Ahlan Wa Sahlan Meaning, This is the Explanation

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Meaning

Ahlan Wa Sahlan meaning – These are sentences and expressions in Arabic. Today, Arabic expressions are increasingly being heard everywhere, not only in learning, but also in everyday life. Many Arabic sayings such as jazakallahu khairan, syafakallah etc., are heard in everyday life.

There are also some who just say it without understanding the meaning. So, we wrote this article to increase knowledge about Arabic and be able to pronounce it in the right place and condition.

One of the phrases and sayings in Arabic that are often heard is ahlan wa sahlan, what does this sentence actually mean? Let’s see the explanation below.

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What is Ahlan Wa Sahlan?

Ahlan wa sahlan is also the same as the sentence “marhaban” in Arabic. These two utterances have the same meaning, namely “welcome.”

In the dictionary, it is stated that the sentence “Marhaban” is an interjection that can be used when welcoming guests. So, marhaban can be interpreted as “welcome”.

While ahlan wa sahlan is a sentence that has not been absorbed in the dictionary, it also means “welcome”. So, at first glance, the two are the same.

However, if we look further, these two sentences (Ahlan wa sahlan and marhaban) in the origin of the word have very different meanings.

Ahlan is AHLI (family), wa (and) and Sahlan which means (easy). That is, family and convenience. So the sentence ahlan wa sahlan becomes the expression “welcome is the implicit meaning”. Maybe the meaning of ahlan wa sahlan is that you are in the middle of the family and it is easy for you to step into the house.

It is different from the sentence “marhaban” which means welcome. So, many people tend to use the sentence “marhaban”, but using ahlan wa sahlan is also not wrong, even the Arabic sentences and sayings are already popular in the community even though the Arabs.

The Meaning of Ahlan Wa Sahlan’s Sayings

Below we consider the meaning of ahlan wa sahlan and how to reply to ahlan wa sahlan.

Ahlan wa Sahlan is Arabic which has an implied meaning and not everyone can understand the meaning.

Most Indonesian people interpret AHLAN WA SAHLAN as the expression “WELCOME”, even though this sentence in Arabic is very great.

Ahlan’s sentence comes from AHLUN (FAMILY) and the Sahlan sentence from SAHL (EASY). So if we just say this sentence to the person who comes to our house, then the meaning is WE ACCEPT AND THINK THE GUEST IS A PART OF OUR FAMILY AND WE WILL EASY HIS BUSINESS.

The meaning of the sentence ahlan wa sahlan is not only welcome, but has a broader meaning as we explained above.

See also: Meaning of Jazakallah Khair, Jazakillah, Jazakumullah

So, regarding the origin of the sentence “ahlan wa sahlan” there are differences of opinion, there are also those who say that the origin is not from “ahlun” and “sahl”. But these words come from the sentence “Halalta Ahlan wa Nazalta Sahlan”, some say from “Ji’ta Ahlan Wa Wati’ta Sahlan”, or “Atayta Ahlan Wa Halalta Sahlan”, some say from “Qadimta Ahlan Wa Wata ‘ta Sahlan’ ‘.

So, we can interpret it as “Please come in, don’t hesitate.” it could also be the meaning of “Let it go, think of it like your own home.”

So, the meaning of ahlan wa sahlan is very great, civilized and extraordinary than what is often interpreted as simply “welcome”.

Answers to Ahlan wa Sahlan

If you say this sentence to a guest, the guest will reply with the words “Ahlan bika”, “ahlan Biki”, or “ahlan bikum”. This is only dhamir or pronoun, so it is adjusted whether it is female (ahlan biki), male (ahlan bika) or plural (ahlan bikum).

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The meaning of this answer sentence is “you are welcome” or it can be interpreted as “you too”. See the example in the conversation below.

A: AHLAN WA SAHLAN (Please enter, don’t hesitate)
B: AHLAN BIKA (You’re welcome)

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Source: https://www.elsholat.com/arti-ahlan-wa-sahlan/

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