening. To strengthen your assumption, try to see how his attitude toward others is the same as his attitude towards you.

8. Listen to the tone of the voice

Furthermore, to be able to read other people’s minds we must know what the tone of the speech is. If the speech is somewhat different from normal and the intonation is louder than usual, then of course the person has something else on his mind.

There is also a tone of speech that you should pay attention to, for example “uhh”, or “aahh”, this indicates he is in an abnormal condition. The tone of speech must also be in accordance with the expression he shows, if it is different then it is possible that he has disagreement or something else on his mind.

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9. And watch the response

Do not let you miss not paying attention to the response given because a response given may already represent what his thoughts are.

If the response is short and brief, he may be lazy to listen or frustrated. But if he gives a long response, of course he will feel interested in what you are discussing.

See the response and combine it with seeing how his body expresses him, then you already have the provisions to assess and read where or how his thoughts are going.

10. Listen to the words and words that come out of his mouth

The words chosen can also be a mainstay for you to be able to read his mind. The spoken word can be material for you to find out whether he likes someone you are talking about or vice versa.

If, for example, he chooses not to say someone’s real name but calls in other words, this could be a sign that he doesn’t like that person.

11. Watch the way

If a person is confident he will walk steadily and swing his legs at ease.

However, if someone while walking lowers his head, immediately approach it with personal interaction and find out what the problem is.

12. Find out what the exact personality is

All humans who are born different are not the same as each other, even if they are twins, there are still differences.

Find out about someone’s personality for sure, here are some clues to know someone’s personality.

If this is answered correctly, then you already have an idea of ​​his personality.

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