Top 10 Best Benefits of Birch Essential Oil In Healing

benefits of birch essential oil

Birch essential oil is the oil obtained from the bark of the birch tree. This tree is scientifically known as Betula Lenta and sometimes also known as Sweet Birch Oil. The health benefits of birch essential oil are so great that many people find out about this oil and they want to buy it. This is also an encouragement for us to share this health information with everyone.

In this article, we will review the benefits and uses of birch essential oil or sweet birch oil in the world of health. What are the benefits and possible side effects of this oil, read on until our review is over!

Why is birch oil so good for health? It turns out that this oil derived from the birch tree is 100% salicylic acid and methyl salicylic. Both types of acid are very important in providing comfort to muscles, relieving discomfort in bones, joints, and even being useful as germs and bacteria killers in the medical world. Well, that’s what makes this oil expensive and much sought after.

Such content makes the health benefits of birch essential oil quite diverse and broad. Among the benefits are as a stimulant, tonic, disinfectant, antidepressant, detoxifying, analgesic, antirheumatic, diuretic, antiseptic, antiarthritic, astringent, germicide, febrifuge, insecticide, and useful as a depurative agent. The benefits are incredible for health, so read on until you find a valuable storehouse of this information.

Before we look at the benefits of birch oil one by one, let’s first know the various types of birch oil. Birch essential oil consists of several types, including white birch, silver birch known as Betula Pendula, formerly known as “Betula Alba”. There are also types of black birch, cherry birch and sweet birch which are known by the scientific name “Betula Lenta”. Birch oil has many health benefits thanks to its salicylic acid, betulene, methyl salicylate and Betulenol content.

The plant or birch tree is known as the vine and is widely grown as an ornamental plant and it has many medicinal benefits since ancient times.

Best Health Benefits of Birch Essential Oil

The benefits of birch oil are mainly related to its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. This means that diseases related to fungal and bacterial infections can be prevented and treated with the help of birch essential oil.

With the various compounds present in birch oil, it has several health benefits, including:

1. Prevents infection and fungus

The main benefit of using birch essential oil is as a remedy for both of the above problems, namely fungi and bacteria. The components responsible for this are Salicylic Acid and Methyl Salicylate. They are known as germicides and bactericides. They are substances that can protect the skin from bacterial and fungal infections. Thus, any skin problem resulting from both infections, the use of birch essential oil is very important in dealing with the infection.

2. Controls diabetes

Diabetics often find it difficult to heal their wounds. For that, they must be careful with every wound that appears on his body. So if that happens, birch bark can be one of the drugs worth trying so that the wound does not enlarge and does not turn into a serious wound.

A study published in the Journal of Natural Products, stated that birch oil is effective in controlling or healing wounds in diabetics. However, for certainty, this research must have support from other studies. This means that further research is needed to find out this fact.

The health benefits of birch essential oil is reducing the body temperature during infection. It also acts in eliminating toxins through the stimulation of sweating. So, by using birch oil, diabetics who experience it can be cured more quickly.

3. Benefits of birch oil for pain relief

Aches and pains in joints and muscles can be relieved with the use of birch essential oil. Likewise, it can cure pain related to toothache and headaches, you can use this oil for a faster healing process.

In addition, it is also an antispasmodic which works to relieve discomfort.

4. Relieve arthritis symptoms

Diseases related to poor circulation such as edema and rheumatism and arthritis can be treated with Birch. This is because birch oil is beneficial in improving circulation and blood circulation.

With this ability, diseases related to circulation can be treated. The process of removing toxins from the body is the treatment method of Birch oil and this is what makes a person with rheumatic conditions, arthritis and edema recover quickly.

5. Helps detoxify the body

Furthermore, the health benefits of birch essential oil are to remove toxins or as a detoxifier. Toxins such as uric acid can be easily eliminated and removed from the body through sweat and urine.

That is, birch essential oil is useful as a blood purifier and blood purifier of toxins.

6. Benefits of Birch as a skin toner

Birch essential oil has long been known to have good health benefits in treating skin problems. Use in small doses is reported to be useful in removing wrinkles on the skin and clearing the skin of dead skin cells.

The astringent content in Birch is said to be useful for strengthening gums, muscles and hair. This effect gives you the appearance of being younger than your age. So, birch oil is good as a natural remedy to keep the body young and beautiful.

7. Cure psoriasis and eczema

Birch essential oil health benefits as anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal. This benefit is good in curing psoriasis and eczema because it can relieve itching and redness.

For optimal results, apply birch essential oil on the infected body once a day. This will reduce itching and redness and speed healing of eczema and psoriasis.

8. As a Febrifuge

For those of you who have a fever, lowering body temperature with this oil is very effective. Its use can stimulate sweating and with the release of sweat, the body temperature will gradually improve.

Well, sweating like this is a detoxification process which in essence can heal faster because the body has removed the toxins.

9. Treating skin diseases

One of the health benefits of birch essential oil is that it treats skin ailments slowly. Actually, eczema and psoriasis are skin diseases as well, but their benefits are not limited to the two types of disease. But the health benefits of birch can also overcome more skin diseases caused by fungi and bacteria.

The content of salicylic acid and methyl salicylate is a very good element in curing skin diseases. So, you can treat eczema, ringworm, psoriasis, tinea versicolor, and other skin diseases.

10. As Diuretics

Another benefit of birch oil is that it stimulates urination and increases the frequency of urine. This provides a greater chance of removing more toxins from the body. Betulene and betulenol are components that act as diuretics.

The process of urination is the process of removing body toxins, losing weight, overcoming urinary infections, improving digestion, lowering blood pressure and cleaning the kidneys and reducing kidney performance.

Urination is also a preventive process against the formation of kidney stones, lowering uric acid content and arthritis.

Recommended use of birch essential oil

– To get so many health benefits of birch essential oil is use as aromatherapy throughout the day and used in bottles or used as a massage oil in the solar plexus to increase self-confidence.

– As a booster for your inner spirit and use in conjunction with other aromatherapy oils. When you feel unloved, unloved, then by using this oil you can find your confidence.

– During meditation, breathing exercises, apply birch oil on the soles of your feet.

– Use or add birch essential oil in your humidifier.

– To reduce tension, massage two drops of birch oil on your neck and shoulders. You can massage it 2 to 3 times every day.

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Dosage of Birch Oil

There is no specific recorded dosage for using birch essential oil. So, in using it you can try little by little by feeling the effects and reactions.

But for sure, in its use you have to mix it with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil.

Side Effects of Birch Essential Oil

We have knew some best health benefits of birch essential oil, but how about the side effects that possible occur by using the oil. So far, there are no known side effects as long as it is used according to the advice. This oil is non-irritating, non-toxic, but can sometimes cause things like allergies or pain in sensitive skin. So in the application, you have to try it in small doses first to find out how it affects your skin.

There are no known side effects for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. So, every time there is a desire to use it, you should consult your doctor first.

However, in one type, Sweet Birch (Betula Lenta) oil is said to be toxic and can cause skin irritation. Because of this condition, pregnant women should avoid its use. The effect can sometimes injure the fetus that is still in the womb.

For mixing Birch oil with a carrier oil, you can choose a carrier oil such as Benzoin, Rosemary, Sandalwood, and Jasmine Oils.

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