Can You Eat Raw Sausage, Why?

Can You Eat Raw Sausage

Sausage is a modern food that now become an addition to various recipes. For those of you who like to eat sausages, you can choose raw sausage or cooked sausage in the store. So, there are many varieties of sausages sold in the market.

Sausage is a food made from ground meat and consists of various meats. Some sausages are made from beef, pork or lamb. You can choose according to your favorite needs.

Before the sausage meat reaches the seller, this food first goes through several stages of processing, usually through strict stages. As we know that the process of processed meat is not something that is easy to do.

In fact, there are also forms of preparation of sausage that pollute the environment.

Well, some people like to eat raw sausage because consider that the raw one is contains more nutrients. But wait a minute, talking about sausages is not only a nutrition problem, don’t let you prioritize nutrition, but you fall into other dangerous problems.

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How, there’s a question: Can you eat raw sausage? The answer is “no”, any form of meat must be cooked first, should not be consumed raw. It’s not just about the nutrition of raw sausages more than cooked ones. But raw sausage contains bacteria and various types of diseases that can infect your bodies.

If you are careful, on the sausage packaging there is a warning that eating raw meat is risky to health. So, the sausage producer just ordered the sausage to be cooked before consumption. Meat food is very susceptible to disease, so by going through the “cooking” stage, this food is safe for consumption because the cooking process has killed any bacteria that may be present.

So, don’t be fooled by information that says that eating raw meat can prolong life. If someone says that to you, think again.

Maybe the belief that eating raw meat can prolong life, but you should think again before eating it. Read on for this article to the end!

Why don’t you eat raw meat?

Ok, to understand carefully about this valuable information, try to read slowly and understand.

Let’s get it clear first!

Since ancient times our ancestors consumed raw meat and this has been going on for generations. Now, there are many dishes out there that are served raw and are considered as special dishes. In fact, consuming raw meat can put you in danger.

So, can you eat raw meat? Of course you can’t and you should stay away from eating raw meat. Ok, what about those who have eaten it long ago.

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In this case, before we explain further about “why raw sausage can not be eaten” there are several things that must be understood or there are several concepts that you must understand.

Why should humans avoid raw meat? This really should be avoided for two important reasons. First: Raw meat is difficult to digest by the body, and Second: Raw meat is rich in bacteria such as E. Coli and Salmonella bacteria.

These two reasons are enough to stop you from consuming raw meat. What for it is rich in nutrients, if at the same time you harm your body with destroying-bacteria.

The first thing is that raw meat is difficult to digest, this is related to digestive health. If a person continuously consumes raw meat, then the digestion will be burdened by its heavy performance in digesting raw meat. Raw meat is tough, tough fiber, and it is difficult to digest. When the meat is cooked, the texture is soft and easily broken down by the digestive system.

However, there are some raw meats that are easy to digest, such as thinly sliced ​​chicken and minced horse meat.

Certain animals do have meat that is easy to digest, but there are still things to be aware of when consuming it. Almost all raw meat contains bacteria, and this is the answer to the question “why should not eat raw meat.”

So, the bacteria content in raw meat like this also applies to sausages. So, raw sausage should not be eaten either because it is also part of the meat. To be safe, and you avoid health hazards, consume cooked sausage, not raw sausage.

Indeed, meat factories are monitored closely by the authorities, but still meat that has gone through a strict process will collect a lot of bacteria.

Culture of eating raw meat

As we mentioned above, consuming raw meat has become a culture for some people. There are even certain restaurants that serve raw meat as an exotic dish.

For example, Japan, they include people who like to eat raw meat, although in a different way with sausages.

Besides Japan, there are several other countries that like to eat raw meat such as Mexico, Uzbekistan, Indonesia, Switzerland and others.

So, why don’t those who eat raw meat get sick, don’t get infected with E.Coli bacteria and so on. This has to do with how it is prepared. There is a certain way of preparation before they enjoy the raw meat.

The raw meat that is enjoyed has been prepared in advance by a professional chef. For example, soak raw meat in boiling water for a while to kill bacteria on the surface of the meat.

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Then the new chefs move on to the next process of preparing raw meat.

Well, then the surface that is cooked or boiled or soaked in boiling water, is moved slowly so that what appears is the surface of the raw meat. Well, this is only in some places.

So, raw meat that has been prepared in such a way is still potentially susceptible to bacterial infection. Meat that has been cooked on the outer surface, even if the outside of the meat is removed, bacteria can still be exposed in various ways.

If you hear that eating raw meat is healthy and full of nutrients, you should think again, because this is a dangerous thing to do.

Likewise with sausage, even though it has been processed quite carefully, bacteria can still get on it. Bacteria are small creatures that are sometimes also in the air, that is why eating raw meat is not recommended.

How should you consume sausage

If you want to enjoy the deliciousness of sausage, then the only thing that is healthy and safe is to cook it first as suggested on the sausage packaging or use various other sausage recipes spread on the internet.

How to cook sausages to be safe for consumption is in a variety of different ways. You can boil it, fry it, saute it, or any other method that involves heat to kill any bacteria that might be in the sausage. If you don’t know the sausage recipe, just follow the sausage cooking instructions on the product packaging.

If your sausages don’t have instructions to guide you, you can cook them by frying them in the oil you heat in a frying pan. Or by boiling it in boiling water for 15 to 20 minutes.

Ideally, for perfect doneness, any cooked food should reach 165 F for about 12 to 15 minutes. This is the right temperature to cook the meat thoroughly and ensures that the cooked meat is bacteria-free.

When your sausage is cooked, you will notice that the color of the sausage will change from pink to whitish evenly on each side of the sausage. If you cut the sausage, then the color inside must be the same as the outside.

Some of the recommended ways to cook sausages are grilling, frying, cooking, deep frying or pan frying sausages. Don’t forget to flip the sausage so that it cooks evenly. Do not overcook as this can cause the meat to become tough or dry and lose its original flavour.

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What if I accidentally eat raw sausage?

Don’t worry and stay calm, call your doctor right away and tell him what’s going on. If you are already under the supervision of a professional, you have nothing to worry about.

Even if you eat raw meat, it’s actually not that scary either because it also depends on how the meat is prepared. If you prepare raw meat as done by a professional chef, maybe you will be safe, even though you still have the potential to be infected with bacteria.

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