Algorithm: Definition, Characteristics, Functions, and Examples

Definition and Understanding of Algorithms

Definition and Understanding of Algorithms

Talking about algorithms, we certainly remember mathematics and computer science. What is an algorithm, exactly? Algorithms are sequences of systematic steps used to solve a case.

There is also a mention that the definition of an algorithm is a series of procedures that need to be followed in calculating or solving a problem carried out by a computer. It can also be said that algorithms are all systematic and logical arrangements that are used in solving a problem by a computer.

So, the algorithm is a system of automatic calculation and recognition and processes data on a computer with the help of software. It has a finite set of instructions for calculating certain functions. If this is executed and processed, it will produce output, and later it will stop at the final condition as specified.

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The algorithm has the following basics:

Understanding Algorithms According to Experts

At first glance we understand what an algorithm is. Now, for more details, let’s look at the definition of algorithms based on expert opinion.

1. Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi

Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khawarizmi is a mathematician from Uzbekistan, he gave an understanding of algorithms as a special method used in solving problems.

2. S. E. Goodman and S.T. Hedetniemi

They both say that algorithms are a finite sequence of well-defined operations. The bulk of these processes requires limited memory and time to solve the problem.

3. Donald Ervin Knuth

Donald Ervin Knuth made the notion of an algorithm as a finite rule with a series of operations to solve a particular problem.

4. Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lipson

He is a computer expert and mathematician defines algorithms as a list of infinite steps of a well-defined and precise instructions in solving a problem or problem.

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5. Andrey Andreyevich Markov

Andrey Andreyevich Markov is a mathematician from Russia, he makes the understanding of algorithms as a general thing that is made to understand a right decision by defining the work process of a computer from the start to the desired result.

6. Marvin Minsky

Marvin Minsky is an expert on artificial intelligence, he says that algorithms are a set of rules that tell us from time to time to be able to act appropriately.

Some Algorithm Criteria

According to Donald E. Knuth, an algorithm has criteria that are related to one another. Following are these criteria.

Input: Problems that you experience will find a way out. Algorithms have zero or more input values.

Process: this is the plan or steps that are carried out to achieve the goal

Output: Output is the final value of an algorithm, or the work of the algorithm and it has an output value of at least one.

Clear and unambiguous instructions: An algorithm has criteria by which it produces clear instructions so that the resulting output or the end result is not wrong.

Final Purpose: An algorithm has an end goal, it can be said that this is the ultimate goal where when it reaches this goal it will stop working or processing.

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Algorithm Purpose and Functions

Now that we know the criteria for an algorithm, we now need to know what the purpose of the algorithm is or what it does. Basically, the function of an algorithm is to solve a problem. For more details, here we see the explanation.

Algorithm Grouping

Algorithms are divided into several types, this is based on the experiment. Referring to the definition of algorithm above, algorithms are classified into:

1. Recursion and Iteration

Recursion is an algorithm that the way it works is to call itself repeatedly. While iteration is an algorithm with an iterative construction system, sometimes there is additional data on the structure being created.

3. Serial, Parallel, or Distributed

The serial algorithm is tasked with running the work of only one instruction. A parallel algorithm is an algorithm that is designed to be able to work or perform commands simultaneously at the same time. While distributed algorithms are algorithms that use not only one machine but use up to several machines in the network.

4. Deterministic or Non-deterministic

Deterministic algorithms can solve problems with the right decision. Meanwhile, non-deterministic algorithms are algorithms that solve problems or take a result by mere fiction.

5. Exact or Estimated

These algorithms may have the correct solution, or come close to the correct solution. The formulation can be done using a deterministic strategy.

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6. Quantum Algorithm

Quantum algorithm, this uses a realistic model of quantum computation.

7. Logical

This algorithm can position itself like a controlled deduction logic.

Examples of Using Algorithms

Here are some classifications of algorithms, now we will see how examples of using algorithms in a problem make it easier to solve the desired problem.

To facilitate our understanding, algorithms are not only in computation and mathematics, but in everyday life there are already many examples of algorithms. Here we see an example.

For example we will make a food, let’s say instant noodles, then the algorithm here is:

That’s a little explanation about algorithms starting from understanding algorithms, criteria, functions to algorithm grouping and even examples of using the algorithm itself.

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