6 Best Fruit Juice During Pregnancy

Fruit juice as an additional nutrition for pregnant women and fetuses

Fruit Juice During Pregnancy

Fruit Juice During Pregnancy – It is very important for a mother to consume lots of fruits and vegetables for additional vitamins and minerals for the health of pregnant women and the fetus. There are many fruits and vegetables that can be juiced, but among the many fruits there are some of the best. We have concluded the 6 best juices for pregnant women and their fetuses and this is very important for pregnant women to be fulfilled with vitamins and minerals during pregnancy.

Based on data from The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development, they stated that pregnant women who consume lots of fruits will tend to give birth to healthy and smart babies compared to pregnant women who do not like to eat fruit during pregnancy or consume less fruit.

If you are a pregnant woman who doesn’t like fruits and vegetables, try changing the method. Now try to consume fruits in the form of juice or vegetables in the form of juice, they will definitely taste better and have better nutrition. Remember, don’t add sugar to keep it healthy, if you have to, try adding just a little.

Here are some of the best fruit juices for pregnant women to consume, let’s take a look at them one by one:

6 Best Fruit Juice During Pregnancy

1. Orange juice


The benefits of orange juice for pregnant women are huge, if you don’t like eating oranges, try consuming the juice, who knows, you are addicted to orange juice. Orange juice contains a lot of folic acid which is very important for the development of the fetus in the womb. It should be noted, folic acid is a form of vitamin B which is beneficial for the health of babies in preventing brain defects and spinal defects.

The jam, oranges are rich in antioxidants from vitamin C which are good enough to prevent free radicals. Free radicals in the cause of various diseases in the human body.

Also read: The Fetus does not Develop in the Womb

2. Banana juice


Do not think that this simple and easy fruit does not have many benefits. Even the benefits of banana juice for pregnant women are extraordinary, it is a source of instant energy with natural sugar in it. So, someone who is tired when consuming bananas will immediately get energy back.

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, vitamin C, are rich in fiber and a great source of potassium. There are even people who say “don’t like to be an apple, if you are a banana. But still a banana because your benefits are not inferior to apples”.

See: How Much Vitamin C Should I Take Daily

For pregnant women, foods rich in fiber and potassium are very good for preventing constipation and preventing anemia. Apart from eating directly, mothers can consume bananas by making banana juice.

3. Carrot juice

One of the fruit Juice During Pregnancy is carrots juice. Carrots are orange vegetables that are rich in carotenoids, which are natural antioxidants in carrots that are important for health. The benefits of carrot juice are also very good for pregnant women and their fetuses. Carrots are a vegetable that is rich in vitamin A, magnesium, iron, B vitamins and rich in potassium.

The benefits of carrot juice can also reduce scar tissue that often appears in pregnant women.

4. Mango juice


Mango is also a fruit that is very rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and these nutritional values are very good for the health of pregnant women. So, the benefits of mango juice for pregnant women are immense and it is important to always fulfill its nutrients.

Vitamin C and vitamin A are vitamins that are very important for endurance. Pregnant women are important to keep the body strong and resistant to various diseases. In addition, vitamin B6 is important for the health of the nerves and brain of the fetus.

5. Avocado juice


Furthermore, the best fruit juice for pregnant women is avocado juice. Avocados are one of the fruits that have many important nutrients for health such as omega 3, vitamin C, vitamin B and vitamin K, choline, fiber, iron, potassium, and magnesium.

The benefits of omega 3 are to support baby intelligence, magnesium supports bone growth, fiber can prevent constipation that often occurs in pregnant women. While iron is an essential mineral for producing red blood cells that can prevent pregnant women from anemia.

6. Apple juice

Who does not know this expensive and healthy fruit. Apples are healthy, nutritious fruits. This is one of the best fruit juices for pregnant women that need to be consumed. Pregnant women are important to consume apples either directly or make as apple juice, remember not to add a lot of sugar because excess sugar is bad for health.

Apples are rich in potassium, fiber, vitamin C, and rich in vitamin A. Pregnant women are important to consume apple juice, because adequate nutrition from apples can provide a good birth, avoid allergies and asthma. Apples also contain nutrients that are important in increasing the body’s defense system against disease.

Also see: Apple Cider Vinegar: Health Benefits, Side Effects

Pregnant women are expected to always be vigilant, careful and truly selective in consuming food, fruits and vegetables during pregnancy because it does not only affect their health but also the fetus.

So, choosing the right fruits, vegetables and foods can support a healthy growth and development of a baby and a normal birth process.

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