8 Amazing Health Benefits of Mango, Good for Skin

health benefits of mango

Mango is not only sweet in taste, rich in fibrous but also has many health benefits. Let’s take more detail look at the various benefits of the fruit. We will take a look at amazing health benefits of mango. Like Mango Benefits for Skin, how to eat mango and benefits of eating mango at night.

Mango is a fruit that originated from East India, Bangladesh and Myanmar around 30 million years ago. The mango fruit is nicknamed the king of fruit and mango is a fruit that has earned its own place for the people of India, Bangladesh and Myanmar.

A food historian mentions in his book A Historical Dictionary of Indian Food: “From it’s very first mention as ‘amra’ in the Brahadarnayaka Upanishad (c.1000 BC) and in the slightly later Shatapatha Brahmana, the virtues of mango fruit have been extolled for three thousand years. ”

In Buddhist life, it is stated that the mango fruit is the Buddha’s favorite fruit. He meditated in the serenity of the lush mango grove. Such is the history of the mango fruit in the past which is very familiar with the life of the Indians.

In making delicious mughlai kebabs, the role of mangoes cannot be separated. The function of the mango here is as a kebab softener. Historically, during the Portuguese era of mangoes in the 16th century, they were very interested in mango plants and then introduced this mango tree to Africa.

Mango fruit is not only popular because of its deliciousness, it is a very popular fruit in the world, not only chewy, sweet and delicious, but mango provides many health benefits. From the many advantages of mangoes, it seems that we have no more reason not to consume mangoes.


In that we mention some of the best benefits of mangoes that you may not have hit yet. Hopefully, by mentioning the benefits of this mango, it can increase our health knowledge.

1. Good for digestion

One of the health benefits of mango is that they are good for digestion. In the book “Healing Food”, it is stated that mangoes contain enzymes that work to break down proteins.

In addition, it is also rich in fiber which is beneficial for digestion. It is known that the benefits of fiber are preventing heart disease, type 2 diabetes.

In addition, mango also contains pectin which is very good for health and young mango (green) contains more than ripe mango.

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2. Good for eye health

Mangoes are also beneficial for the eyes, so it is great to include mangoes in the list of fruits that you must include in your weekly diet.

Mango contains vitamin A which acts as an antioxidant and is good for macular degeneration associated with vision loss in old age.

So, consuming mangoes is very good for eye health. If you want to maintain eye health, don’t forget to include mangoes in the list of healthy fruit foods besides tomatoes, carrots and apples.

3. Good for intestinal health

Still based on the book “Healing Foods”, mango is a fruit that contains prebiotic fiber which is useful for the development of good bacteria in the gut.

The abundance of good bacteria in the intestine will aid digestion and maintain intestinal health so that it helps in all things related to stomach health.

4. Great for boosting immunity

Mango is a fruit that is rich in vitamin C. One standard size mango contains vitamin C up to 2/3 of the daily recommendation.

To fulfill this need, you only need to eat two mangoes. It is very supportive of the body’s immunity so it is not prone to coughs, colds and fevers.

5. Good for diabetics

The health benefits of mango for diabetic. Mango is a sweet fruit, but diabetics don’t need to worry about consuming mangoes. Why is it good for them? because mango is a healthy fruit that has a low glycemic index. The mango glycemic index values ​​ranged from 41 to 61 and the mean was 51.

The value 51 was the lowest value on the glycemic index. Foods with a glycemic index below 55 are considered foods with a low glycemic index.

Fruit with a low glycemic index is safe for diabetics, because consuming this fruit does not cause spontaneous release of sugar in the blood. Sugar is released slowly in the blood so there is no spike in blood sugar.

6. Mango benefits for lowering cholesterol

The health benefits of mango is also great for lowering LDL or bad cholesterol. The pectic content in mangoes plays a role in resetting cholesterol levels.

This means that those who like to eat young mangoes (which are higher in pectin content) are useful for reducing excess bad cholesterol so that they avoid plaque in blood vessels or improve blood flow.

7. Mango Benefits for Skin

Apart from its great health benefits, mango is also useful for beauty, one of which is to beautify the skin.

Mango is rich in vitamin C and vitamin A. Both of these vitamins are very important for skin health.

The benefits of consuming mangoes regularly are also known to be able to get rid of dead skin in the skin pores. Nutrition experts say that mangoes can cleanse the intestines of toxins.

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– Hydrates Skin

Mango is known for its benefits for the skin because it is rich in antioxidants that can keep the skin nourished. In addition, mangoes contain potassium and vitamin E which are great for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.

– Improves Skin Tone

The mango benefits for skin also maintain skin tone, and moisturize the skin. Not only does it improve skin tone but consuming mangoes is also very good for softening and smoothing the skin. Mango is also useful in smoothing the surface of your skin so that it looks more beautiful and beautiful.

– Healthy Skin

Consuming mangoes regularly can also provide other important benefits such as healthy skin. Mango is a super fruit or known as the king of fruits, it contains many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for the skin.

If you rub mango on the skin, it will work like a wonderful ingredient in softening, smoothing, and making your skin naturally healthy.

– Mango benefits for skin in preventing acne

If your skin is oily and blotchy, you want to fight it, then mango extract is a great thing for this. Mango contains vitamin C which is quite important for skin health, this is useful for reducing inflammation, such as acne. While the magnesium content in mangoes is useful for preventing oily skin.

Apart from that, mangoes are also rich in skin cleansing astringents, so it’s like using skin beauty products. The benefits of mango extract are very great for improving skin and nourishing it.

– Mango benefits for skin in increasing immunity

Smearing mango extract on the skin surface can provide strong immunity to the body. This extract will enter and penetrate the skin and make the skin resistant to the entry of harmful foreign objects.

– Great for soothing skin

Furthermore, the mango benefits for skin are to relieve inflammation and soothe the skin. Mangiferin is a powerful antioxidant found in mango peels, seeds and mango core.

The antioxidants present in mangoes work to eliminate inflammation so that acne and rosacea can also be eliminated.

– Increase skin elasticity

The collagen content in the skin plays an important role in skin health. Collagen is a substance that is very much in the body and it is useful for keeping skin youthful.

With A vitamin content, the health benefits of mango appear in the up of list food. Vitamin A in mango also works together in beautifying the skin, removing skin lines. With more collagen production, our skin will be healthier and free from wrinkles or signs of aging.

Those are some of the benefits of mangoes for skin specifically. To maintain the beauty of your skin, you must be diligent in consuming mangoes. Choose young mangoes and ripe mangoes, eat them alternately to get plenty of nutrients.

8. Helps lose weight

Furthermore, the health benefits of mango is good for weight loss. So, consuming regularly in the right amount is very good for the health of the body, especially in losing weight. In mango peel, there are phytochemicals that are useful for burning fat.

Meanwhile, mango flesh is rich in dietary fiber which is good for maintaining satiety so you don’t want to overeat. So, when consuming mangoes you should not remove the skin.

You can wash it thoroughly under running water and then enjoy immediately.

Also see: 5 Fruits to Avoid for Weight Loss


Mango is a healthy fruit that is rich in nutrients and is very important for consumption to meet many nutritional needs every day.

Mango is not only good for consumption during the day, but also has benefits when consumed at night. Instead of snacking on junk food at night, you are snacking on mangoes.

As we mentioned above, mango is the king of fruit, everyone knows that it is very beneficial for human health.

credit img to legit.ng

Below we see what are the benefits of eating mango at night or before sleep.

1. Improve sleep quality

It turns out that consuming mangoes before bed can provide many health benefits. It is said that eating a few slices of mango before bed can improve the quality of your sleep. Mango contains vitamin B-6 which is useful for serotonin synthesis.

Serotonin is a useful substance for producing melatonin, it is a sleep-stimulating hormone. So by consuming mangoes before bed can stimulate the body to fall asleep quickly.

2. Treating congestion

Mango contains antimicrobial properties which are useful for eliminating phlegm and curing coughs. One of the health benefits of mangoes is to get rid of nasal congestion and can open the respiratory tract, so you can breathe freely while sleeping.

3. The benefits of eating mango at night to prevent blood pressure

Mango is a fruit that is useful in preventing blood pressure. So, eating mangoes can get rid of problems related to blood pressure.

The content of potassium, fiber is useful for producing more insulin so that it can maintain better blood health, especially maintaining blood pressure.

4. Good for heart health

The benefits of eating mangoes at night are also useful for improving your heart health. Mango contains potassium and magnesium, both of which are beneficial for maintaining healthy blood health, keeping a steady pulse and keeping your blood vessels relaxed.

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5. Increase concentration

The health benefits of mangoes also relate to a good concentration boost. Mango is rich in glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is a protein that the body uses to send various information from the body’s cells to the brain. So, with an increase in glutamic acid, it is said to improve concentration and memory.


After we know some of the health benefits of mangoes, the benefits of mangoes for the skin and the benefits of eating mangoes at night. Now we need to know how to eat mangoes properly and easily.

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Credit img to mexicanmademeatless.com
  1. First, you need the mango, a sharp peeling knife and a spoon. If there is a cutting board this is helpful but not mandatory.
  2. Grasp the thick bottom edge of the mango, use a paring knife to make a horizontal incision and lower the blade down until you feel the seeds. Move the knife until you reach the initial incision.
  3. Set your knife aside, now use both hands to pull both sides of the mango off. How: you can rotate the two parts of the mango that have been sliced ​​up to the seeds. Rotate both sides of the mango off.
  4. One part has seeds and one part has holes. Now use a spoon, and you can take the mango pulp with that spoon, it’s very fun.
  5. As for the seedy part, you can use a knife and slice it, or if you want, you can take a bite of the mango flesh, it’s delicious and delicious.


That’s the right and easy way to eat mangoes. To succeed this way, choose mangoes that are perfectly ripe. An immature mango cannot be eaten this way, it must be sliced ​​with a knife as a whole.

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