Recipe for Chicken Soto, Kuah Bening

Chicken Soto Recipe

Chicken Soto Recipe is a familiar recipe for most of us. This cuisine is very popular among the people with various flavors. Chicken soup is very delicious when enjoyed while cold like in the middle of a heavy rain. Chicken soup usually has a yellow broth which is a result of the turmeric ingredients in it. But there is also a clear type of soup known as chicken soup with clear soup.

Maybe as happy as you would like to think of this soup. Even though the broth is clear, this is soup, not soup. If you are curious, we will share the clear soup recipe for chicken soup with you. We will see how it is made and what ingredients are provided in this soup so that the soup remains clear and not yellow like most chicken soup broths.

Soto Chicken Recipe Kuah Bening

Immediately, we see what are the ingredients in making this clear chicken soup, and follow the steps.

The ingredients

The basic ingredients are:

Supplementary material:

Chicken Soto Seasoning

Ground spices:

Ingredients for Making Sambal

* To make chili sauce, all the ingredients above are mixed evenly after being mashed first.

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How to make:

  1. The first step is to saute the spices that you have prepared, remember ..! Use low heat so it doesn’t burn, saute until it smells good
  2. The next step, boil the chicken in a pan with 2000 ml of water and add the soto, galangal, lime leaves, bay leaf and lemongrass, cook for about 30 minutes (until the chicken is tender).
  3. At this point, the process of making the clear soup is finished, try it, if necessary, add spices to suit your taste, for example salt, pepper or flavoring.
  4. The next step is to separate the chicken meat with the bones, you can use a knife or fork. If you want, you can put the bones in the sauce again.
  5. The final step is to add the leeks, simmer for a while before serving.

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How to Serve Chicken Soto Cuisine

  1. Prepare a serving bowl
  2. Enter the sliced cabbage, bean sprouts, glass noodles, tomatoes, eggs and chicken meat
  3. Water the top with boiling soup. Sprinkle the fried onions on top
  4. Then serve with crackers, chili sauce, and orange slices (optional).

This is the recipe for making clear soup chicken soup, very suitable as an iftar menu or as a lunch menu on days other than Ramadan. (If you are in Ramadan, lunch is prohibited, :)). Good luck and greetings to culinary success.

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