21 Benefits of Banana for Health and Nutritional Value

Benefits of Banana for Health

Benefits of banana – Who is not familiar with bananas, their sweet and sticky taste is the main attraction so many buyers are hunting for bananas. However, this banana is much sought after for consumption alone without many who know its health benefits. In fact, if bananas are consumed properly and correctly and regularly, there are many benefits and benefits that can be obtained.

So, in this article, we will explore the benefits of banana and their nutritional and nutritional content. Hopefully knowing the benefits and nutrients will make us even more fond of and in love with bananas. Let’s just take a look at its health benefits.

Nutrition and Nutrition of Bananas

Before we look further about the benefits and properties of bananas, let’s first examine the nutritional value of the following bananas:

The nutritional value of bananas is the amount per 100 grams of banana, as from the USDA National Nutrient data base.

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Content Nutritional Value Percentage of RDA
Energy 89 Kcal 4,5%
Carbohydrate 22,84 g 18%
Protein 1.09g 2%
Total fat 0,33 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Food fiber 2,60 g 7%
Folat 20 mcg 5%
Niacin 0,665 mg 4%
Pantothenic acid 0,334 mg 7%
Pyridoxine 0,367 mg 28%
Riboflavin 0,073 mg 5%
Thiamin 0,031 mg 2%
Vitamin A 64 IU 2%
Vitamin C 8,7 mg 15%
Vitamin E 0,10 mg 1%
Vitamin K 0,5 mcg 1%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 358 mg 8%
Calcium 5 mg 0,5%
Copper 0,078 mg 8%
Iron 0,26 mg 2%
Magnesium 27 mg 7%
Manganese 0,270 mg 13%
Phosphor 22 mg 3%
Selenium 1,0 mcg 2%
Zinc 0,15 mg 1%
Karoten-? 25 mcg
Carotene-? 26 mcg
Lutein-zeaxanthin 22 mcg

If we look at the nutrition table for banana above, we know that this banana has many benefits for human health, and this is different from the benefits of bananas in general. Let’s see what are the health benefits of banana.

Health Benefits of Banana

1. Maintain a good heart rate

Bananas are rich in potassium including bananas. the potassium content in 100 grams of bananas can be 358 mg. Potassium is a mineral whose benefits and functions are to control blood health and heart rate. The benefits of potassium can also encourage muscle nerve performance and keep kidney health healthy.

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If the body lacks potassium, various problems and diseases will occur in the body. For that, try so that you can always have enough of this mineral in your daily life.

2. Resistance to Infectious Agents

Even though bananas are very sweet, they are high in vitamin C. In just 100 grams, it contains 8.6 grams of vitamin C.

The value of vitamin C in bananas is very good for maintaining resistance to infection. Vitamin C also acts as a very powerful antioxidant in providing resistance to various free radicals.

3. Healthy digestion

The next benefit of bananas is healthy digestion because these bananas are claimed to contain resistant starch or resistant starch. It is called resistant starch because it is resistant to enzyme hydrolysis in the digestive process.

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Its digestibility resistant makes this starch then fermented in the intestine by intestinal bacteria. As a result, this resistant starch will then form short fatty chains called butyrate or butanoate.

Butyrate or butanoate is very important in maintaining intestinal health along with the high fiber in bananas. The collaboration between the two can prevent an increase in blood sugar due to food (bananas are not digested directly but in a little way so that blood sugar does not spike.

Because the nature of bananas is cold, sweet and fibrous and is able to slow down digestion, this banana is very good to be used as a dessert after eating.

4. Good for the development of brain function

Bananas are also rich in peridoxins or vitamin B6, meaning that consuming one banana a day can meet 33% of our daily needs.

Peridoxins are complex B vitamins that are very good for heart health, immunity and good for the digestive system. Peridoxins also function to improve mood or mood, it works together with norepinephrine and serotonin.

5. Good for bone health

The health benefits of banana is also good for maintaining bone health. Bananas are rich in the mineral copper so it is good for bones because copper is the element that makes up human bones. About 50% of the copper in the body is in bone.

In addition, iron will be absorbed properly if the body has sufficient amounts of copper because it can form collagen. because in fact, the absorption of this iron is regulated by the collagen.

In addition, copper deficiency in the body can also increase the risk of bone-related diseases. Among them are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.

6. Increase dopamine

Regular consumption of bananas can also increase dopamine naturally. Dopamine is very important in maintaining the function of neotransmitters or messaging in the brain. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that affects feelings of joy, emotions, and so on.

The release of dopamine in the brain causes feelings of joy and confidence. When you fall in love and take you crazy, this is the effect of this dopamine at work.

So, consuming bananas can increase feelings of joy and pleasure because they can produce dopamine naturally.

7. Good for the metabolic system

One of the important minerals in bananas is manganese. Manganese is useful for helping the absorption of various minerals such as B vitamins, magnesium and vitamin E. Manganese is very important in various enzyme reactions that stimulate the metabolic system. If the metabolic system works fast, it will provide benefits for greater calorie burning.

So, to maximize the body’s calorie burn, it is very important to include bananas in the diet to lose weight.

8. Protect the body from metals and dangerous toxins

Bananas are also useful for eliminating harmful toxins in the body. Bananas contain catechins, these are compounds that have antioxidant activity. If catechins enter the body, eating it will minimize the risk of cardiovascular events.

Catechins in bananas are also useful for removing toxic substances such as cadmium, chromium, and mercury from the body.

9. Good for maintaining heart health

Bananas are low in sodium and rich in potassium, which are good for heart health. Consuming bananas regularly can prevent heart disease and stroke.

Bananas are rich in omega 3, phytosterols and lutein, which can lower cholesterol levels in the body. This extraordinary property has made many people love bananas even more.

10. Prevent constipation

Furthermore, the benefits of banana are preventing constipation. The high fiber content in bananas is very good for stimulating the work of the intestinal muscles in digesting food.

Bananas have extraordinary gastrointestinal properties, this has an impact on reducing the risk of constipation and constipation.

11. Bananas, foods with a low glycemic index

Foods with a low glycemic index are foods that do not raise blood sugar levels quickly after consuming them. So, foods like this are safe for consumption by anyone because they don’t trigger blood sugar. Banana is one of the fruits included in the low glycemic index.

Meanwhile, foods with a high glycemic index are foods that quickly raise sugar levels after consuming them, such as white rice, soft drinks and sugar.

12. Prevent depression

The next benefit of banana is to prevent depression. This is because bananas contain tryptophan which is one of nine (9) of the essential amino acids in the production of serotonin.

Serotonin is a chemical that exerts influence on appetite, influences mood and sleep patterns. If the serotonin in the body is very low, it can be sure that a person has mental disorders such as hopelessness, stress and depression.

To avoid depression and stress, try to walk frequently in the open air, consuming foods high in tryptophan such as bananas, milk, nuts and brown rice.

13. Banana is a natural ulcer medicine

Banana or banana is a natural ulcer medicine. So, anyone who has an ulcer should consume more bananas as food and avoid spicy and oily foods.

Bananas are foods that contain cytoindosides. This is a chemical that can stimulate the formation of mucus in the digestive tract. This mucus is useful in protecting the intestines from acids that can damage the mucosal lining of the stomach.

in addition to preventing stomach acid, bananas are also a good food for intestinal health because they can produce good microorganisms in the body. Foods like this are also called prebiotic foods.

14. Lowering blood pressure

One of the benefits of banana is to overcome hypertension or high blood pressure. Bananas contain potassium which is useful for controlling peripheral and central nerves so that it has a good effect on blood.

If you are among those who suffer from high blood pressure, it’s not wrong for you to routinely eat bananas or other bananas.

15. Energy Sources

The benefits of pisanga are also as a source of energy. The content of minerals and vitamins in it provides benefits to increase energy instantly. That is why bananas are very good for consumption after exercise or hard work because the antioxidant compounds in them can replace lost energy.

The combination of sugar and resistant patti in bananas is absorbed very quickly and provides instant energy.

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16. Maintain healthy skin

Bananas are also useful as natural foods for skin health. Consuming bananas regularly can keep the skin hydrated and prevent dry skin. The content of vitamin A in bananas is good for keeping the skin moisturised and glowing.

Bananas can be consumed directly or used as a face mask. Vitamin A in bananas will keep the skin healthy and moisturised.

17. Benefits of banana for weight loss

For those of you who want to lose weight, it is also suitable to consume bananas, especially bananas because they are rich in fiber and resistant starch, which are digested slowly. It feels full will last a long time so it doesn’t make you eat quickly or doesn’t make you eat large portions.

One medium banana already contains 3 grams of fiber, this is far greater than the amount of fiber in plums which is only 0.9 grams and fiber in a slice of watermelon which is only 0.6 grams.

18. Increase insulin sensitivity

Bananas contain resistant starch, so it is useful for increasing insulin sensitivity. If you consume 30 grams of resistant starch at a time, the effect is to increase insulin sensitivity in just 4 weeks.

Banana is one type of banana that is rich in digestive starch, so consuming bananas is very good for reducing the risk of diabetes because it can increase insulin performance.

19. Overcoming muscle cramps

The next benefit of bananas is to overcome muscle cramps. Muscles need electrolytes to be able to contract properly, and this delicious banana contains many minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, and all these minerals will act as electrolytes that are useful for muscle contraction.

20. Helping baby growth

One way to maintain the health of pregnant women and maintain the health of the fetus in the womb is to take high amounts of folate. Foods that contain include broccoli and banana.

Folate is present in bananas that are consumed by pregnant women will be beneficial for the absorption of fetal nutrition. The nutrition that is obtained optimally will certainly have a good impact on the development of the baby’s spinal cord and brain.

21. Prevent kidney stones

Kidney stones are a type of disease that occurs due to high calcium in the urine. If the body is deficient in potassium, the calcium will jump high in the urine, causing the formation of kidney stones.

Because bananas are high in potassium, it is very good to consume them to prevent kidney stones due to high levels of calcium in the urine. Health experts say that consuming bananas 4-6 times a week can prevent kidney stones.

Thus the benefits of banana are extraordinary. It is hoped that by knowing the benefits of banana, especially bananas, we can add bananas to our daily diet so that the body is always healthy. The thing to pay attention to is consuming bananas in moderate amounts, because anything that is excessive, including bananas, will not be beneficial for health.

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