The Human Digestive System, Here’s the Explanation [Complete]

Human digestive system

Human digestive system – Food enters the body through the mouth, esophagus and other organs until it reaches its ultimate goal of being a source of nutrition or becoming waste products that will be excreted through the anus. Based on a study, it is stated that the human digestive system has a size of 30 feet when measured from the mouth to the anus.

What is the Human Digestive System?

The digestive system in humans is a system that is a means of processing and processing food and drinks from the mouth to digestion and processing it in such a way that the food can be utilized by the internal body to take its nutrients and the rest is disposed of as feces.

From the other side, the digestive system is the process of changing food and taking food nutrients by the body with the help of enzymes that help breakdown these foods so that food becomes simpler and can be used as a source of nutrients needed by the human body.

The human digestive system consists of:

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Main Tract in Human Digestion

The main parts or organs that affect human digestion are:

These 6 organs are parts of the body that are very influential on the digestion of food. Here we see the explanation one by one.

1. Mouth

The mouth is the first and top organ in the digestive system, all food and drink to get to the stomach, of course, must pass through the mouth first and then continue to other digestive organs.

The mouth does not only stand alone but there are important parts of the mouth that allow a person to chew food freely. Among the most important parts in the mouth is the tongue which functions to correct the position of food so that it is easy to chew, besides that the tongue also functions to taste food.

Another part that is quite important in the mouth is the teeth, the function of the teeth is to chew food so that the food becomes smooth and easy to digest in the next part of the digestion. There is also saliva or saliva, this is a very important part too, the function of saliva is to keep the oral cavity clean and free from bacteria besides that it also functions to make it easier for food to be swallowed.

2. The esophagus

Human digestive system

The esophagus is a passage through which food will pass after chewing it before the food reaches the stomach. How long does it take for food to pass through the esophagus? Actually, food passes through the esophagus not at once in one beat or pull, but food passes through the esophagus or esophagus and takes about 6 seconds.

3. Stomach

The next digestive organ is the stomach. The stomach in scientific language is in line with the ventriculus, this is a digestive organ that is shaped like a pouch and it is located on the left side of the stomach.

The stomach is divided into three parts and its existence is very important in the digestive system. One of the functions of the stomach is to produce hydrochloric acid which is useful for killing bad microorganisms in the food we consume.

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4. Small intestine

The small intestine is the digestive system after food passes through the stomach, so from the stomach the food will then enter the small intestine. The small intestine itself consists of several parts, namely the duodenum, the absorption intestine and the empty intestine.

So how does it work? This small intestine works by several processes such as producing enzymes that are useful for converting certain substances to be utilized by the body.

5. Large intestine

Apart from the small intestine, which is included in the digestive organs is the large intestine. The large intestine is an organ that is useful for holding food at a later stage. To destroy food in the large intestine, there is Escherichia coli, a bacteria that plays a role in the process of putrefaction.

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6. Anus or rectum

The rectum or anus is the end of the large intestine, this is the last part of the digestive system where the stool will pass through to be disposed of as waste.

When did stool enter the rectum? New feces enter the rectum when the food in the previous digestive system, namely the large intestine, is full. When it is full, it will automatically enter the rectum and be ready for removal.

Process of Digestion of Food in Humans

The digestive process in humans is the same as what we discussed above, starting from the mouth organ, ending at the anus. To be clearer, here we look at the order of the digestive system processes in humans.

Mouth >> Pharynx >> Esophagus (Esophagus) >> Stomach >> Pancreas >> Gallbladder >> Liver >> Small intestine (duodenum, empty intestine, absorption intestine) >> Large intestine >> appendix >> Umbai Worms >> Rectum >> Anxs.

This digestive process can be clear like this: food first enters the mouth and is chewed until it is smooth so that it is easily digested and then enters the stomach through the esophagus. When the food is in the stomach, a chemical digestion process will occur, where the food is digested with enzymes produced in the stomach.

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In the stomach, usually the food only lasts 4 hours, then the food will be passed on to the small intestine. Well, when in the small intestine, the food will be absorbed by the body and the rest will be separated as feces later. After everything is absorbed by the body, the remaining food will be passed on to the large intestine and turn into feces.

This stool will be passed into the rectum, and if the feces (feces) are full it will be removed through the anxs.

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