The Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis

Difference Between Eczema and Psoriasis

Both types of disease occur on the skin and cause itching, inflammation and redness. Psoriasis and eczema have long been heard in the community but to distinguish between the two there are still many who do not know. This is because they both have similar symptoms.

Well, so to know where the difference between eczema and psoriasis, let’s look at the following explanation.

Difference between Eczema and Psoriasis

Again, to be able to tell the difference between the two, you should read on.

1. Psoriasis

As mentioned on the healthline page, psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes an overproduction of skin cells. Then these dead skin cells accumulate into scales with a silver-like color.

This not only causes itching but also causes skin color that tends to be red. Currently, there is no specific drug created to treat psoriasis, but some topical pharmaceutical treatments can put the disease into remission. This is not an infectious disease because it occurs due to autoimmune.

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2. Eczema

So what about eczema? Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. It is also a rare disease that occurs on the skin and is almost the same as psoriasis. This also includes long-term diseases that adversely affect the skin, eczema occurs due to hypersensitivity reactions.

Hypersensitivity reactions can cause the skin to overreact to certain triggers such as soaps, dyes, fabrics, animals and others.

Eczema disease generally occurs on the skin of infants, usually overcoming this hypersensitivity disease is in childhood or adolescence. Signs of eczema include red, peeling, inflamed, blistered, cracked, and pus-filled skin. Generally, eczema is not covered with dead skin that looks like scales as in psoriasis.

Eczema or dermatitis, like psoriasis, can appear anywhere. It can also cause severe itching. Most eczema can be treated with topical medications.

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Where do Eczema and Psoriasis Occur?

Here we look at the body parts that generally occur psoriasis and eczema.

1. Eczema

The eczema or dermatitis often occurs in bent body parts such as knees, elbows, even eczema can also appear on the neck, wrists and even ankles.

Eczema in babies can also occur on body parts such as cheeks, chin, scalp, chest, arms, back and legs.

2. Psoriasis

While psoriasis is a skin disease similar to eczema as well, it often appears on areas of the body such as:

Some other areas that may also be a place for psoriasis to appear are: Fingernails, toenails, eyelids, ears, skin folds, mouth and lips.

Psoriasis vs Eczema, what’s the Difference

1. Psoriasis vs eczema on face

Eczema and psoriasis can also appear on the face, so it’s not just on certain body parts. Let’s see how both processes occur.

Psoriasis on facial skin

Psoriasis is common in the knees and elbows, but this disease can appear anywhere. Including can appear on the face, neck or scalp. Treatment in this area usually resolves but often recurs.

As is often the case, psoriasis on the scalp often extends and extends to the ears, forehead, and even the neck. So this is difficult to treat especially on the head because it is blocked by hair.

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Eczema on facial skin

Like psoriasis, eczema that occurs on the skin of the face is also very annoying and difficult. It is very itchy, causing skin breakdown, possible bleeding or infection.

Eczema can also cause cracked skin, especially when the weather is dry. If you scratch the eczema, it sometimes oozes pus, making it crusty. Usually eczema that occurs on the face can often be treated with a simple topical way.

2. Psoriasis vs eczema on hands

Both of these diseases can also occur in the hands. If you experience this, the bad effects can cause you to have difficulty doing activities and then become lazy in your activities. This is the process!

Psoriasis on hands

Generally, psoriasis sufferers experience this disease on the back of the hands and fingers, but this disease can also appear on the palms of the hands with the appearance of patches.

The skin of the hands affected by psoriasis will peel and dry intensely. This can happen because of activities like picking up a bag, washing hands, this is very painful and really uncomfortable. Psoriasis that occurs on the hands can also occur on the nails, so it looks like a fungal nail infection.

Eczema on hand

Eczema is also like psoriasis, they can appear on the hands and this usually happens because of frequent contact with soap, with animals, lotions, contact with cloth, or because of exposure to allergens.

For people with psoriasis, hand washing is a bad thing, the more you wash your hands, the drier and worse your hands will become. This is one of the reasons why eczema on the hands is often difficult to cure. Frequent contact with water is the reason behind this.

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