Is Premier Protein Bad For You? Here is The Answer

Is Premier Protein bad for you? A frequently asked question in our WhatsApp group. So, here we want to give the answer in two versions. For those of you who want to get the answer quickly, we provide a short and straight to the point answer. The answer is “Yes Premier Protein is bad for you”. This is a type of drink that contains controversial artificial coloring, sweeteners and many other ingredients that must be considered. The best way to get daily protein is from real foods or from real protein sources.

Is that enough for you? If you want a more detailed answer, we will explain to you why Premier Protein is bad for you? Or maybe someone is asking if Premier Protein is good for you? The answer is the same as we explained above. Now let’s see why Premier Protein is an unhealthy food or drink and should be avoided by you.

Is Premier Protein Good For You?

To be able to explain properly and completely, it seems I have to start slowly. Is Premier Protein good for you? Let’s see the review below.

Living a healthy life is difficult and requires a lot of patience. Now there are many foods in stores that invite our appetite or tantalize our taste buds but most of them are not healthy food but bad food for our health. This temptation alone is very difficult for us to stick to our stance in living a healthy lifestyle or maintaining a healthy diet.

See too: When It Comes To Protein, How Much Is Too Much?

One of the drinks and protein sources that tempt many people is Premier Protein. Many ask if Premier Protein is bad for you, or if Premier Protein is good for you. If we look at the ingredients, this is not a product that is recommended for daily consumption. Premier Protein is a product that is bad for health considering that it contains artificial coloring, sweeteners and so on which are very dangerous for our health.

To find out more about Premier Protein, read on until the end of this article!

If this is really bad food for you, why is this food produced?

According to the company itself, Premier Protein is a product that can keep a person active throughout the day. This means that you are a lot of work and are always in hard work every day, you can consume Premier Protein. It tastes delicious, can withstand hunger, and can add energy to you any time or whenever you need it.

If you look at the nutrition table on the 11 ounce bottle with vanilla flavor it states that Premier Protein contains only 160 calories. 3 grams of fat and 1 of them is saturated fat. Also contains 4 grams of carbohydrates, 30 grams of protein. If we look at these ingredients, it looks like they are not so dangerous for consumption and not so bad for health.

However, when you start digging into the other ingredients, you’ll be surprised that Premier Protein isn’t the ideal drink for everyday consumption. The company does not make this drink as your daily drink. However, this is a drink to maintain stamina, work power and prevent hunger. It is suitable for those who work hard. So, Premier Protein is not a food or drink made for all of you.

So, we can’t blame the company, why they produce this drink. But it is we who must be selective in choosing our daily drinks and food. That’s what I said that maintaining a healthy lifestyle is difficult and a lot of temptation.

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Premier Protein contains DATEM (diacetyl tartaric acid ester of mono- and diglycerides). During the manufacturing process, it was difficult to mix water with this protein powder so they had to use DATEM. So, this DATEM is useful in stabilizing the drink so that it is easy to mix with water and does not cause lumps. But it is very unfortunate because this DATEM is known to cause heart fibrosis and increase adrenal excessively as in experimental animals. Indeed, this is only limited to experiments on animals, but it is possible to experience the same thing in humans.

These shakes also contain artificial colors and sweeteners which are also not good for human health. Among them are acesulfame potassium, caramel coloring, sucralose, and more. Sometimes the materials used are very controversial. A number of studies and studies on artificial sweeteners say there is a connection with several health problems. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to allergic reactions, cancer, obesity, and several other diseases.

While caramel coloring is said to also have something to do with increasing blood pressure, and is known to cause cancer.

So what is your attitude? You should not use food products like this because the side effects outweigh the benefits you get. If you want to get protein, then it is best to get the original source of protein, not processed, such as chicken breast and so on. Protein from food sources throughout the day is better than buying specialty products like these that are manufactured by processing.

You want to know what are good sources of protein for consumption? Try getting lean poultry such as chicken breast, eggs, snack nuts, fish, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, and skim milk. If you are an athlete and you do a workout every day, you can consider consuming protein drinks, if not, then you should stay away. If you have to choose a protein product, then choose a natural or organic non-GMO like Orgain. Whenever you buy a health product, don’t forget to pay attention to the ingredients, if necessary use the internet to find out more about your food.

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What bad effects do you get if you often consume Premier Protein? Here are some possible side effects that occur.

Possible short-term side effects

Allergic reaction

Possible long-term side effects

Ingredients you should pay attention to in Premier Protein

The positive side of Premier Protein

– Low in fat, calories and sugar

– Contains 30% protein

– Easy to get

– The price is cheap

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