Best Milk to Gain Weight: Here Some Best Milk Brands

Best Milk to Gain Weight

Best Milk Brands to Gain Weight

Best Milk to Gain Weight – Some people are busy losing weight, but some others are always trying to gain weight to appear full and fat. To get a rather full body, you don’t need to take health supplements or other things that are at risk of side effects. There are other ways you can fatten your body, namely by drinking weight gain milk.

In this article, we share some weight gain milk brands that you can try.

The Best Weight Gain Milk Brand

1. Appeton Weight Gain Adult

Among the many brands of body fat milk is Appeton Weight Gain Adult. This milk is able to increase muscle mass and increase body or muscle mass in the near future. This is milk for increasing body weight of men and women. Appeton Weight Gain Adult contains whey protein which is great for increasing body weight proportionally.

In Appeton also contains L-Lysine, which is useful for adequate protein needed by several parts of the body. You can get this milk at drugstores or pharmacies.

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2. Dancow Fortigro Enriched Full Cream

Dancow Fortigro Enriched Full Cream Milk is well known as milk for children, but milk is not specifically for children, but all ages who are over five years old can consume it, including adults. For adults, Dancow Fortigro Enriched Full Cream milk is a storehouse of high nutrients that can make the body of the person consuming it increase rapidly.

The protein in milk is also very high and this is good enough for the growth of adult muscles.

3. L-Men Gain Mass

Also, Best Milk to Gain Weight is L-Men Gain Mass milk. This is a dairy product that is rich in protein but low in fat so it is good at boosting muscles and not causing you to excess cholesterol. If you take regular weight supplements like L-Men, your body will gain weight quickly.

Consuming L-men gain mass can increase the amount of muscle up to one kilogram in a week. So you are very important to do sports if you have started to consume L-men mass gain so that the development of muscle mass is beautiful and muscular.

L-men milk is available in two flavors such as chocolate and banana flavors and has the benefit of increasing appetite.

4. Nestle Nutren Optimum

Best Milk to Gain Weight

Whey protein is one of the nutrients that is important in increasing muscle and fattening the body. Nestle Nutren Optimum is milk that contains 50% whey protein, it is specially made for those who need protein and special nutrition.

The content in Nestle Nutren Optimum is not good for gaining weight but is also intended for recovery from various injuries.

5. Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein

Best Milk to Gain Weight

Other brand of milk for gaining weight is Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein. This milk is specially made to gain weight or fatten the body. That is why it contains 100% whey protein.

For one glass serving, Ultimate Nutrition Prostar Milk 100% Whey Protein already contains 83% protein which is very helpful for fast weight gain. This milk not only increases muscle mass but can also prevent muscle mass loss.

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6. Ensure Vanilla

The Best Milk recommendation for Gain Weight is Ensure Vanilla. This is milk that is formulated to meet the body’s need for nutrients. According to experts, one of the causes for the body to become thin and not muscular is due to nutritional deficiencies, so Ensure Vanilla milk is made for that, when the body is sufficient nutrition, the body weight will increase rapidly.

Ensure not only contains protein, it is also equipped with high calcium which is good for bone growth and health. Apart from that, it also contains prebiotics (FOS) which are great nutrients for improving digestive health. This is a special milk for adults not for children.

7. Ultimate Nutrition ISO Sensation 93

Best Milk to Gain Weight

One more type of milk that can increase muscle mass quickly and gain weight, this is Ultimate Nutrition ISO Sensation 93 milk. This milk does not contain fat at all, it is only enriched with protein, so it can quickly stimulate muscle building and muscle mass.

To gain weight effectively and the results are good and healthy, it is recommended that you exercise while drinking this milk so that muscle building is better and more beautiful.

8. Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix

other milk for gain weight

Herbalife milk is milk that is very popular in losing weight. But few know if there is herbalife milk whose benefits are to increase body obesity. This is the Herbalife Nutritional Shake Mix or herbalife milshake.

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The way to drink herbalife milk to increase body weight is to balance it by consuming a balanced diet containing fat and protein. Herbalife milkshakes are dairy products made from ingredients that are safe for consumption and are registered with the BPOM.

9. Met-RX Xtreme Size Up

Milk for increase body weight

Furthermore, the Best Milk to Gain Weight is Met-RX Xtreme Size Up. The way this milk works is by increasing the growth hormone so that muscle mass, muscle strength will also increase rapidly. So what is the content in Met-RX Xtrem size up milk? It turns out that there are ingredients such as protein, calories, creatine, energy and glutamine.

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However, if you want to increase your obesity and weight with Met-RX Xtreme Size Up milk, you have to balance it with exercise.

10. Weight Gainer 1850

Weight Gainer 1850 Milk is a weight gain method that is highly trusted in America by both laymen and athletes. In Indonesia, this dairy product has also been found and sold freely. This milk contains very high calories with very low fat. So, this milk will increase body weight not with fat but with calories.

Drinking Weight Gainer 1850 milk can also increase your body’s energy, making it easier for you to do strenuous activities every day.

Those are some types of Best Milk to Gain Weight. Please choose according to your needs whether you are a person who likes sports or not. However, we recommend exercising regularly while drinking milk so that your muscle builders are nicer and more shapely and healthier.

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