Amazing Benefits of Onions that You Should Know

The health benefits of onions

The health benefits of onions are tremendous in supporting human health and well-being. Its presence in food is a blessing. Onion are spices that are rich in health benefits, they are always present in various recipes. Without onions, the taste of food will be bland and unpleasant on the tongue. But the benefits of red onions are not only for kitchen purposes, there are a myriad of benefits of onions in improving our health and well-being. Here we will see what the benefits of onions that many people don’t know, we will share useful information for you for free. Read on for this article to the end!

Onion and Its Nutritional Value

Every time we cut onions for various purposes, this always stimulates the flow of tears. This happens because the onion contains sulfur and Allinase. However, this is one of spice that is quite rich in nutrients that the body needs.

Among the nutrients you get from red onions/shallots are vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, manganese, phytonutrients, and are also quite rich in antioxidants. Among the antioxidants are flavonoids, quercetin, allicin, almost the same as in garlic. So, it is a boon from nature for the welfare of the earthlings if they are good at using it. (See too: Garlic Fried Rice Recipe)

Among the health benefits of onions are weight loss, lower risk of cancer, and make your skin look radiant and beautiful.

So, why should you eat onions? Come on, let’s see what are the benefits of eating red onions for health below.

Amazing Benefits of Onion for Health and Well-Being

1. Prevent cancer

One of the benefits of consuming onions is to prevent cancer. The high content of antioxidants from onions makes it an important food or spice in expelling cancer from the body. There is a recent study published in the journal American Clinical Nutrition, it is stated that there is a close relationship between consuming onions and lowering the risk of several types of cancer. The nature of onions is to encourage apoptosis (cell death) of cancer cells so that it is good in the prevention and treatment of cancer cells.

Also see: Benefits of Carrot Juice, Preventing and Overcoming Cancer

2. Benefits of onions for bone health

Onions also have a big role in healthy bones. Not only is it rich in antioxidants that can prevent it, but onions are also rich in anti-inflammatory which is good for bone protection and gives strength to bones to fight free radical damage.

Consuming onions is also beneficial in preventing osteoclasts. In addition, it can also strengthen collagen in bones thanks to the content of Allicin or sulfur Allicin. People who consume or include lots of onions in the regimen will have better bone density. This is good for health and can lower the risk of hip fracture.

3. Benefits of onions for gut health

Onions are said to be rich in inulin, which plays a role in maintaining good bacteria in the gut, and promotes protection against gut microbes. The benefits of inulin present in onions are also useful for preventing constipation that often occurs in those who lack fiber.

Other benefits of inulin are regulating blood sugar, improving nutrient absorption and increasing bone strength and density.

4. Lowers LDL cholesterol

The benefits of onions are also important in lowering excess bad cholesterol and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. When you slice an onion, you usually shed tears because of the pain, this is because onions release Alliinase (anti-cholesterol substance).

Onions are also enriched with Saponins and Quercetin which support the reduction of bad cholesterol, thus providing great benefits for heart health. So, a diet high in onions is great for heart health and everything related to the heart, including hypertension.

See too: 4 Signs of High Cholesterol That Important to Know

5. Beautify skin

Onions contain vitamin C, Allicin, B6, sulfur all of which work in improving skin health so that your skin looks radiant and clean.

It also acts as a strong antiseptic in nature to prevent various skin diseases like acne or ringworm.

6. Onions maximizing benefits of the tomatoes you eat

When you consume tomatoes or onions, consume them together because they can help each other. Onions maximize the benefits of tomatoes and tomatoes can also maximize the benefits of onions.

Researchers say that onions (sulfur content) can increase the absorption of lycopene in tomatoes. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant in tomatoes that is useful for killing cancer, heart disease, eye disease, protecting the brain and bones.

Likewise, when you consume tomatoes, balance them with onions because this will maximize the nutrients you get.

The way to consume both is to make a salad dish, both of which are a suitable combination for salads. They are also great for combining in curries, soups, omelets, and salads.

7. Benefits of onions for high blood pressure

Quercetin is a very valuable antioxidant in onions, its benefits are to improve heart function. You can eat just a small part of the onion in a salad every day, in a serving of dals, this will provide great anti-inflammatory properties, prevent clogging of blood vessels due to cholesterol and fat. So, onions can be a healthy alternative to prevent high blood pressure.

If you are brave, try chewing one clove of onion every day, it will provide great benefits for well-being.

See more: White Foods: Important to Consume In Improving Health

8. Manage Diabetes

Onions are good news for diabetics. Blood sugar spikes can be controlled by the presence of sulfur in onions, so this is a great spice for diabetes and pre-diabetes.

Onions also come with a fairly abundant content of dietary fiber so that it helps digestive health. Prevents the urge to eat large portions, and is good at curbing appetite. The antioxidant content in onions adds to its high health benefits. Its antioxidants affect the normal functioning of the pancreas, regulate insulin production and keep glucose levels in the blood stable. See, how great the benefits and blessings in onions.

How To Make Onion Juice?

Among the benefits that you get from using onion juice are as follows:

1. Cure acne

Onions are anti-microbial and anti-fungal and are great for clearing pimples and scars. Another benefit of onion juice is as an anti-inflammatory and is also useful for treating fungal infections. How to use it is to smear on your face for 10 minutes, but be careful with sensitive skin. Apply first on a small area and see the reaction, if it is safe for your facial skin, then you can use it evenly on the face.

More: The Best Onion Substitute for Cooking

2. Slow-down Aging

Onion juice is also rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, it can fight cell damage caused by free radicals, reduce wrinkles, and slow down premature aging. The content of sulfur compounds in onions is useful in the synthesis of collagen so that skin regeneration occurs quickly.

3. Prevent allergies

Furthermore, the benefits of onion juice is to prevent allergies. Quercetin is abundant in onions and is useful for treating allergies and lowering the risk of chronic inflammation. It also works almost the same as antioxidants that both kill free radicals. Another benefit of quercetin is the elimination of histamine in the body.

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