Golden Kiwi Facts and Health Benefits

Golden Kiwi Facts and Health Benefits

The Golden kiwi is known as Actinidia Chinensis, it is a colored kiwi tree with golden fruit and is known as a medicinal tree. This tree is native to central and eastern China. Plants with the popular name Actinidia Chinensis are mostly attacked by bees because they have a sweet taste that is pleasing to the bee colony. Golden kiwi has several other popular names such as Gold Kiwi Fruit, Chinese Actinidia, Kiwi Gold, Kiwifruit, Yellow-Fleshed Actinidia, red kiwifruit, and red-ringed kiwifruit.

This kiwi tree also has edible fruit and several other types are only used as ornamental plants. Another benefit is as medicine.

Plant Description

Golden kiwi is a woody, vigorous, deciduous, climbing, dioecious vine (liana) with white-brown, lamellate pith. Normally golden kiwi plants can climb up to 10 meters high. Young stalks and petioles are pale white. Usually the golden kiwi plant grows in mountain areas, shrubs with high grass conditions, secondary forests, shrubs, and is very good for growing in fertile, well-drained and moist soils.

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Get to know the skin and trunk

Golden kiwi has a long stem like a whip, green to light brown to brownish white. This plant grows lengthwise upwards or vertically. The trunk is easy to cover with small hair. In later periods, these tiny hairs disappear and the color of the trunk changes to a fine glossy brown. The new bark is green and it will quickly turn brown. While the old stem is light brown. Those are some of the characteristics of the golden kiwi tree or the hinese Actinidia.

Leaf characteristics

The leaves are oval in shape with a wide size. Many of the leaves are found almost resembling a heart shape. While the leaf size is about 3 inches to 5 inches. Leaf veins or leaf skeleton clearly visible on the back. The color of the petiole is brown and slightly reddish with a petiole about 1 1/2 inches long.


The golden kiwi plant has two types of flowers, namely male and female. Morphologically, the flowers are categorized as perfect, but in functional terms, they are not perfect. The golden kiwi jantang produces quite a number of white heads of up to 200 anthers, but these are the remains of the pistil. While female flowers only produce a few anthers but the stigma is non-functional. These plants produce flowers or begin flowering during the early to mid-spring months. Golden kiwi flowers in the shape of a bowl or plate with a diameter of 1-2 inches. For good pollen, one male flower is good for three female flowers or four. A good pollination time must match the acceptance of the stigma.

Golden kiwi fruit

After the flowers appear on each branch, it then produces fruit with an oval shape to resemble an egg. The fruit can reach 3 inches in length. Gold kiwi fruit has a greenish brown rind and is covered with fine hairs. The flesh of the fruit is green (ordinary kiwi) and some are golden yellow (golden kiwi). Kiwi fruit weight, usually in the range of 70 grams – 140 grams. Ripe golden kiwi fruit can be harvested in late summer to early fall.

Health Benefits of Golden Kiwi

The golden kiwi fruit is a fruit that has tremendous health benefits. Various nutrients that provide various health benefits. Below we mention various reasons why golden kiwi is so good for our health.

1. Prevents Dehydration

Kiwi fruit is a fruit with a lot of water content so it is great for preventing thirst. This fruit is very useful in replenishing lost body fluids during a full day of activities. So, consuming it can prevent dehydration of the body and it is very good at protecting the body from fatigue.

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2. Maintain eye health

Damage to the central components of the eye is the result of macular degeneration. This could be the cause of a person losing their sight. Kiwi fruit has benefits for this, it has certain nutrients that can protect the eyes from macular or degenerative damage.

Based on information from, it is stated that consuming three servings of golden kiwi fruit every day can reduce the risk of macular degeneration by up to 36%.

3. Prevent high blood pressure

One of the dangerous diseases is high blood pressure. The benefits of golden kiwi can also prevent high blood pressure, so it is best consumed by those who have hypertension or high blood pressure or those who are at risk. Apart from the golden kiwi fruit, yellow melon also has the same benefits as the golden kiwi. So, yellow melon is the best substitute for golden kiwi for getting this benefits.

4. Blood flow

The benefits of golden kiwi are to improve blood flow in arteries by preventing blood clots or clots from occurring. So, for patients who are dealing with clotting problems, they are very good at consuming Golden Kiwi. How to consume kiwi fruit can be cut into several slices or by making kiwi juice.

5. Protect DNA

Another benefit is to protect the body’s DNA tissue. This fruit contains nutrients that play a role in keeping DNA tissue healthy and in prime condition. That is why, it is important for us to consume golden kiwi fruit, if a person has good DNA then his health is maintained.

6. Beneficial for digestive health

One of the causes of various diseases is due to unhealthy digestion. Golden kiwi fruit contains lots of water and is rich in fiber which is quite good for digestive health. So, the health benefits of golden kiwi are maintaining digestion so that by itself various other diseases can also be prevented before their arrival.

7. Prevent diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that occurs due to damage to the pancreas, which produces insulin. Diabetes is a very influential factor in reducing immunity. That is why if someone has been attacked by abetes, he will be susceptible to various diseases, either mild or severe.

Consuming golden kiwi fruit regularly is good for preventing diabetes. This is a fiber-rich and acidic fruit with little sugar so it is good in controlling diabetes.

8. Good for Diet Regimes

The golden kiwi fruit tastes sour and is highly recommended for people on a diet. Gold kiwi contains fiber which makes a person full quickly without having to increase the food portion. So, whoever is on a diet program, is very good at consuming golden kiwi.

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9. Keeping the heart from coronary disease

The health benefits of golden kiwi for the heart. The high water content in this fruit will make it easier for the heart to pump blood so that it can support heart health. People who regularly consume golden kiwi will have a healthy heart and are free from coronary disease.

10. Prevent cancer

Kiwi is a fruit rich in vitamin C, which is good at keeping the body’s cells healthy so they don’t cause cancer. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant which has tremendous benefits for health. Among the benefits of antioxidants is to shed free radicals (which cause cell damage), so that cells remain healthy and do not cause cancer cell.

11. Cure asthma

Asthma patients are also good at consuming golden kiwi fruit. The content of vitamin C is quite important for health, including lung patients. The supply of vitamins mentioned in a study is very good for lung health. Meanwhile, for children, the benefits of golden kiwi can reduce the occurrence of wheezing.

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Traditional Golden Kiwi Uses and Benefits

  1. Kiwi fruit and its stems are diuretic, as a sedative and as a febrifuge.
  2. The fruit and stems are also used in treating stones in the urinary tract, treating esophagus and liver cancer and rheumatoid arthralgia.
  3. Kiwi leaf water is good for treating scabies in dogs
  4. The Kiwi stem juice is used in treating gravel disease
  5. Kiwi fruit is also great for treating insomnia, it can improve the quality of your sleep.
  6. very high antioxidant content which is good for fighting cancer and free radicals
  7. To prevent DNA damage, DNA damage can cause dangerous diseases such as cancer and inflammation
  8. Good for increasing immunity so that it is not susceptible to disease
  9. Prevent constipation if consumed regularly
  10. Prevents stomach pain, diarrhea and various problems related to digestion
  11. The content of carotenoids is beneficial for eye health. Ingredients such as lutein and Zeaxanthin are good for preventing macular degeneration.
  12. Gold kiwi fruit is useful for protecting the skin from damage due to exposure to ultraviolet rays
  13. The use of kiwi fruit is also well-known as a wrinkle prevention agent on the skin due to its high antioxidant properties
  14. Rejuvenates the skin so that it looks always youthful.

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Other Benefits and Uses of Golden Kiwi

  1. The potassium content in kiwi fruit is good for regulating blood partners so that the blood is always stable
  2. Kiwi fruit is also useful for maintaining electrolyte balance in the body and preventing the bad effects of excess sodium in the body.
  3. Kiwi fruit is also beneficial for heart health. The high fiber content in golden kiwifruit is useful for regulating cholesterol levels.
  4. Prevent heart attacks and strokes
  5. It is good to be consumed by those with irregular heartbeat problems
  6. Useful for weight loss because it is a low calorie fruit.
  7. Golden kiwi fruit is beneficial for respiratory health and prevents shortness of breath
  8. Useful to help prevent inflammation of the lungs
  9. Helps cure respiratory problems such as asthma, wheezing and coughs.

Ayurvedic Benefits of Golden Kiwi

In the world of ayurvedic medicine, golden kiwi also has several very important benefits. Here we look at two benefits from the side of ayurvedic medicine.

1. Immune Booster

To strengthen your immunity with gold kiwi, you can make your own potion. The trick is to add two slices of kiwi in a glass and one lemon, a few parsley leaves, add 2 to 3 mint leaves, also add half a spoon of pure honey. Add water to a full glass. Then mix everything, you can blend and drink every day. This herb is able to give strength to our body’s immunity.

2. Obesity

To treat obesity with golden kiwifruit, take 2 mint leaves, a few fresh parsley leaves, half a teaspoon of honey, half lemon and two kiwifruit in a glass of water. Consumption every day, then this herb is useful for reducing your weight.

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