7 Health Benefits of Single Clove Garlic (Solo Garlic)

Manfaat Bawang Putih Tunggal

Single clove garlic or called also with solo single is garlic that consists of only one clove, or garlic without the clove. Indonesians call it “lanang” onions. Single clove garlic has many names, including lanang, solo garlic, single bulb garlic, and there are those who call it “pearl garlic”. This type of garlic has many health benefits and is even more active than regular onions.

Not much different from garlic in general, where single clove garlic contains important substances such as Allicin and also contains essential oils.

single clove garlic can be characterized by its round shape and whiter color. But there is a difference in function, if ordinary garlic which consists of many cloves is often included in food seasonings. It is different with single clove garlic or solo garlic which has never been a food spice, maybe because it has so many benefits for health and its scarce availability.

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Benefits of Single Clove Garlic

About solo garlic, we have summarized an article, specially about its many benefits, below, we will look at the benefits of single clove garlic one by one.

1. Good for treating flu

One of the benefits of single clove garlic is to treat flu. In single garlic contains a substance called sulfur, this is useful for accelerating the activity of the mucous membrane on the throat wall.

This sulfur is also useful for helping nasal congestion during colds. This substance can also help to expel phlegm or mucus during a cough or flu.

In single garlic also contains phytochemicals. Phytochemicals are useful for killing viruses and bacteria. Not only does it kill the flu virus but it can also kill other viruses.

2. Single garlic is good for preventing cancer

Garlic is great for preventing dangerous diseases like cancer. Solo garlic is very good for treating cancer, especially colon cancer and stomach cancer.

In addition, single clove garlic is also very good for removing toxins in the liver due to the organosulfide content in single clove garlic. So research proves that those who consume a lot of single garlic are safer and avoid the risk of cancer, especially stomach cancer, colon cancer.

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3. Lower cholesterol

Single garlic also has tremendous benefits in reducing cholesterol levels in the body. Even these onions can reduce up to 12% LDL cholesterol levels in the body for 4 days after consuming them.

Not only lowers LDL but single garlic can also help reduce cholesterol-causing fat so that heart health is maintained.

4. Single garlic is good for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a time that is very alert and one must be careful in maintaining health. There are cases of pregnancy that cause complications of various diseases. Consuming solo garlic, as quoted from popmama.com is very good for the health of pregnant women, because it can prevent various possible complications of disease.

Those who experience preeclampsia during pregnancy are also strongly advised to consume garlic. The enzymes in the body that slow down during pregnancy can also be increased by consuming single garlic.

5. Good for improving memory

The next single garlic benefit is to improve memory. The compounds in single garlic can repair damaged brain cells and can even regenerate damaged brain cells (neurons) so that they can improve memory. It can even improve memory.

6. Maintain stamina

For those of you who like sports and want to improve memory, consuming single garlic is one of the traditional solutions that is easy to do.

Increased stamina can also cause the body to be more resilient to various conditions of disease attacks. This is thanks to the ability of a single garlic to fight various viruses and bacteria.

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7. Lowering high blood pressure

For those of you who have a history of high blood pressure or indeed you yourself often experience spikes in blood pressure due to narrowing of the blood vessels, the solution is to consume single clove garlic.

Solo or single clove garlic is rich in sulfur which is useful for producing endothelium. Then there will be relaxation of the smooth muscles and vasodilation (dilation of blood vessels). After this happens, it will be followed by relaxation of the smooth muscles located on the walls of the blood vessels, this is what causes high blood pressure to be prevented.

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