Healthy Lifestyle: 6 Ways to Always Be Healthy and Fit

Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle – Everyone certainly wants to live a healthy life throughout his life and even want to get a long life without any disease in his body. But only a few people are aware of healthy living. While the rest is just slogans and lip service, the lifestyle and daily habits of life do not reflect the lives of healthy people.

As evidence, there are still many people who spend a lot of money on eating out with unhealthy foods. How much each day do we consume unhealthy foods such as fried foods, juck food, canned or packaged foods full of preservatives.

Even this unhealthy lifestyle and lifestyle is more often seen in the environment of well-financed people. They should be a pioneer because they are able to live a good and healthy life with all the healthy foods from consuming food, fruits and so on.

Hopefully this will be an encouragement for us to live healthy. Just look, if we don’t care about our healthy life now, it’s the same as we have mortgaged our future life. Today we don’t pay attention to healthy food and a healthy lifestyle, so in old age we are likely to experience many diseases.

So in this article I feel it is important to invite all of us at the same time to make ourselves aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. We will summarize this article in the title of a healthy lifestyle: 6 ways to live to stay healthy and fit.

However, beforehand, let’s look at how unhealthy lifestyles are so that we understand with certainty and in detail about clever ways to live a healthy life.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Many unhealthy lifestyles are practiced in everyday life. Even some of us do not know that this way of life is actually completely unhealthy and not good for our health.

The following are bad habits that we often do or unhealthy habits. Let’s look at the following one by one:

1. Smoking

Smoking is a bad habit that has absolutely no positive value. Cigarette smoke is not only toxic to the smoker itself but can also be a much dangerous poison to those around you or who do not smoke.

Cigarette smoke contains nicotine and it is addictive so it is very difficult for those who have smoked a lot. You must know that smoking is bad for your health, but you are completely helpless to withdraw from the habit of smoking even if you spend a lot of money, and kill you slowly.

So, smoking is a bad act that makes your health worse as you age.

2. Drink alcohol

Drinking alcohol or drinking alcoholic beverages is one of the bad qualities that can threaten your health. People who have a lot of alcohol in their body will lose their awareness of the bad effects of this drink.

That is why in Islam it is forbidden to drink alcohol and all types of drinks that contain alcohol. Do you know the dangers of drinking alcohol? alcohol can cause problems in vital organs such as the kidneys, heart, blood vessels and liver.

3. Consuming fried foods in excess

Furthermore, an unhealthy lifestyle is consuming fried foods such as fried banana, bakwan, and others in large quantities or consecutively every day.

Fried foods, especially those rich in carbohydrates, can form carcinogens in the body. This carcinogen is called acrylamide and it is a stimulant for the appearance of cancer cells in the body.

Especially if you often snack on fried food on the side of the road. The reason is because this food has a very low level of hygiene. So, avoid snacks outside or bring healthy food from home wherever you go.

4. Not drinking enough water

Water is the most important thing for the body because the body always needs water in various ways and functions. However, some urban people drink water very rarely because they sometimes prefer to consume bottled drinks or soft drinks. Apparently, soda is very refreshing and delicious but the effect on health is very bad.

So, what are the bad effects of not drinking water? One of them is to prevent the kidneys from working optimally so that they can gradually damage the kidneys. There is an incident in the true story, a person who drank a little water for a long time so that he finally experienced kidney problems and eventually died as a result of his illness.

5. Rarely exercise

Exercise is a healthy way of life, so not or rarely exercising is an unhealthy lifestyle. So many of us see that people like sports have healthier lives than those who don’t like sports.

So, exercise – whatever its form – is very important, especially for those of you who work sitting down or are sedentary. Office workers, computer workers such as bloggers and others. A person who lacks movement will cause the body to become stiffer and heavier so that eventually it becomes lazier to move. This is the root of the emergence of the disease.

6. Stress

Stress is a problem that is very often found in modern life, especially as a result of financial pressure. So those who do not have gratitude will always feel depressed about life, especially if they are among those who always pursue style and appearance, as a result when this is not achieved, stress arises.

Stress is a psychological disorder, but the bad effects will appear on the physical. A stressed person will experience an erratic mood so that all the functions of the organs in his body will be disturbed and eventually various diseases will appear in his body.

And worse, stressed people need an outlet, and the usual thing is food. The more stressed a person is, the more likely they are to eat large amounts of food. If this happens, disease and obesity will quickly come to your door.

Healthy Lifestyle, Smart Way All the Time

Above we already know about the causes of unhealthy lifestyles and unhealthy behavior, now is the time for us to enter into this discussion, namely a healthy lifestyle.

To be able to live a healthier life and physically far away from diseases, follow the healthy lifestyle below. Here are some points that we consider important in living a healthy lifestyle.

Also read: 4 Healthy 5 Perfect Food

1. Regular health checks

One of the important things in carrying out a healthy lifestyle is to always carry out routine health checks every 6 months or once a year. The purpose of a health check-up is to find out early on the health condition, so that if your health is in trouble, you can immediately find a solution.

Health checks can be done everywhere such as in a hospital. Hospitals usually have a special place for health check ups. The cost of a medical check-up is usually 620,000 or 735,000. However, there are also some places that charge more.

By doing a health check, you will immediately find out if you are currently having health problems, especially diseases that are difficult to detect. However, with a health check-up, you will know immediately if you are experiencing heart symptoms, diabetes symptoms, or stroke.

When you do a health check up, some of the organs and body parts that are important to check are physical, X-rays / chest x-rays, eyes, laboratory tests, and audiometry.

2. Stop smoking

For smokers, stern warnings against the ill effects of smoking have been repeatedly seen, read and even memorized. This sounds a warning on cigarette packs “Smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence, and pregnancy and fetal disorders”. However, all smokers are helpless under the confines of cigarette poison, every time they smoke a cigarette, the more they are addicted to the cigarette.

So those who want to stop smoking colonization should be truly committed to this. Remember that people who do not smoke if exposed to cigarette smoke will be more dangerous than yourself who smoke them. What if a father smokes cigarettes in the family, his children, wife and everyone he loves will be poisoned slowly.

So, if the smoker really loves his family, stop smoking early, don’t wait for tomorrow, especially when you feel ready to quit. if not from now on then the cigarette will never be able to stop.

Illness caused by smoking

Maybe, smokers need to understand very well about diseases that can occur as a result of smoking. This disease is not only felt by smokers, but also those who are exposed to your cigarette smoke (passive smokers). These are some diseases that are clearly caused by cigarette smoke.

Pregnant women who smoke a lot, even though smoking for pregnant women has multiple adverse effects, it does not affect her but also the fetus in her womb.

Based on data from WHO, in 2008 about 45% of women smoked, 27% of whom were pregnant women. Remember, if you are pregnant and smoking, it is the same as preparing your child for birth defects, or abnormalities.

So we really regret the pregnant woman smoking, she is not only killing herself, but also trying to kill her own fetus. So, here we need awareness not to try to smoke cigarettes anymore, because this is very dangerous for health.

Easy Tips to Quit Smoking

If you are aware and want to know how to quit smoking tips, or how to quit smoking easily without being hurt. Here are ways and tips to quit smoking for you, hopefully this will be useful.

– Meet less with fellow smokers. The more often you meet fellow friends who smoke, the more likely you will smoke.

– Change to something else. If your desire to smoke arises, try replacing it with another snack as an ingredient for you to chew, such as candy, candy or other food.

– Stop slowly. Quitting smoking is tough. So, start slowly and have a strong commitment so you can succeed. If you can spend two packs a day, try reducing it to one pack, then reducing it by half a pack again. Perform these smoking cessation tips consistently.

Those are some tips for quitting smoking, if these tips aren’t enough, try to find friends who also want to quit smoking. Make an agreement that whoever is caught smoking must pay a fine to those who do not smoke, for example paying 1 million or 5 million. If there were a lot of them, of course you would think a hundred times about smoking.

3. Do physical activity

Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle is to increase physical exercise or physical activity. The point is all actions that involve physical activities such as sports and cleaning the yard, cleaning the yard and so on.

You can do jogging, walking, cycling or just cleaning the grass in the yard. This is very important because this activity moves the muscles and body causing sweating.

Benefits of Exercise or Physical Activity

Among the benefits obtained from physical activity are as follows:

4. Healthy diet or balanced nutrition

A balanced diet is one way of running a healthy lifestyle. So, you don’t just eat the food you like and leave the food you don’t like.

However, a balanced diet is consuming a variety of foods with various nutrients in them, be it fruits, vegetables or meat and others. To have a balanced diet, you must understand the following three principles:

So, if you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle, the three types of principles above must be applied. If you only eat a variety of foods and don’t do physical activity, then this has not been said by people who adhere to the principle of a balanced diet.

5. Get enough rest

Adequate and quality rest is very important for health, especially in carrying out a healthy lifestyle. Getting enough rest at night will give you good health the next day. This must be done every day, you must get adequate rest every day.

Adequate rest will relax the muscles of the body, restore fitness, and regenerate damaged cells so that someone who has good and quality rest will have a quality life.

The sleep duration for adults is between 7 and 8 hours 24 hours a day and night. while children have a greater amount of sleep than adults, so the development of children’s bodies greatly affects their rest. So, don’t force the children to study or anything else, if it’s time for break, invite them to take a break because this is very important for their health and growth.

See: The Social Benefits of Exercise

School age children should sleep at least 9 hours a day, while toddlers (babies five years) should sleep at least 13 to 14 hours a day.


Living a healthy life or living a healthy lifestyle are things that are easy to say, but very difficult to realize. The only way to be able to live a healthy lifestyle is to instill a strong azam and a strong mind to be able to get a healthy body and be useful for yourself and others.

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