How to Freeze Parsley Easily

How to Freeze Parsley Easily

Easy Ways to Freeze Parsley

The way to keep fresh parsley for a long time is by freeze it. There are two ways to freeze parsley and we will learn about this in a moment. Parsley is usually frozen when the harvest is bountiful. So, to keep it from rotting itself, we have to preserve it so that once the harvest from this biennial crop can be used for a long time. However, if it is frozen, parsley is sometimes no longer 100% the same as the taste of fresh leaves, however we must do to keep it intact.

To freeze parsley, first dry the parsley and clean it. Don’t get water on the parsley leaves when they’re about to freeze them. Frozen water droplets or water crystals on the leaves can damage the resistance of the leaves. Here are two easy ways to freeze parsley that you should know to apply to this year’s harvest.

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Freeze Parsley in a Bag

Make a two-layer bag, remove the air from the bag until it runs out, put the parsley leaves and put it in the freezer after the kanting is sealed. Just put the leaves and stems into the bag.

When you want to use parsley, please take it, usually a good use of parsley is in making dishes such as gremolata or sauce gribiche, or tossing with mashed potatoes, so it’s no longer suitable if you want to use it as a decoration on top of your dish. Parsley that has been frozen is perfect for adding in various dishes to get its aroma.

Freeze Parsley in Cubes

The second way to freeze parsley is to make ice cubes. Remove the parsley leaves from the stems, blend with a little water and use enough olive oil to make a thick puree.

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It’s easier to freeze parsley in a small, closed container, you can try using a small container or an ice tray. After freezing, now the parsley is in the form of cubes or frozen ice. Transfer to a plastic sealable bag, it will last for a long time.

Now, when you need parsley for your cooking, take a cube or two of parsley and dip it in stews or soups. The taste of this parsley spice will be felt in your cooking. Parsley, which has been frozen using the cubes method, is also suitable to be used as a garnish on grilled chicken, by making a drizzle of ice cubes over grilled fish. If you enjoy making steamed clams, then adding this drizzle of parsley from cubes is perfect.

Curly Vs Flat-Leaf Parsley

If you are faced with a choice of two types of parsley, namely curly parsley and flat leaf parsley, then choose flat leaf parsley. There are many advantages of this type of parsley. Among them are the leaves are easy to clean if there is dust or dirt, rich taste, easy to cut and chopped, if you want to separate the leaves from the stems are also very easy to do. So, it is the best choice if you are faced with two choices of parsley.

Ok, that’s how to freeze parsley easily, hopefully it can add to your knowledge. When you harvest high, now you don’t need to worry anymore because you can preserve parsley leaves by freezing them. Good luck!

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