What is Hyperspermia, Symptoms, Affect Fertility, Complications, Etc

What is Hyperspermia, Symptoms, Affect Fertility

Hyperspermia is a condition in a man where it produces more semen than usual. Semen is fluid that comes out during orgasm and contains a lot of sperm in it and contains fluid from the prostate gland.

Hyperspermia is a condition that is opposite to another condition called hypospermia. Hypospermia is a condition in which men produce less sweet water than usual.

Hyperspermia is less common than hypospermia. There is a study conducted in India, where it was found that less than 4% of men have higher than normal sperm levels.

A person with hyperspermia condition does not have a negative impact on the health side of men. But this is the cause of male infertility. That is, the problem of hyperspermia is a problem related to male fertility.

What are the Symptoms?

An obvious symptom of a hyperspermia problem is the discharge of semen in a greater amount than usual during ejaculation.

So how much semen is too much to say? A study states that hyperspermia condition occurs when the volume of semen is more than 6.4 ml (0.21 ounce). Meanwhile, other studies put it in the range of 6.0 to 6.5 ml (0.2 to 0.22 ounce) or higher.

If someone is experiencing hyperspermia, it means that he is in a state of infertility, making it difficult for a man like this to get his partner pregnant. There is also a risk of miscarriage, but this is very small.

There is something strange too, some men with hyperspermia conditions experience sex drive and desire is higher than normal men.

How does it Affect Fertility?

Why does hyperspermia cause infertility? This condition can cause a man to be infertile, but this is not always the case. Some men with cases of hyperspermia have lower sperm levels than normal men. This is what causes the seminal fluid to become watery and lead to infertility.

If the sperm count is low, there is high potential for the inability to fertilize your partner’s egg. Chances are you can still get your partner pregnant, but for a longer time.

Well, there are conditions where men experience hyperspermia but the sperm count is still normal (not low), so the hyperspermia condition does not cause infertility.

Are there other complications? A person with this condition also has the potential for other problems. Among the problems that are often associated is the problem of miscarriage.

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What causes this condition?

What causes hyperspermia, until now doctors do not know for sure the cause. There is research that says that this condition is related to infection of the prostate or inflammation of the prostate.

When should you see a doctor?

Did you immediately see a doctor when you saw this condition? If you find that the volume of your semen is more than the stated normal level, then try to consult a doctor. Likewise, when you want to have a baby, try to consult a doctor if you have tried it for a year and there are no results.

The doctor will physically examine you, then you need to test the sperm to find out how much it is associated with several tests such as:

1. Semen analysis

You will need to collect a semen sample for this test. You need to remove the semen and take it to the laboratory. There the technician will check your sperm count, movement, and quality.

2. Hormone tests

Blood test is also necessary, this aims to determine the amount of testosterone. If testosterone is low then a person can cause infertility.

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3. Imaging

This imaging is an examination of the testicles. This examination is by ultrasound of your testicles. This is done to find the problem that causes infertility.

Is it Treatable?

Can hyperspermia be treated? It seems you don’t need to treat this, if this is what causes you to not conceive your partner. Then some treatments are likely to cure you.

A fertility specialist can prescribe drugs to increase your fertility or to increase your sperm count.

Other treatments include removing the sperm from a man or taking it and then injecting it into your partner’s egg during in vitro fertilization (IVF) or also known as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The fertilized embryo is then placed in the partner’s uterus to grow and develop

What to Expect

You need not be afraid of hyperspermia, this is a rare health condition. Even if this happens, this problem is not necessarily the cause of your infertility or your wife’s pregnancy. If a man finds it difficult to impregnate his wife, then there are many alternatives that can be taken, such as injecting male sperm into a partner’s egg, treating men with various sports to increase their fertility.

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