Will I Lose Weight When They Remove My Ovarian Cyst?

Will I Lose Weight When They Remove My Ovarian Cyst

Cysts are one of the scary things for women. Cysts are dangerous if you can’t kill them or treat them. Over time, the ovarian cyst will continue to grow and this will increase your weight. When you are in this condition, you certainly want to know if you can get rid of it and will I lose weight when they remove my ovarian cyst?

Cysts that grow in you will increase your weight along with the weight of the cyst. It’s the same as pregnancy that continues to make you gain weight. Therefore, by removing the cyst in your uterus, you will naturally lose weight.

Once upon a time there was a story about a woman who removed her 50 pound cyst, it was the size of a watermelon. This happened in Alabama to a woman named Kayla Rahn. The incident that occurred in 2018 had made many doctors think that this was a pregnancy and it turned out to be a cyst that had grown bigger in the woman’s body.

What Is An Ovarian Cyst?

Ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in the ovary, this is also called a solid pouch. Cysts often occur in pregnant women or women who have not reached menopause. Cysts are something that often happens to women and it’s not dangerous, it’s just that we have to remove it and remove it from the body.

According to information from wapomu.com, it is stated that almost all women experience cysts, at least once in their lifetime, and these can be removed and removed from the body. But women who maintain cleanliness, especially during menstruation, most likely have no problems like this. Well, if you are experiencing this, of course you are wondering Are you going to lose weight after removing the cyst? To be able to answer this question, of course you must know what an ovarian cyst is, its symptoms, and other things.

Will I Lose Weight When My Ovarian Cyst Is Removed?

True, once you have removed the ovarian cyst you will experience weight loss. But how much you lose weight, this depends on how big and heavy the ovarian cyst is growing on you.

Just imagine, for example an ovarian cyst is removed from your body and weighs only 1 pound, can this significantly affect your weight loss? Thus, weight loss after ovarian cyst removal is highly dependent on how heavy the cyst is.

So, we can say that the weight loss after cyst removal is directly proportional to the weight of the ovarian cyst. The heavier the cyst you remove, the greater the percentage of your weight loss.

On the other hand, if the ovarian cyst that you removed does not have a significant weight, then the weight loss after removal of the cyst is also not significant.

If you want to lose weight with cyst removal, then of course there must be a cyst removed from your body. But you need to know that it does not mean every time there is weight gain, this indicates the presence of cysts in your body. The addition of a person’s body weight is also influenced by the increase in body fat and so on.

Ok, now you certainly know how the effect of ovarian cysts on your weight. Now let’s take a closer look at ovarian cysts.

Some important topics that we have to explain here are What are ovarian cysts, types of ovarian cysts, symptoms of ovarian cysts, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

What is an Ovarian Cyst?

As we explained above, that ovarian cyst is a solid bag containing ovarian fluid. The ovaries are part of the female reproductive system located in the lower abdomen or on the two sides of the uterus. If this ovary produces eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone, then fluid in this place develops in one of the ovaries, this fluid is called a cyst.

Ovarian cysts usually clear up within a few months of occurring, but if they don’t go away on their own they can lead to complications. The habit of cyst growth has no accompanying symptoms. But in some cases, as a sign of a cyst, a person experiences irregular menstruation, feels pain during intercourse, and can also be in the form of irregular bowel movements.

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What Causes Ovarian Cysts?

These cysts occur in women when they are menstruating and this does not occur in postmenopausal women. So, one of the causes of ovarian cysts is irregular menstruation. Some of the possible causes of ovarian cysts are:

  1. Have a hormonal imbalance
  2. Having a medical condition known as endometriosis
  3. Being pregnant, especially in the early stages
  4. Have a severe pelvic infection

Types of Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts consist of many types because the shape and process are also different from each other. Some of them are dermoid cysts, functional cysts, endometrioma cysts, and others. But our most common type in women are functional cysts.

The following is a detailed explanation of all types of ovarian cysts that you should know.

1. Functional cyst

The functional ovarian cyst type is the type in which the follicle continues to grow every month. This type is divided into two more types.

– Follicle cyst

This type begins to grow when the follicle does not lift or does not release an egg but it continues to grow. During a woman’s menstrual period, eggs grow in pouches called follicles located inside the ovaries. At about the middle of the menstrual cycle, the egg then exits the follicle, and travels to the fallopian tube.

– Corpus luteum cyst

While this type of cyst occurs when the follicle releases its egg, at this time it makes estrogen and progesterone for the purpose of fertilization. The follicle is now called the corpus luteum, sometimes this fluid accumulates in the follicle and causes the body to grow into a cyst.

2. Dermoid cysts

Next there is a type of dermoid cyst, a dermoid cyst containing tissue that appears like teeth, hair or like skin. It is the formation of cell parts of the embryo and is not or rarely cancerous. Dermoid cysts are also known as teratomas.

3. Cystadenomas

Cystadenomas are a type of cyst that grows on the surface of the ovary, this type can be filled with mucus and is called a cyst.

4. Endometriomas

Next, there are types of Endometriomas. These cysts develop or appear as a result of uterine endometrial cells growing outside the uterus. Some of the tissue can sometimes attach to the ovary and form a growth.

After we look at some types of cysts, we need to know that the types of dermoid cysts and cystadenomas are types that grow and can enlarge, and this causes your ovaries to move out of position. Sometimes it can cause the ovary to rotate and this is very painful for you, this event is called ovarian torsion. Ovarian torsion can also prevent blood flow to the ovaries or decrease blood flow as a result of the rotation.

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

You need to know that ovarian cysts sometimes do not cause symptoms, but you only feel symptoms when the cyst has grown or is growing. Among the symptoms of ovarian cysts are as follows:

  1. Stomach becomes bloated or swollen
  2. Feeling sick when defecating
  3. During the menstrual cycle, pelvic pain occurs or before the cycle.
  4. Pain in the lower thigh
  5. Feeling nauseous
  6. Vomit
  7. Pain in the breast area

Ovarian cyst severe symptoms

In addition to the common symptoms, there are also symptoms of ovarian cysts that are already at a severe level. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately get a doctor’s attention. Some of the symptoms of a severe cyst include:

Well, usually these symptoms occur because the ovarian cyst has ruptured or has torsion (rotation).

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Ovarian cyst risk factors

Usually, ovarian cysts will heal on their own without surgery, however, under certain conditions, they can sometimes cause complications and side effects, including:

Ovarian Cyst Diagnosis

To find out the presence of ovarian cysts, it is necessary to have a diagnosis. There are several ways to diagnose it, including:

1. Pregnancy test

If your pregnancy test is positive, then this indicates the presence of a corpus luteum cyst

2. Pelvic ultrasound

The trick is to use sound waves to make pictures of the uterus and ovaries, in this way the doctor can determine if you have or not a cyst, including knowing its location, and can determine which type you have.

3. Laparoscopy

Another way to diagnose ovarian cysts is with a slender instrument that uses a light camera, this camera is inserted into your abdomen through a small incision. This way, your ovaries can be seen, and if there are ovarian cysts, they can be removed and removed.

Will I Lose Weight When They Remove My Ovarian Cyst?

True, when an ovarian cyst is removed you can experience weight loss, but this is directly proportional to how heavy your cyst is. If your cyst has a significant weight, you may lose weight significantly and vice versa.

So, you can expect significant weight loss if your ovarian cyst is also heavy. However, if the size of your ovarian cyst is not large, then you should not expect your weight to drop significantly. Just by getting good health, you are already very lucky!

How is ovarian cyst treated?

Treatment of ovarian cysts is usually easy, sometimes cysts can also disappear by themselves, and some have to take medication that is given by a doctor. However, there are also types of ovarian cysts that must be removed by means of surgery such as the type of laparoscopy and laparotomy.

Can I prevent ovarian cysts from growing

Ovarian cysts cannot be prevented, but you can do a general check-up to detect the presence of cysts early and you can quickly take treatment steps.

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