7 Top Foods to Eat in Winter, To Keep the Body Healthy

Top Foods to Eat in Winter

The best foods eaten winter. Winter is the time to warm up many things, such as warming food, drinks, and even warming clothes. There is something more important to warm, this is our body. Our bodies undergo changes in food preferences so that the body always feels nice and warm. That’s why we always feel hungry in winter. We want to eat lots of food because the body needs calories to warm us up and feel better.

Although our bodies need to eat a lot of food to supply a lot of energy in winter, this is no reason to eat all foods without paying attention to health. So, this time’s review is about a healthy winter meal. This winter food can give you energy, provide additional nutrition and make your body burn calories so you feel warm.

Best Foods to Eat in Winter

Immediately, we check 7 foods for winter meals, foods that provide comfort and nourish the body.

1. Eat sweet potatoes

Sweet potato is one of the winter foods. These are foods rich in coconut starch, contain lots of fiber, potassium, vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are rich in nutrients and are great for boosting immunity, preventing constipation and reducing inflammation.

2. Turnips in winter

Furthermore, winter is delicious to eat foods rich in antioxidants which are useful for cleaning toxins in the body. During the winter season we need body repair to be healthy and able to survive properly. Turnips are foods full of vitamin A, vitamin K. This vitamin is located in the leaves, so it is better when cooking turnips you also eat the leaves.

Consuming radish and leaves is not only good for digestion but also useful for heart health, strengthens bones and is good for maintaining digestive health.

3. Eat in winter

The next winter food is dates. These are foods rich in iron, calcium, protein, and rich in vitamins and high in sugar as an energy source. However, because they are high in sugar, you should limit eating dates especially if you have diabetes.

Dates are rich in nutrients and various important substances, so it is very suitable for us to include in the food list for winter eating. Given the many possibilities for disease in winter, we need to eat foods that can provide the many nutrients that the body needs.

See too: 10 Fruits To Eat In The Morning

4. Nuts as winter food

To keep the nervous system functioning properly during winter, eat foods like walnuts and almonds. Nuts are also useful for maintaining heart health, controlling insulin, because these foods contain omega three fats and vitamin E.

5. Eat wheat in winter

Wheat is a staple food, offering lots of fiber making it safe for health compared to rice. Wheat is a food to eat winter, very suitable because it boosts immunity due to the presence of zinc. Winter is usually prone to constipation due to reduced water intake. Wheat or oatmeal is the right food because it is rich in fiber which can keep the intestines easy to work in digesting food.

6. Eat Broccoli and cauliflower for the winter

Cauliflower is a suitable vegetable for winter because it is rich in vitamin C, and vitamin C is one type of vitamin that can provide resistance to the body. Consuming broccoli and cauliflower regularly in winter can keep you healthy and active during winter.

Also see: Which Foods Have More Vitamin C Than An Orange

7. The takeaway

In order to maintain good health during winter, there are many things to pay attention to. Besides regular exercise, the food we eat must also be in accordance with the needs of our bodies. During winter, our bodies experience changes in food preferences, so we should not increase our consumption of certain foods. There are special foods that are suitable for consumption in the cold season because they are suitable for the condition of our body.

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So, balance out the winter workouts and food as we already mentioned above. Apart from focusing on food, you also have to keep your body hydrated by consuming water appropriately. Usually, in winter a person doesn’t feel thirsty due to the cold atmosphere, but you should still drink 8 glasses of water a day even if you don’t have any interest. This is important for keeping the body hydrated.

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